import datetime import errno import functools import json import logging import os import shutil import signal from contextlib import closing import dateutil.parser import gevent import gevent.backdoor import prometheus_client as prom from flask import Flask, url_for, request, abort, Response from gevent import subprocess from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer from common import get_best_segments, PromLogCountsHandler import generate_hls from stats import stats, after_request app = Flask('restreamer', static_url_path='/segments') app.after_request(after_request) """ The restreamer is a simple http api for listing available segments and generating HLS playlists for them. The segments themselves are ideally to be served by some external webserver under "/segments////" (ie. with BASE_DIR under "/segments"), though this server will also serve them if requested. """ def listdir(path, error=True): """List files in path, excluding hidden files. Behaviour when path doesn't exist depends on error arg. If error is True, raise 404. Otherwise, return []. """ try: return [name for name in os.listdir(path) if not name.startswith('.')] except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise if error: abort(404) return [] def has_path_args(fn): """Decorator to wrap routes which take args which are to be used as parts of a filepath. Disallows hidden folders and path traversal, and converts unicode to bytes. """ @functools.wraps(fn) def _has_path_args(**kwargs): kwargs = {key: value.encode('utf-8') for key, value in kwargs.items()} for key, value in kwargs.items(): # Disallowing a leading . prevents both hidden files and path traversal ("..") if value.startswith('.'): return "Bad {}: May not start with a period".format(key), 403 return fn(**kwargs) return _has_path_args def cors(app): """WSGI middleware that sets CORS headers""" HEADERS = [ ("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "false"), ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"), ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,HEAD"), ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"), ("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400"), ] def handle(environ, start_response): def _start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): headers += HEADERS return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return app(environ, _start_response) return handle @app.route('/metrics') @stats def metrics(): """Return current metrics in prometheus metrics format""" return prom.generate_latest() @app.route('/files//') @stats @has_path_args def list_hours(stream, variant): """Returns a JSON list of hours for the given stream and variant for which there may be segments available. Returns empty list on non-existent streams, etc. """ path = os.path.join( app.static_folder, stream, variant, ) return json.dumps(listdir(path, error=False)) @app.route('/files///') @stats @has_path_args def list_segments(stream, variant, hour): """Returns a JSON list of segment files for a given stream, variant and hour. Returns empty list on non-existant streams, etc. """ path = os.path.join( app.static_folder, stream, variant, hour, ) return json.dumps(listdir(path, error=False)) def time_range_for_variant(stream, variant): """Returns earliest and latest times that the given variant has segments for (up to hour resolution), or 404 if it doesn't exist / is empty.""" hours = listdir(os.path.join(app.static_folder, stream, variant)) if not hours: abort(404) first, last = min(hours), max(hours) # note last hour parses to _start_ of that hour, so we add 1h to go to end of that hour return dateutil.parser.parse(first), dateutil.parser.parse(last) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) @app.route('/playlist/.m3u8') @stats @has_path_args def generate_master_playlist(stream): """Returns a HLS master playlist for the given stream. Takes optional params: start, end: The time to begin and end the stream at. See generate_media_playlist for details. """ start = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['start']) if 'start' in request.args else None end = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['end']) if 'end' in request.args else None variants = listdir(os.path.join(app.static_folder, stream)) playlists = {} for variant in variants: # If start or end are given, try to restrict offered variants to ones which exist for that # time range. if start is not None or end is not None: first, last = time_range_for_variant(stream, variant) if start is not None and last < start: continue # last time for variant is before our start time, don't offer variant if end is not None and end < first: continue # our end time is before first time for variant, don't offer variant playlists[variant] = url_for( 'generate_media_playlist', stream=stream, variant=variant, **request.args ) return generate_hls.generate_master(playlists) @app.route('/playlist//.m3u8') @stats @has_path_args def generate_media_playlist(stream, variant): """Returns a HLS media playlist for the given stream and variant. Takes optional params: start, end: The time to begin and end the stream at. Must be in ISO 8601 format (ie. yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS). If not given, effectively means "infinity", ie. no start means any time ago, no end means any time in the future. Note that because it returns segments _covering_ that range, the playlist may start slightly before and end slightly after the given times. """ hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, stream, variant) if not os.path.isdir(hours_path): abort(404) start = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['start']) if 'start' in request.args else None end = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['end']) if 'end' in request.args else None if start is None or end is None: # If start or end are not given, use the earliest/latest time available first, last = time_range_for_variant(stream, variant) if start is None: start = first if end is None: end = last # get_best_segments requires start be before end, special case that as no segments # (not an error because someone might ask for a specific start, no end, but we ended up with # end before start because that's the latest time we have) if start < end: segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end) else: # Note the None to indicate there was a "hole" at both start and end segments = [None] return generate_hls.generate_media(segments, os.path.join(app.static_url_path, stream, variant)) @app.route('/cut//.ts') @stats @has_path_args def cut(stream, variant): """Return a MPEGTS video file covering the exact timestamp range. Params: start, end: Required. The start and end times, down to the millisecond. Must be in ISO 8601 format (ie. yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS). allow_holes: Optional, default false. If false, errors out with a 406 Not Acceptable if any holes are detected, rather than producing a video with missing parts. Set to true by passing "true" (case insensitive). Even if holes are allowed, a 406 may result if the resulting video would be empty. experimental: Optional, default false. If true, use the new, much faster, but experimental method of cutting. """ start = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['start']) end = dateutil.parser.parse(request.args['end']) if end <= start: return "End must be after start", 400 allow_holes = request.args.get('allow_holes', 'false').lower() if allow_holes not in ["true", "false"]: return "allow_holes must be one of: true, false", 400 allow_holes = (allow_holes == "true") hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, stream, variant) if not os.path.isdir(hours_path): abort(404) segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end) if not allow_holes and None in segments: return "Requested time range contains holes or is incomplete.", 406 segments = [segment for segment in segments if segment is not None] if not segments: return "We have no content available within the requested time range.", 406 # how far into the first segment to begin cut_start = max(0, (start - segments[0].start).total_seconds()) # calculate full uncut duration of content, ie. without holes. full_duration = sum(segment.duration.total_seconds() for segment in segments) # calculate how much of final segment should be cut off cut_end = max(0, (segments[-1].end - end).total_seconds()) # finally, calculate actual output duration, which is what ffmpeg will use duration = full_duration - cut_start - cut_end # possibly defer to experiemntal version now that we've parsed our inputs. # we'll clean up this whole flow later. if request.args.get('experimental') == 'true': return cut_experimental(segments, cut_start, cut_end) def feed_input(pipe): # pass each segment into ffmpeg's stdin in order, while outputing everything on stdout. for segment in segments: with open(segment.path) as f: try: shutil.copyfileobj(f, pipe) except OSError as e: # ignore EPIPE, as this just means the end cut meant we didn't need all input if e.errno != errno.EPIPE: raise pipe.close() def _cut(): ffmpeg = None input_feeder = None try: ffmpeg = subprocess.Popen([ "ffmpeg", "-i", "-", # read from stdin "-ss", str(cut_start), # seconds to cut from start "-t", str(duration), # total duration, which says when to cut at end "-f", "mpegts", # output as MPEG-TS format "-", # output to stdout ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) input_feeder = gevent.spawn(feed_input, ffmpeg.stdin) # stream the output until it is closed while True: chunk =*1024) if not chunk: break yield chunk # check if any errors occurred in input writing, or if ffmpeg exited non-success. # raising an error mid-streaming-response will get flask to abort the response # uncleanly, which tells the client that something went wrong. if ffmpeg.wait() != 0: raise Exception("Error while streaming cut: ffmpeg exited {}".format(ffmpeg.returncode)) input_feeder.get() # re-raise any errors from feed_input() finally: # if something goes wrong, try to clean up ignoring errors if input_feeder is not None: input_feeder.kill() if ffmpeg is not None and ffmpeg.poll() is None: for action in (ffmpeg.kill, ffmpeg.stdin.close, ffmpeg.stdout.close): try: action() except (OSError, IOError): pass return Response(_cut(), mimetype='video/MP2T') def cut_experimental(segments, cut_start, cut_end): """Experimental cutting method where we cut the first and last segments only, then cat them all together.""" # Note: assumes codecs don't change from segment to segment. def streams_info(segment): """Return ffprobe's info on streams as a list of dicts""" output = subprocess.check_output(['ffprobe', '-of', 'json', '-show_streams', segment.path]) return json.loads(output)['streams'] def ffmpeg(segment, cut_start=None, cut_end=None): """Return a Popen object which is ffmpeg cutting the given segment""" args = ['ffmpeg', '-i', segment.path] # output from ffprobe is generally already sorted but let's be paranoid, # because the order of map args matters. for stream in sorted(streams_info(segment), key=lambda stream: stream['index']): # map the same stream in the same position from input to output args += ['-map', '0:{}'.format(stream['index'])] if stream['codec_type'] in ('video', 'audio'): # for non-metadata streams, make sure we use the same codec (metadata streams # are a bit weirder, and ffmpeg will do the right thing anyway) args += ['-codec:{}'.format(stream['index']), stream['codec_name']] # now add trim args if cut_start: args += ['-ss', str(cut_start)] if cut_end: args += ['-to', str(cut_end)] # output to stdout as MPEG-TS args += ['-f', 'mpegts', '-'] # run it"Running segment cut with args: {}".format(" ".join(args))) return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def chunks(fileobj, chunk_size=16*1024): """Read fileobj until EOF, yielding chunk_size sized chunks of data.""" while True: chunk = if not chunk: break yield chunk def _cut(): # set first and last only if they actually need cutting first = segments[0] if cut_start else None last = segments[-1] if cut_end else None for segment in segments: # note first and last might be the same segment. # note a segment will only match if cutting actually needs to be done # (ie. cut_start or cut_end is not 0) if segment in (first, last): proc = None try: proc = ffmpeg( segment, cut_start if segment == first else None, cut_end if segment == last else None, ) with closing(proc.stdout): for chunk in chunks(proc.stdout): yield chunk proc.wait() except Exception: # try to clean up proc, ignoring errors try: proc.kill() except OSError: pass else: # check if ffmpeg had errors if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception( "Error while streaming cut: ffmpeg exited {}".format(proc.returncode) ) else: # no cutting needed, just serve the file with open(segment.path) as f: for chunk in chunks(f): yield chunk return Response(_cut(), mimetype='video/MP2T') def main(host='', port=8000, base_dir='.', backdoor_port=0): app.static_folder = base_dir server = WSGIServer((host, port), cors(app)) def stop():"Shutting down") server.stop() gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop) PromLogCountsHandler.install() if backdoor_port: gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()"Starting up") server.serve_forever()"Gracefully shut down")