Number keys (0-9): Jump to that 10% interval of the video (0% - 90%)
K or Space: Toggle pause
M: Toggle mute
Shift+Left arrow: Back 1 minute
Shift+Right arrow: Forward 1 minute
J: Back 10 seconds
L: Forward 10 seconds
Left arrow: Back 5 seconds
Right arrow: Forward 5 seconds
Shift+J: Back 1 second
Shift+L: Forward 1 second
Comma (,): Back 1 frame
Period (.): Forward 1 frame
Equals (=): Increase playback speed one step
Hyphen (-): Decrease playback speed one step
Shift+=: 2x or maximum playback speed
Shift+-: Minimum playback speed
Backspace: Reset playback speed to 1x
Left bracket ([): Set start point for active range (indicated by arrow) to active video
Right bracket (]): Set end point for active range to active video time
O: Set active range one above current active range
P: Set active range one below current active range, adding a new range if the current
active range is the last one
Notes to Editor:
Advanced Templating Options
Crop specifies the region of the video frame to capture.
Location specifies the region within the template image where the cropped image will
be placed.
Regions are given as pixel coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.
Note that if the regions are different sizes, the image will be stretched.