@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import datetime
import itertools
import logging
import os
import signal
import argh
import gevent.backdoor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import prometheus_client as prom
import common
@ -15,6 +18,7 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
"""Checks the segment coverage for a given channel in a a given directoy."""
CHECK_INTERVAL = 60 #seconds between checking coverage
CHECK_INTERVAL = 6 #seconds between checking coverage
def __init__(self, channel, qualities, base_dir):
"""Constructor for CoverageChecker.
@ -45,73 +49,121 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.channel, quality)
hours = [name for name in os.listdir(path) if not name.startswith('.')]
previous_hour_segments = None
for hour in hours:
if self.stopping.is_set():
self.logger.info('Checking {}/{}'.format(quality, hour))
path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.channel, quality, hour)
segment_names = [name for name in os.listdir(path) if not name.startswith('.')]
segments = []
for name in segment_names:
path = os.path.join(hour, name)
except ValueError:
self.logger.warning('Skipping segment {} with invalid format'.format(path))
full_segments = []
partial_segments = []
useful_segments = []
for segment in segments:
if segment.type == 'full':
elif segment.type == 'partial':
full_segments_duration = sum([segment.duration.seconds for segment in full_segments])
partial_segments_duration = sum([segment.duration.seconds for segment in partial_segments])
useful_segments_duration = sum([segment.duration.seconds for segment in useful_segments])
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, len(full_segments), full_segments_duration))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, len(partial_segments), partial_segments_duration))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} useful segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, len(useful_segments), useful_segments_duration))
# based on common.segments.best_segments_by_start
# but more complicated to capture more detailed metrics
hour_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.channel, quality, hour)
segment_names = [name for name in os.listdir(hour_path) if not name.startswith('.')]
parsed = (common.parse_segment_path(os.path.join(hour_path, name)) for name in segment_names)
full_segment_count = 0
partial_segment_count = 0
full_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
partial_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
full_repeats = 0
full_repeat_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
partial_repeats = 0
partial_repeat_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
best_segments = []
holes = []
editiable_holes = []
overlaps = []
previous = full_segments[0]
coverage = previous.duration
editable_coverage = previous.duration
total_duration = previous.duration
for segment in full_segments[1:]:
total_duration += previous.duration
previous_end = previous.start + previous.duration
if segment.start < previous_end:
coverage += segment.start - previous_end + segment.duration
if segment.start == previous_end:
coverage += segment.duration
editable_coverage += segment.duration
editable_holes = []
overlap_count = 0
overlap_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
previous = None
previous_editable = None
coverage = datetime.timedelta(0)
editable_coverage = datetime.timedelta(0)
only_partials = []
for start_time, segments in itertools.groupby(parsed, key=lambda segment: segment.start):
full_segments = []
partial_segments = []
for segment in segments:
if segment.type == 'full':
full_segment_count += 1
full_segment_duration += segment.duration
elif segment.type == 'partial':
partial_segment_count += 1
partial_segment_duration += segment.duration
if full_segments:
if len(full_segments) == 1:
best_segment = full_segments[0]
full_segments.sort(key=lambda segment: (segment.duration))
best_segment = full_segments[-1]
for segment in full_segments[:-1]:
full_repeats += 1
full_repeat_duration += segment.duration
if partial_segments:
for segment in partial_segments:
partial_repeats += 1
partial_repeat_duration += segment.duration
holes.append((previous_end, segment.start))
coverage += segment.duration
editable_coverage += segment.duration
previous = segment
partial_segments.sort(key=lambda segment: (segment.duration))
best_segment = partial_segments[-1]
only_partials.append((best_segment.start, best_segment.start + best_segment.duration))
for segment in partial_segments[:-1]:
partial_repeats += 1
partial_repeat_duration += segment.duration
if previous is None:
coverage += best_segment.duration
editable_coverage += best_segment.duration
previous_editable = best_segment
hole_duration = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) - coverage
overlap_duration = total_duration - coverage
previous_end = previous.start + previous.duration
if segment.start < previous_end:
overlap_count += 1
overlap_duration += previous_end - segment.start
coverage += segment.start - previous_end + segment.duration
coverage += segment.duration
editable_coverage += segment.duration
if segment.start > previous_end:
holes.append((previous_end, segment.start))
previous_editable_end = previous_editable.start + previous_editable.duration
if segment.start > previous_editable_end:
editable_holes.append((previous_editable_end, segment.start))
previous_editable = best_segment
previous = best_segment
start = best_segments[0].start
end = best_segments[-1].start + best_segments[-1].duration
hole_duration = end - start - coverage
editable_hole_duration = end - start - editable_coverage
self.logger.info('{}/{}: Start: {} End: {} ({} s)'.format(quality, hour, start, end, (end - start).seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_segment_count, full_segment_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} full segment repeats totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_repeats, full_repeat_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_segment_count, partial_segment_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} partial segment repeats totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_repeats, partial_repeat_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, len(full_segments), total_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: covering {} s, {} s editable'.format(quality, hour, coverage.seconds, editable_coverage.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(holes), hole_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} overlapping segments, {} s overlapping'.format(quality, hour, len(overlaps), overlap_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} editable holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(editable_holes), editable_hole_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} overlapping segments, {} s overlapping'.format(quality, hour, overlap_count, overlap_duration.seconds))
previous_hour_segments = best_segments