@ -129,13 +129,37 @@ def generate_master_playlist(stream):
def generate_media_playlist(stream, variant):
#TODO handle no start/end
#TODO error handling of args
# TODO lots of other stuff
start = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['start'])
end = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['end'])
"""Returns a HLS media playlist for the given stream and variant.
Takes optional params:
start, end: The time to begin and end the stream at.
Must be in ISO 8601 format (ie. yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS).
If not given, effectively means "infinity", ie. no start means
any time ago, no end means any time in the future.
hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, stream, variant)
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end)
if not os.path.isdir(hours_path):
start = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['start']) if 'start' in request.args else None
end = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['end']) if 'end' in request.args else None
if start is None or end is None:
# If start or end are not given, use the earliest/latest time available
first, last = time_range_for_variant(stream, variant)
if start is None:
start = first
if end is None:
end = last
# get_best_segments requires start be before end, special case that as no segments
# (not an error because someone might ask for a specific start, no end, but we ended up with
# end before start because that's the latest time we have)
if start < end:
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end)
# Note the None to indicate there was a "hole" at both start and end
segments = [None]
return generate_hls.generate_media(segments, os.path.join(app.static_url_path, stream, variant))