@ -26,11 +26,27 @@ class FixTS():
# We need to pad the end time to the time of the NEXT expected frame, or else
# we'll overlap the last frame here with the first frame of the next segment.
# We don't know what the correct frame rate should be and trying to determine
# it from the PCR times might go wrong if the video data is weird or corrupt
# (eg. dropped frames). Instead, we'll just assume it's 30fps and add 33ms.
# This should be right the majority of the time, the results will still be mostly
# fine even if it's meant to be 60fps, and above all it's consistent and predictable.
def __init__(self, start_time):
self.start_time = start_time
# By definition, the first PCR timestamp will be set to start_time.
# So this is always a safe "latest" value to start at, and it means that if
# the video is ended with no PCR frames, we default to "same as start time".
self.end_time = start_time
# once starting PCR is known, contains value to add to each timestamp
self.offset = None
# buffers fed data until a whole packet can be parsed
self.data = b""
# buffers packets until first PCR-containing packet
self.pending_packets = []
def feed(self, data):
"""Takes more data as a bytestring to add to buffer.
@ -40,7 +56,32 @@ class FixTS():
while len(self.data) >= self.PACKET_SIZE:
packet = self.data[:self.PACKET_SIZE]
self.data = self.data[self.PACKET_SIZE:]
fixed_packet = self._fix_packet(packet)
except OffsetNotReady:
# We can't fix this packet yet, so buffer it for now.
# Note this will also cause any further packets to "queue up" behind it
# (see below).
if self.pending_packets and self.offset is not None:
# Offset has been found and we can process all pending packets.
# Note we do this before outputting our new packet to preserve order.
for prev_packet in self.pending_packets:
self.pending_packets = []
elif self.pending_packets:
# If we have pending packets, we can't output any further packets until after them.
# So we add them to the pending queue. This means re-fixing them later but that's cheap.
# Normal case, output them as we fix them. This covers both "offset is known"
# and "offset isn't known, but no packets so far have needed fixing".
return b''.join(output)
def end(self):
@ -49,25 +90,31 @@ class FixTS():
if len(self.data) > 0:
raise ValueError("Stream has a partial packet remaining: {!r}", self.data)
if self.pending_packets:
raise ValueError("Stream contained PTS packets but no PCR")
return self.end_time
# TODO we should really be only using PCR to calibrate the offset (ie. we want the first PCR
# We only use PCR to calibrate the offset (ie. we want the first PCR
# to be = start_time, not the first PTS we see which might be the audio stream).
# Also we need to pad the end_time to the time of the NEXT expected frame, or else
# we'll overlap the last frame here with the first frame of the next segment.
# How to determine expected frame? Easiest way is probably average or median difference
# between PCRs, with a reasonable fallback.
def _convert_time(self, old_time):
# If this is the first timestamp we've seen, use it to calibrate offset.
# If we encounter a PTS before a PCR, we throw OffsetNotReady which is handled
# by feed().
def _convert_time(self, old_time, is_pcr=False):
# If this is the first PCR we've seen, use it to calibrate offset.
if self.offset is None:
self.offset = self.start_time - old_time
if is_pcr:
self.offset = self.start_time - old_time
raise OffsetNotReady
new_time = old_time + self.offset
# It's rare but possible that when resetting times to start at 0, the second packet
# might start slightly earlier than the first and thus have a negative time.
# This isn't encodable in the data format, so just clamp to 0.
new_time = max(0, new_time)
# keep track of latest new_time as the end time
self.end_time = max(self.end_time, new_time)
# Keep track of the nominal "end time" based on latest PCR time.
# PCR packets *should* be in order but use max just in case.
if is_pcr:
new_end = new_time + self.NOMINAL_PCR_INTERVAL
self.end_time = max(self.end_time, new_end)
return new_time
def _fix_packet(self, packet):
@ -102,7 +149,6 @@ class FixTS():
has_adaptation_field = bool(packet[3] & 0x20)
has_payload = bool(packet[3] & 0x10)
has_pcr = False
if has_adaptation_field:
field_length = packet[4]
payload_index = 5 + field_length
@ -117,7 +163,7 @@ class FixTS():
if has_pcr:
check(field_length >= 7, "Adaptation field indicates PCR but is too small")
old_time = decode_pcr(packet[6:12])
new_time = self._convert_time(old_time)
new_time = self._convert_time(old_time, is_pcr=True)
encoded = encode_pcr(new_time)
packet = packet[:6] + encoded + packet[12:]
assert len(packet) == 188
@ -168,6 +214,10 @@ class FixTS():
return packet
class OffsetNotReady(Exception):
def bits(value, start, end):
"""Extract bits [START, END) from value, where 0 is LSB"""
size = end - start