CREATE TABLE buscribe_transcriptions ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, start_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, end_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, transcription_line text NOT NULL, line_speaker float[128], transcription_json jsonb NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX buscribe_transcriptions_idx ON buscribe_transcriptions USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', transcription_line)); -- This might not actually be needed. Check once there is more data. CREATE INDEX buscribe_start_time_idx ON buscribe_transcriptions (start_time); CREATE INDEX buscribe_end_time_idx ON buscribe_transcriptions (end_time); CREATE TABLE buscribe_speakers ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK ( name != '' ) ); CREATE TABLE buscribe_verifiers ( email TEXT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE buscribe_line_speakers ( line BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES buscribe_transcriptions, speaker BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES buscribe_speakers, verifier text NOT NULL REFERENCES buscribe_verifiers, PRIMARY KEY (line, speaker, verifier) ); CREATE TABLE buscribe_line_inferred_speakers ( line BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES buscribe_transcriptions, speaker BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES buscribe_speakers, PRIMARY KEY (line, speaker) ); CREATE TABLE buscribe_verified_lines ( line BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES buscribe_transcriptions, verified_line TEXT NOT NULL, verifier text REFERENCES buscribe_verifiers, PRIMARY KEY (line, verifier) ); -- Indexed with C weight (0.2 vs default 0.1) CREATE INDEX buscribe_verified_lines_idx ON buscribe_verified_lines USING GIN (setweight(to_tsvector('english', verified_line), 'C')); CREATE VIEW buscribe_all_transcriptions AS SELECT, start_time, end_time, coalesce(buscribe_verified_lines.verifier, speakers.verifier) AS verifier, names, coalesce(verified_line, buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line) AS transcription_line, coalesce(setweight(to_tsvector('english', verified_line), 'C'), to_tsvector('english', buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line)) AS transcription_line_ts, setweight(to_tsvector(array_to_string(names, ' ')), 'C') AS names_ts, null AS transcription_json FROM buscribe_transcriptions LEFT OUTER JOIN buscribe_verified_lines ON = buscribe_verified_lines.line LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT line, verifier, array_agg(name) AS names FROM buscribe_line_speakers INNER JOIN buscribe_speakers ON buscribe_line_speakers.speaker = GROUP BY line, verifier ) AS speakers ON = speakers.line AND ( speakers.verifier = buscribe_verified_lines.verifier OR buscribe_verified_lines.verifier IS NULL ) WHERE coalesce(buscribe_verified_lines.verifier, speakers.verifier) IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT id, start_time, end_time, null AS verifier, names, transcription_line, to_tsvector('english', transcription_line) AS transcription_line_ts, null AS names_ts, transcription_json FROM buscribe_transcriptions LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT line, array_agg(name) AS names FROM buscribe_line_inferred_speakers INNER JOIN buscribe_speakers ON buscribe_line_inferred_speakers.speaker = GROUP BY line ) AS speakers ON id = speakers.line; CREATE VIEW buscribe_all_transcriptions2 AS SELECT, start_time, end_time, coalesce(buscribe_verified_lines.verifier, speakers.verifier) AS verifier, names, coalesce(verified_line, buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line) AS transcription_line, to_tsvector('english', buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line) AS machine_line_ts, setweight(to_tsvector('english', verified_line), 'C') AS verified_line_ts, coalesce(setweight(to_tsvector('english', verified_line), 'C'), to_tsvector('english', buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line)) AS transcription_line_ts, setweight(to_tsvector(array_to_string(names, ' ')), 'C') AS names_ts, null AS transcription_json FROM buscribe_transcriptions LEFT OUTER JOIN buscribe_verified_lines ON = buscribe_verified_lines.line LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT line, verifier, array_agg(name) AS names FROM buscribe_line_speakers INNER JOIN buscribe_speakers ON buscribe_line_speakers.speaker = GROUP BY line, verifier ) AS speakers ON = speakers.line AND ( speakers.verifier = buscribe_verified_lines.verifier OR buscribe_verified_lines.verifier IS NULL ) WHERE coalesce(buscribe_verified_lines.verifier, speakers.verifier) IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT id, start_time, end_time, null AS verifier, names, transcription_line, to_tsvector('english', transcription_line) AS machine_line_ts, null AS verified_line_ts, to_tsvector('english', transcription_line) AS transcription_line_ts, null AS names_ts, transcription_json FROM buscribe_transcriptions LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT line, array_agg(name) AS names FROM buscribe_line_inferred_speakers INNER JOIN buscribe_speakers ON buscribe_line_inferred_speakers.speaker = GROUP BY line ) AS speakers ON id = speakers.line; -- Convert last lexeme in a query to prefix query. CREATE FUNCTION convert_query(query_text text) RETURNS tsquery AS $$ DECLARE ws_query text := websearch_to_tsquery(query_text)::text; BEGIN RETURN (CASE WHEN ws_query != '' THEN ws_query || ':*' ELSE '' END)::tsquery; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;