@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ TIMEOUT = 5 #default timeout for remote requests
def get_nodes():
"""List address of other wubloaders.
This returns a list of the other wubloaders as strings of the form 'protocol://host:port/'"""
This returns a list of the other wubloaders as strings of the form
# either read a config file or query the database to get the addresses
# of the other nodes
# figure out some way that the local machine isn't in the list of returned
@ -30,16 +31,19 @@ def get_nodes():
logging.info('Fetching list of other nodes')
nodes = []
nodes = ['toodles.videostrike.team:1337/']
#nodes = []
return nodes
def list_local_segments(base_dir, stream, variant, hour):
"""List segments in a given hour directory.
For a given base_dir/stream/variant/hour directory return a list of non-hidden files. If the directory path is not found, return an empty list.
For a given base_dir/stream/variant/hour directory return a list of
non-hidden files. If the directory path is not found, return an empty list.
Based on based on restreamer.list_segments. We could just call restreamer.list_segments but this avoids HTTP/JSON overheads."""
Based on based on restreamer.list_segments. We could just call
restreamer.list_segments but this avoids HTTP/JSON overheads."""
path = os.path.join(base_dir, stream, variant, hour)
@ -71,7 +75,9 @@ def get_remote_segment(base_dir, node, stream, variant, hour, missing_segment,
"""Get a segment from a node.
Fetches stream/variant/hour/missing_segment from node and puts it in base_dir/stream/variant/hour/missing_segment. If the segment already exists locally, this does not attempt to fetch it."""
Fetches stream/variant/hour/missing_segment from node and puts it in
base_dir/stream/variant/hour/missing_segment. If the segment already exists
locally, this does not attempt to fetch it."""
path = os.path.join(base_dir, stream, variant, hour, missing_segment)
logging.debug('Getting segment {}'.format(path))
@ -101,15 +107,17 @@ def get_remote_segment(base_dir, node, stream, variant, hour, missing_segment,
if os.path.exists(temp_path):
logging.debug('Saving completed segment {} as {}'.format(temp_path, path))
common.rename(temp_path, path)
def backfill(base_dir, stream, variants, hours=None, nodes=None, start=None,
stop=None, order=None):
def backfill(base_dir, stream, variants, hours=None, nodes=None):
"""Loop over nodes backfilling from each.
Backfill from node/stream/variants to base_dir/stream/variants for each node in nodes. If nodes is None, use get_nodes() to get a list of nodes to backfill from. Passes hours, start, stop and order to backfill_node to control which hours are backfilled and in which order. By default all hours are backfilled. If backfilling from a node raises an exception, this just goes onto the next node."""
Backfill from node/stream/variants to base_dir/stream/variants for each node
in nodes. If nodes is None, use get_nodes() to get a list of nodes to
backfill from. By default all hours are backfilled. If backfilling from a
node raises an exception, this just goes onto the next node."""
if nodes is None:
nodes = get_nodes()
@ -117,7 +125,7 @@ def backfill(base_dir, stream, variants, hours=None, nodes=None, start=None,
#ideally do this in parallel
for node in nodes:
backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours, start, stop, order=order)
backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours)
except Exception:
logging.exception("Error while backfilling node {}".format(node))
@ -131,9 +139,7 @@ def is_iterable(x):
return True
def backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours=None, start=None,
stop=None, hour_order=None, segment_order='random', get_full_hour=True,
def backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours=None, segment_order='random', recent_cutoff=60):
"""Backfill from remote node.
Backfill from node/stream/variants to base_dir/stream/variants.
@ -142,19 +148,10 @@ def backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours=None, start=None,
hours -- If None (default), backfill all available hours. If iterable,
backfill only hours in iterable. Otherwise backfill the last N hours,
starting with the lastest.
start -- Only backfill hours starting after or equal to this datetime
object. If None (default), backfill all hours. If get_full_hour is
False, only segments starting after start will be backfilled.
stop -- Only backfill hours starting before or equal to this datetime
object. If None (default), backfill all hours. If get_full_hour is
False, only segments finishing before stop will be backfilled.
hour_order -- If 'random', randomise the order of hours. If 'forward', sort
the hours in ascending order. If 'reverse', sort the hours in descending order. Otherwise, do not change the order of hours (default).
segment_order -- If 'random', randomise the order of segments (default).
If 'forward', sort the segment in ascending order. If 'reverse', sort
the segments in descending order. Otherwise, do not change the order of
get_full_hour -- If True (default), get all segments in an hour. If False,
use start and stop to limit which segments are backfilled.
recent_cutoff -- Skip backfilling segments younger than this number of
seconds to prioritise letting the downloader grab these segments."""
@ -176,19 +173,6 @@ def backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours=None, start=None,
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
hours = [(now - i * datetime.timedelta(hours=1)).strftime(HOUR_FMT) for i in range(n_hours)]
if start is not None:
hours = [hour for hour in hours if hour >= start]
if stop is not None:
hours = [hour for hour in hours if hour <= stop]
# useful if running in parallel so multiple nodes don't request the same hour at the same time
if hour_order == 'random':
elif hour_order == 'forward':
elif hour_order == 'reverse':
for variant in variants:
for hour in hours:
@ -213,12 +197,7 @@ def backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours=None, start=None,
segment = common.parse_segment_path(path)
except ValueError as e:
logging.warning('File {} invaid: {}'.format(path, e.value))
if not get_full_hour and start is not None and segment['start'] < start:
if not get_full_hour and start is not None and segment['end'] > stop:
logging.warning('File {} invaid: {}'.format(path, e))
#to avoid getting in the downloader's way ignore segments less than recent_cutoff old
@ -230,19 +209,26 @@ def backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours=None, start=None,
logging.info('Finished backfilling from {}'.format(node))
def main(base_dir='/mnt', stream='desertbus', variants=['source'], fill_wait=5, full_fill_wait=180, sleep_time=1):
def main(base_dir='.', stream='', variants='', fill_wait=5, full_fill_wait=180, sleep_time=1):
"""Prototype backfiller service.
Do a backfill of the last 3 hours from stream/variants from all nodes initially before doing a full backfill from all nodes. Then every sleep_time minutes check to see if more than fill_wait minutes have passed since the last backfill. If so do a backfill of the last 3 hours. Also check whether it has been more than full_fill_wait minutes since the last full backfill; if so, do a full backfill."""
Do a backfill of the last 3 hours from stream/variants from all nodes
initially before doing a full backfill from all nodes. Then every sleep_time
minutes check to see if more than fill_wait minutes have passed since the last backfill. If so do a backfill of the last 3 hours. Also check whether it has been more than full_fill_wait minutes since the last full backfill;
if so, do a full backfill."""
# TODO replace this with a more robust event based service and backfill from multiple nodes in parallel
# stretch goal: provide an interface to trigger backfills manually
# stretch goal: use the backfiller to monitor the restreamer
variants = variants.split(',') if variants else []
logging.info('Starting backfilling {} with {} as variants to {}'.format(stream, ', '.join(variants), base_dir))
fill_start = datetime.datetime.now()
full_fill_start = fill_start
backfill(base_dir, stream, variants, 3)
backfill(base_dir, stream, variants)
backfill(base_dir, stream, variants, order='random')
# I'm sure there is a module that does this in a more robust way
# but I understand this and it gives the behaviour I want