Support hot reload of Zulip Schedule

- Move sheets API into common dir, since multi use
- Live download from Google Sheets using Config
- Falls back on old schedule if new one can't be downloaded for some reason
ZeldaZach 8 months ago committed by Mike Lang
parent a34af372d0
commit 8bbc72184c

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import logging
from common.googleapis import GoogleAPIClient
from .googleapis import GoogleAPIClient
class Sheets(object):

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import common
import common.dateutil
from common.database import DBManager, query, get_column_placeholder
from .sheets import Sheets
from common.sheets import Sheets
sheets_synced = prom.Counter(

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ RUN pip install gevent==22.10.2
COPY chat_archiver/girc /tmp/girc
RUN pip install /tmp/girc && rm -r /tmp/girc
# Install common lib first as it changes less
COPY common /tmp/common
RUN pip install /tmp/common && rm -r /tmp/common
# Actual application
COPY zulip_bots /tmp/zulip_bots
RUN pip install /tmp/zulip_bots && rm -r /tmp/zulip_bots

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import gevent.monkey
import csv
import logging
import time
from calendar import timegm
@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ import argh
from .zulip import Client
from .config import get_config
from common.sheets import Sheets
@ -200,28 +200,33 @@ def post_schedule(client, send_client, start_time, schedule, stream, hour, no_me
send_client.send_to_stream(stream, "Schedule", "\n".join(lines))
def parse_schedule(user_ids, schedule_file):
def parse_schedule(sheets_client, user_ids, schedule_sheet_id, schedule_sheet_name):
schedule = {}
user_ids = {user.lower(): id for user, id in user_ids.items()}
with open(schedule_file) as f:
for row in csv.reader(f):
name = row[0].lower()
if name in ["", "Chat Member", "Hour of the Run"] or name.startswith("-") or name.startswith("["):
if name not in user_ids:
logging.warning(f"No user id known for user {name}")
user_id = user_ids[name]
if user_id in schedule:
logging.warning(f"Multiple rows for user {name}, merging")
_, old_hours = schedule[user_id]
merged = [
old or new
for old, new in zip(old_hours, row[1:])
schedule[user_id] = name, merged
schedule[user_id] = name, row[1:]
raw_schedule = sheets_client.get_rows(schedule_sheet_id, schedule_sheet_name)
except Exception:
return None
for row in raw_schedule:
name = row[0].lower()
if name in ["", "Chat Member", "Hour of the Run"] or name.startswith("-") or name.startswith("["):
if name not in user_ids:
logging.warning(f"No user id known for user {name}")
user_id = user_ids[name]
if user_id in schedule:
logging.warning(f"Multiple rows for user {name}, merging")
_, old_hours = schedule[user_id]
merged = [
old or new
for old, new in zip(old_hours, row[1:])
schedule[user_id] = name, merged
schedule[user_id] = name, row[1:]
return schedule
@ -250,7 +255,17 @@ def main(conf_file, hour=-1, no_groups=False, stream="General", no_mentions=Fals
send_auth = config.get("send_user", config["api_user"])
send_client = Client(config["url"], send_auth["email"], send_auth["api_key"])
group_ids = config["groups"]
schedule = parse_schedule(config["members"], config["schedule"])
sheets_client = Sheets(
reload_schedule = lambda: parse_schedule(
groups_by_shift = {int(id): shifts for id, shifts in config["groups_by_shift"].items()}
# Accept start time timestamp with or without trailing "Z" indicating UTC.
@ -259,14 +274,25 @@ def main(conf_file, hour=-1, no_groups=False, stream="General", no_mentions=Fals
start_time = start_time[:-1]
start_time = timegm(time.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
# Attempt to download the schedule
schedule = reload_schedule()
if schedule is None:
raise Exception("Schedule failed to download")
if hour >= 0:
if not no_groups:
update_groups(client, group_ids, groups_by_shift, schedule, hour, start_time, last)
if stream:
post_schedule(client, send_client, start_time, schedule, stream, hour, no_mentions, last, omega)
while True:
hour = int((time.time() - start_time) / 3600)
# Download a new schedule or use the old one if there's a failure
new_schedule = reload_schedule()
if new_schedule is not None:
schedule = new_schedule
if not no_initial:
if not no_groups:
update_groups(client, group_ids, groups_by_shift, schedule, hour, start_time, last)
