Change k8s.jsonnet to use an NFS PVC instead of a hostPath mount

HubbeKing 4 years ago committed by Mike Lang
parent 415932e289
commit e4c8d4eef0

@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
// Stream qualities to capture
qualities: ["source", "480p"],
// The node selector and hostPath to use. All pods must be on the same host
// and use this hostpath in order to share the disk.
node_selector: {},
host_path: "/var/lib/wubloader",
// NFS settings for RWX (ReadWriteMany) volume for wubloader pods
nfs_server: "", # server IP or hostname
nfs_path: "/mnt/hubbe/array/wubloader", # path on server to mount
nfs_capacity: "2TiB", # storage capacity to report to k8s
// The local port within each container to bind the backdoor server on.
// You can exec into the container and telnet to this port to get a python shell.
@ -168,10 +168,9 @@
volumes: [
name: "data",
hostPath: {path: $.config.host_path},
persistentVolumeClaim: {"claimName": "mnt-wubloader"},
nodeSelector: $.config.node_selector,
@ -265,6 +264,47 @@
if $.config.enabled.restreamer then $.service("restreamer"),
if $.config.enabled.segment_coverage then $.service("segment-coverage"),
if $.config.enabled.thrimshim then $.service("thrimshim"),
// PV manifest
apiVersion: "v1",
kind: "PersistentVolume",
metadata: {
name: "mnt-wubloader",
labels: {app: "wubloader"},
spec: {
accessModes: ["ReadWriteMany"],
capacity: {
storage: $.config.nfs_capacity
mountOptions: ["fsc"],
nfs: {
server: $.config.nfs_server,
path: $.config.nfs_path,
readOnly: false
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: "Retain",
volumeMode: "Filesystem"
// PVC manifest
apiVersion: "v1",
kind: "PersistentVolumeClaim",
metadata: {
name: "mnt-wubloader",
labels: {app: "wubloader"},
spec: {
accessModes: ["ReadWriteMany"],
resources: {
requests: {
storage: $.config.nfs_capacity
volumeName: "mnt-wubloader"
// Ingress to direct requests to the correct services.
kind: "Ingress",
