@argh.arg('--host',help='Address or socket server will listen to. Default is (everything on the local machine).')
@argh.arg('--port',help='Port server will listen on. Default is 8004.')
@argh.arg('connection-string',help='Postgres connection string, which is either a space-separated list of key=value pairs, or a URI like: postgresql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME?KEY=VALUE')
@argh.arg('channel',help='The channel this instance will serve events for')
@argh.arg('bustime_start',help='The start time in UTC for the event, for UTC-Bustime conversion')
@argh.arg('default-channel',help='The default channel this instance will serve events for')
@argh.arg('bustime-start',help='The start time in UTC for the event, for UTC-Bustime conversion')
@argh.arg('--backdoor-port',help='Port for gevent.backdoor access. By default disabled.')
@argh.arg('--no-authentication',help='Do not authenticate')