#! /bin/bash

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
	echo "No SQL script file"
	echo "USAGE: $0 SQL_SCRIPT"
	exit 1

CONTAINER=$(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" | grep "$NAME")
if [ -z "$CONTAINER" ]; then
	echo "Container not found"
	exit 1
if [ "$(wc -l <<<"$CONTAINER")" -ne 1 ]; then
	echo "Multiple containers found"
	exit 1

docker cp "./$1" "$CONTAINER:/tmp.sql"

# this will fail if there are active sessions by users other than 'postgres'
# make sure all wubloader components are disconnected
docker exec "$CONTAINER" dropdb wubloader -U postgres --if-exists
docker exec "$CONTAINER" createdb wubloader -U postgres
# this assumes that the vst role is in the postgres database
docker exec "$CONTAINER" psql -d wubloader -f tmp.sql -U postgres
docker exec "$CONTAINER" rm tmp.sql