#!/bin/bash set -eu # cd to location of script cd "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" # Builds the docker images. # Usage: ./build {COMPONENTS}, or just ./build to build all. # The resulting images are named wubloader-COMPONENT. # Pass PUSH=true to also push the resulting images, or PUSH=latest to push them as :latest tag # The different images we can build COMPONENTS=(downloader restreamer backfiller thrimshim cutter sheetsync nginx postgres segment_coverage playlist_manager chat_archiver graphs) # Define push if not already defined PUSH=${PUSH:-} # Base is the repository namespace information, not including the wubloader-component part. BASE="ghcr.io/dbvideostriketeam" # The docker image tag, derived from the git commit + whether working tree is clean TAG=$(./get-build-tag) if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then COMPONENTS=("$@") fi # If CACHE_FROM is set, explicitly pull and re-use specified image versions CACHE_IMAGES=() CACHE_ARGS=() if [ -n "${CACHE_FROM:-}" ]; then # Note lack of quotes here - we want to word split for commit in $CACHE_FROM; do tag=$(git rev-parse --short "$commit") for component in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do CACHE_IMAGES+=("$BASE/wubloader-$component:$tag") CACHE_ARGS+=("--cache-from" "$BASE/wubloader-$component:$tag") done done echo "Trying to pull images for commits $CACHE_FROM if they exist, to re-use layers if possible" for image in "${CACHE_IMAGES[@]}"; do echo "Pulling $image" docker pull "$image" || true # don't exit on failure done fi for component in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do echo "Building image for $component" latest="$BASE/wubloader-$component:latest" specific="$BASE/wubloader-$component:$TAG" docker build \ -f "$component/Dockerfile" \ -t "$latest" \ -t "$specific" \ "${CACHE_ARGS[@]}" \ . echo "Built image wubloader-$component:$TAG" if [ -n "$PUSH" ]; then echo "Pushing tag $specific" docker push "$specific" fi if [ "$PUSH" == "latest" ]; then echo "Pushing tag $latest" docker push "$latest" fi done