@ -421,6 +421,114 @@ def fast_cut_segments(segments, start, end):
yield chunk
@timed('cut', cut_type='smart', normalize=lambda _, segments, start, end: (end - start).total_seconds())
def smart_cut_segments(segments, start, end):
"""As fast_cut_segments(), but concats segments by using ffmpeg's concat demuxer,
which should make timestamps etc behave correctly."""
# how far into the first segment to begin (if no hole at start)
cut_start = None
if segments[0] is not None:
cut_start = (start - segments[0].start).total_seconds()
if cut_start < 0:
raise ValueError("First segment doesn't begin until after cut start, but no leading hole indicated")
# how far into the final segment to end (if no hole at end)
cut_end = None
if segments[-1] is not None:
cut_end = (end - segments[-1].start).total_seconds()
if cut_end < 0:
raise ValueError("Last segment ends before cut end, but no trailing hole indicated")
# Set first and last only if they actually need cutting.
# Note this handles both the cut_start = None (no first segment to cut)
# and cut_start = 0 (first segment already starts on time) cases.
first = segments[0] if cut_start else None
last = segments[-1] if cut_end else None
# We start up to three ffmpeg processes:
# Two that cut the first and last segments to size
# One that concats the outputs of the first two procs, along with all the segments from disk
# We pass the output pipe of the first two procs directly to the third.
concat_entries = [] # the lines we will pass to the concat demuxer, either 'pipe:FD' or 'file:PATH'
pipes = [] # the pipes referenced in concat_entries
procs = [] # the ffmpeg processes
input_feeder = None
concat_proc = None
for segment in segments:
if segment is None:
logging.debug("Skipping discontinuity while cutting")
# TODO: If we want to be safe against the possibility of codecs changing,
# we should check the streams_info() after each discontinuity.
# note first and last might be the same segment.
# note a segment will only match if cutting actually needs to be done
# (ie. cut_start or cut_end is not 0)
if segment in (first, last):
proc = ffmpeg_cut_segment(
cut_start if segment == first else None,
cut_end if segment == last else None,
# just pass the file directly
concat_config = ''.join("file '{}'\n".format(entry) for entry in concat_entries)
args = [
'-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', # suppress noisy output
'-f', 'concat', '-', # read concat config from stdin
'-safe', 0, # trust weird filenames
'-protocol_whitelist', 'file,pipe', # need to explicitly allow pipe
'-c', 'copy', # don't re-encode the actual video
'-fflags', '+genpts', # this does something to do with timestamps?
concat_proc = subprocess.Popen(args,
close_fds=False, # don't close non-stdin/out/err before execing, so that pipe: works
def write_config():
input_feeder = gevent.spawn(write_config)
# we can now close our output pipes since ffmpeg will read them directly
for pipe in pipes:
# now stream results
for chunk in read_chunks(concat_proc.stdout):
yield chunk
# check if any errors occurred in input writing, or if anything exited non-success.
for i, proc in enumerate(procs):
if proc.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("Smart cut ffmpeg process {}/{} exited {}".format(i, len(procs), proc.returncode))
# if something goes wrong, try to clean up ignoring errors
if input_feeder is not None:
for proc in procs:
if proc.poll() is not None:
for action in [proc.kill, proc.stdout.close] + [proc.stdin.close if proc is concat_proc else []]:
except (OSError, IOError):
def feed_input(segments, pipe):
"""Write each segment's data into the given pipe in order.
This is used to provide input to ffmpeg in a full cut."""
@ -443,6 +551,10 @@ def full_cut_segments(segments, start, end, encode_args, stream=False):
"""If stream=true, assume encode_args gives a streamable format,
and begin returning output immediately instead of waiting for ffmpeg to finish
and buffering to disk."""
# Remove holes
segments = [segment for segment in segments if segment is not None]
# how far into the first segment to begin
cut_start = max(0, (start - segments[0].start).total_seconds())
# duration