Fixes the state transitions of the trimbleshim to allow video links to be changed or removed

Christopher Usher 6 years ago
parent 5c84e8dfab
commit fe5b10f86b

@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ def update_row(ident, new_row):
"""Updates row of database with id = ident with the edit columns in
If a 'video_link' is provided in update, interperet this as a manual video
upload and set state to 'DONE'"""
If a 'video_link' is provided in update, interpret this as a manual video
upload and set state to 'DONE'. If state currently is 'DONE', and a empty
'video_link' is present, reset state to 'UNEDITED'."""
state_columns = ['state', 'uploader', 'error', 'video_link']
#these have to be set before a video can be set as 'EDITED'
@ -114,20 +115,28 @@ def update_row(ident, new_row):
return 'Row {} not found'.format(ident), 404
assert == ident
if old_row.state not in ['UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED']:
if old_row.state not in ['UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED'] and 'video_link' not in new_row:
return 'Video already published', 403
# handle state columns
# handle non-empty video_link as manual uploads
# interpret non-empty video_link as manual uploads
# interpret state == 'DONE' and an empty video link as instructions to reset
# state to 'UNEDITED' and clear video link
# otherwise clear other state columns
if 'video_link' in new_row and new_row['video_link']:
new_row['state'] = 'DONE'
new_row['upload_location'] = 'manual'
if 'video_link' in new_row:
if new_row['video_link']:
new_row['state'] = 'DONE'
new_row['upload_location'] = 'manual'
elif old_row.state == 'DONE':
new_row['state'] = 'UNEDITED'
new_row['upload_location'] = None
new_row['video_link'] = None
if new_row['state'] == 'EDITED':
missing = []
for column in non_null_columns:
if not new_row[column] or new_row[column] is None:
if not new_row[column]:
if missing:
return 'Fields {} must be non-null for video to be cut'.format(', '.join(missing)), 400
@ -138,15 +147,15 @@ def update_row(ident, new_row):
new_row['error'] = None
# actually update database
build_query = sql.SQL("""
query_str = """
UPDATE events
SET {}
SET {{}}
WHERE id = %(id)s
).format(sql.SQL(", ").join(
sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
sql.Identifier(column), sql.Placeholder(column),
) for column in new_row.keys()
{}""".format("AND state IN ('UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED')" if 'video_link' not in new_row else "")
build_query = sql.SQL(query_str).format(sql.SQL(", ").join(
sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
sql.Identifier(column), sql.Placeholder(column),
) for column in new_row.keys()
result = database.query(conn, build_query, id=ident, **new_row)
if result.rowcount != 1:
