Apparently this is the Recommended Approach for doing this - you create an <a> element,
set its attributes, then temporarily add it to the page and click() it.
The api we found earlier is exclusive to Chrome Apps.
It always uses source quality and downloads as a PNG.
We use the browser.downloads api to construct the URL on demand.
Note we might not always get the exact right frame in 60fps streams,
we might get one before or after (and "frame seek" in the editor skips 2 frames in this case).
So that playlists don't pick up unlisted videos.
When the video is modified to be public, it will be added as normal.
However, note that since playlist_manager never removes videos from playlists,
making an existing video public video unlisted will not remove it from playlists.
Note that the default is true, so we only expand the advanced pane if it's false.
False corresponds to uploading a video as "unlisted".
Also mark it as modifyable.
it turns out to be completely undocumented what the max delay is. so let's assume 45s.
anything > 60s might cause problems due to matching messages being more than 1 batch apart.
Rarely, we find ourselves needing to explicitly delete some data, eg. something that shouldn't
have been public and should be removed from all records.
It would also be nice if we could "clean up" bad versions of the same segment,
which occasionally come up when downloaders have issues.
With our distributed segment database, this is actually rather difficult as deleting the data
from any one server would cause it to be restored from the others. It was only possible
by stopping all backfill, deleting the data on all servers, then starting backfill again.
Here we introduce a more practical approach. An operator creates an empty flag file
with the same name as the segment to be deleted, but with a `.tombstone` extension.
eg. to delete a file `/segments/desertbus/source/2019-11-13T02/45:51.608000-2.0-full-7IS92rssMzoSBQDIevHStbTNy-URRV3Vw-jzZ6pwOZM.ts`,
you would create a tombstone `/segments/desertbus/source/2019-11-13T02/45:51.608000-2.0-full-7IS92rssMzoSBQDIevHStbTNy-URRV3Vw-jzZ6pwOZM.tombstone`.
These tombstone files do two important things:
* They hide the segment from being listed, which both means:
* It can't be restreamed or put into a video
* It can't be backfilled to other nodes
* The tombstone files themselves do get backfilled to other nodes, so you only need to mark them on one server.
Once the tombstone has propagated to all nodes, the segment file can be deleted independently on each one.
We chose not to have a tombstone automatically trigger a segment deletion for safety reasons.