// This is a jsonnet file, it generates a docker-compose.yml file. // To generate, run "make docker-compose.yml". { // These are the important top-level settings. // Change these to configure the services. // Image tag (application version) to use. // By default, will use the current commit, ie. the same thing that ./build would tag // things it builds with. // Note: "latest" is not recommended in production, as you can't be sure what version // you're actually running, and must manually re-pull to get an updated copy. image_tag:: std.extVar("tag"), database_tag:: "bb05e37", // tag for DB, which changes less and restarts are disruptive image_base:: "ghcr.io/dbvideostriketeam", // Change this to use images from a different source than the main one // For each service, whether to deploy that service. enabled:: { downloader: true, restreamer: true, backfiller: true, cutter: true, sheetsync: false, thrimshim: true, segment_coverage: true, playlist_manager: false, nginx: true, postgres: false, chat_archiver: false, schedulebot: false, tootbot: false, twitchbot: false, }, // Twitch channels to capture. The first one will be used as the default channel in the editor. // Channels suffixed with a '!' are considered "important" and will be retried more aggressively // and warned about if they're not currently streaming. channels:: ["desertbus!", "db_chief", "db_high", "db_audio", "db_bus"], // Stream qualities to capture qualities:: ["source", "480p"], // Local path to save segments to. Full path must already exist. Cannot contain ':'. // On OSX you need to change this to /private/var/lib/wubloader segments_path:: "/var/lib/wubloader/", // Local path to save database to. Full path must already exist. Cannot // contain ':'. If this directory is non-empty, the database will start with // the database in this directory and not run the setup scripts to create a // new database. // On OSX you need to change this to /private/var/lib/wubloader_postgres/ database_path:: "/var/lib/wubloader_postgres/", // Local path to Thrimbletrimmer files. Useful if you're doing development on // Thrimbletrimmer (and probably not useful otherwise) to enable live updates // to Thrimbletrimmer without restarting/rebuilding Wubloader. // If you wish to use this, set this to the path containing the Thrimbletrimmer // web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) files to serve (e.g. "/path/to/wubloader/thrimbletrimmer/"). thrimbletrimmer_web_dev_path:: null, // The host's port to expose each service on. // Only nginx (and postgres if that is being deployed) needs to be externally accessible - the other non-database ports are routed through nginx. ports:: { restreamer: 8000, downloader: 8001, backfiller: 8002, cutter: 8003, thrimshim: 8004, sheetsync: 8005, segment_coverage: 8006, playlist_manager: 8007, chat_archiver: 8008, nginx: 80, nginx_ssl: 443, postgres: 5432, }, // The local port within each container to bind the backdoor server on. // You can exec into the container and telnet to this port to get a python shell. backdoor_port:: 1234, // Other nodes to always backfill from. You should not include the local node. // If you are using the database to find peers, you should leave this empty. peers:: [ ], localhost:: "node_name", // the name in the nodes table of the database authentication:: true, // set to false to disable auth in thrimshim thrimbletrimmer:: true, // set to false to not have nginx serve thrimbletrimmer pages. nginx_serve_segments:: true, // set to false to not have nginx serve segments directly, letting restreamer do it instead. ssl_certificate_path:: null, // set to path to SSL certs (cert chain + priv key in one file) to enable SSL // Connection args for the database. // If database is defined in this config, host and port should be postgres:5432. db_args:: { user: "vst", password: "dbfh2019", // don't use default in production. Must not contain ' or \ as these are not escaped. host: "postgres", port: 5432, dbname: "wubloader", }, // Other database arguments db_super_user:: "postgres", // only accessible from localhost db_super_password:: "postgres", // Must not contain ' or \ as these are not escaped. db_replication_user:: "replicate", // if empty, don't allow replication db_replication_password:: "standby", // don't use default in production. Must not contain ' or \ as these are not escaped. db_readonly_user:: "readonly", // if empty, don't have a readonly account db_readonly_password:: "volunteer", // don't use default in production. Must not contain ' or \ as these are not escaped. db_standby:: false, // set to true to have this database replicate another server // Path to a file containing a twitch OAuth token to use when downloading streams. // This is optional (null to omit) but may be helpful to bypass ads. downloader_creds_file:: null, // Path to a JSON file containing google credentials for cutter as keys // 'client_id', 'client_secret' and 'refresh_token'. cutter_creds_file:: "./google_creds.json", // Config for cutter upload locations. See cutter docs for full detail. cutter_config:: { desertbus: {type: "youtube", cut_type: "fast"}, }, default_location:: "desertbus", // archive location is the default location for archive events, // only revelant if $.archive_worksheet is set. archive_location:: $.default_location, // Fixed tags to add to all videos video_tags:: ["DB13", "DB2019", "2019", "Desert Bus", "Desert Bus for Hope", "Child's Play Charity", "Child's Play", "Charity Fundraiser"], // The header to put at the front of video titles, eg. a video with a title // of "hello world" with title header "foo" becomes: "foo - hello world". title_header:: "DB2019", // The footer to put at the bottom of descriptions, in its own paragraph. description_footer:: ||| https://www.desertbus.org Uploaded by the Desert Bus Video Strike Team |||, // Path to a JSON file containing google credentials for sheetsync as keys // 'client_id', 'client_secret' and 'refresh_token'. // May be the same as cutter_creds_file. sheetsync_creds_file:: "./google_creds.json", // The URL to write to the sheet for edit links, with {} being replaced by the id edit_url:: "https://wubloader.example.com/thrimbletrimmer/edit.html?id={}", // The timestamp corresponding to 00:00 in bustime bustime_start:: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", // The timestamps to start/end segment coverage maps at. // Generally 1 day before and 7 days after bus start. coverage_start:: "1969-12-31T00:00:00Z", coverage_end:: "1970-01-07T00:00:00Z", // Max hours ago to backfill, ie. do not backfill for times before this many hours ago. // Set to null to disable. backfill_max_hours_ago:: 24 * 30 * 6, // approx 6 months // Extra directories (besides segments) to backfill backfill_dirs:: ["emotes"], // The spreadsheet id and worksheet names for sheet sync to act on sheet_id:: "your_id_here", worksheets:: ["Tech Test & Preshow"] + ["Day %d" % n for n in std.range(1, 8)], playlist_worksheet:: "Tags", // The archive worksheet, if given, points to a worksheet containing events with a different // schema and alternate behaviour suitable for long-term archival videos instead of uploads. archive_worksheet:: null, // A map from youtube playlist IDs to a list of tags. // Playlist manager will populate each playlist with all videos which have all those tags. // For example, tags ["Day 1", "Technical"] will populate the playlist with all Technical // youtube videos from Day 1. // Note that you can make an "all videos" playlist by specifying no tags (ie. []). playlists:: { // Replaced entirely by tags sheet }, // Which upload locations should be added to playlists youtube_upload_locations:: [ "desertbus", "youtube-manual", ], chat_archiver:: { // Twitch user to log in as and path to oauth token user: "dbvideostriketeam", token_path: "./chat_token.txt", // Whether to enable backfilling of chat archives to this node (if backfiller enabled) backfill: true, }, zulip_url:: "https://chat.videostrike.team", schedulebot:: { // Creds for zulip api calls. Can't be a bot user due to annoying arbitrary restrictions. api_user: { email: "vst-zulip-bot@ekime.kim", api_key: "", }, // Creds for the bot user to send messages as send_user: { email: "schedule-bot@chat.videostrike.team", api_key: "", }, // Path to the schedule CSV schedule_path:: "", // Map from group names to zulip internal ids groups: { Supervisor: 15, Sheeter: 16, Editor: 17, ChatOps: 18, }, // Map from group id to a hard-coded set of 4 user ids, one per shift. groups_by_shift: { }, // Map from schedule names to zulip user ids members: { ekimekim: 8, }, // Extra args, see schedulebot.py. // --no-initial prevents re-posting current hour on restart. // --omega and --last enable special behaviour for omega shift and end of run, once known. args:: ["--no-initial"], }, tootbot:: { zulip: { email: "tootbot-bot@chat.videostrike.team", api_key: "", }, mastodon: { url: "https://kind.social", // Obtain an access token by running: python -m zulip_bots.tootbot get-access-token access_token: "", }, args:: [], }, twitchbot:: { twitch_username: $.chat_archiver.user, twitch_oauth_token: "", zulip_email: "twitch-chat-bot@chat.videostrike.team", zulip_api_key: "", args:: [], }, // Extra options to pass via environment variables, // eg. log level, disabling stack sampling. env:: { // Uncomment this to set log level to debug // WUBLOADER_LOG_LEVEL: "DEBUG", // Uncomment this to enable stacksampling performance monitoring // WUBLOADER_ENABLE_STACKSAMPLER: "true", }, // Now for the actual docker-compose config // The connection string for the database. Constructed from db_args. db_connect:: std.join(" ", [ "%s='%s'" % [key, $.db_args[key]] for key in std.objectFields($.db_args) ]), // Cleaned up version of $.channels without importance markers clean_channels:: [std.split(c, '!')[0] for c in $.channels], // Image format helper get_image(name, tag=$.image_tag):: "%s/wubloader-%s:%s" % [ $.image_base, name, tag, ], // docker-compose version version: "3", services: { [if $.enabled.downloader then "downloader"]: { image: $.get_image("downloader"), // Args for the downloader: set channel and qualities command: $.channels + [ "--base-dir", "/mnt", "--qualities", std.join(",", $.qualities), "--backdoor-port", std.toString($.backdoor_port), ] + if $.downloader_creds_file != null then ["--auth-file", "/token"] else [], // Mount the segments directory at /mnt volumes: ["%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path] + if $.downloader_creds_file != null then ["%s:/token" % $.downloader_creds_file] else [], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for downloader, which is 8001. [if "downloader" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8001" % $.ports.downloader], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.restreamer then "restreamer"]: { image: $.get_image("restreamer"), // Mount the segments directory at /mnt volumes: ["%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for restreamer, which is 8000. [if "restreamer" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8000" % $.ports.restreamer], command: [ "--base-dir", "/mnt", "--backdoor-port", std.toString($.backdoor_port), ], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.backfiller then "backfiller"]: { image: $.get_image("backfiller"), // Args for the backfiller: set channel and qualities command: $.clean_channels + [ "--base-dir", "/mnt", "--qualities", std.join(",", $.qualities + (if $.chat_archiver.backfill then ["chat"] else [])), "--extras", std.join(",", $.backfill_dirs), "--static-nodes", std.join(",", $.peers), "--backdoor-port", std.toString($.backdoor_port), "--node-database", $.db_connect, "--localhost", $.localhost, ] + (if $.backfill_max_hours_ago == null then [] else [ "--start", std.toString($.backfill_max_hours_ago), ]), // Mount the segments directory at /mnt volumes: ["%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for backfiller, which is 8002. [if "backfiller" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8002" % $.ports.backfiller], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.cutter then "cutter"]: { image: $.get_image("cutter"), // Args for the cutter: DB and creds command: [ "--base-dir", "/mnt", "--backdoor-port", std.toString($.backdoor_port), "--tags", std.join(",", $.video_tags), "--name", $.localhost, $.db_connect, std.manifestJson($.cutter_config), "/etc/wubloader-creds.json", ], volumes: [ // Mount the segments directory at /mnt "%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path, ] + [ // Mount the creds file into /etc "%s:/etc/wubloader-creds.json" % $.cutter_creds_file, ], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for cutter, which is 8003. [if "cutter" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8003" % $.ports.cutter], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.thrimshim then "thrimshim"]: { image: $.get_image("thrimshim"), // Args for the thrimshim: database connection string command: [ "--backdoor-port", std.toString($.backdoor_port), "--title-header", $.title_header, "--description-footer", $.description_footer, "--upload-locations", std.join(",", [$.default_location] + [ location for location in std.objectFields($.cutter_config) if location != $.default_location ]), $.db_connect, $.clean_channels[0], // use first element as default channel $.bustime_start, ] + (if $.authentication then [] else ["--no-authentication"]) + (if $.archive_worksheet != null then [ "--archive-sheet", $.archive_worksheet, "--archive-location", $.archive_location, ] else []), // Mount the segments directory at /mnt volumes: ["%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for thrimshim, which is 8004. [if "thrimshim" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8004" % $.ports.thrimshim], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.sheetsync then "sheetsync"]: { image: $.get_image("sheetsync"), // Args for the sheetsync command: [ "--backdoor-port", std.toString($.backdoor_port), "--allocate-ids", $.db_connect, "--playlist-worksheet", $.playlist_worksheet, "/etc/wubloader-creds.json", $.edit_url, $.bustime_start, $.sheet_id, ] + $.worksheets + (if $.archive_worksheet != null then ["--archive-worksheet", $.archive_worksheet] else []), volumes: [ // Mount the creds file into /etc "%s:/etc/wubloader-creds.json" % $.sheetsync_creds_file, ], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for sheetsync, which is 8005. [if "sheetsync" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8005" % $.ports.sheetsync], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.segment_coverage then "segment_coverage"]: { image: $.get_image("segment_coverage"), // Args for the segment_coverage command: $.clean_channels + [ "--base-dir", "/mnt", "--qualities", std.join(",", $.qualities), "--first-hour", $.coverage_start, "--last-hour", $.coverage_end, // Render a html page showing all the images from all nodes "--make-page", "--connection-string", $.db_connect, ], // Mount the segments directory at /mnt volumes: ["%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for thrimshim, which is 8004. [if "segment_coverage" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8006" % $.ports.segment_coverage], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.playlist_manager then "playlist_manager"]: { image: $.get_image("playlist_manager"), // Args for the playlist_manager command: [ "--backdoor-port", std.toString($.backdoor_port), "--upload-location-allowlist", std.join(",", $.youtube_upload_locations), $.db_connect, "/etc/wubloader-creds.json", ] + [ "%s=%s" % [playlist, std.join(",", $.playlists[playlist])] for playlist in std.objectFields($.playlists) ], volumes: [ // Mount the creds file into /etc "%s:/etc/wubloader-creds.json" % $.cutter_creds_file, ], // If the application crashes, restart it. restart: "on-failure", // Expose on the configured host port by mapping that port to the default // port for playlist_manager, which is 8007. [if "playlist_manager" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8007" % $.ports.playlist_manager], environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.nginx then "nginx"]: { # mapping of services to internal ports for nginx to forward local forward_ports = { restreamer: 8000, downloader: 8001, backfiller: 8002, cutter: 8003, thrimshim: 8004, sheetsync: 8005, segment_coverage: 8006, playlist_manager: 8007, chat_archiver: 8008, }, image: $.get_image("nginx"), restart: "on-failure", ports: std.prune([ if "nginx" in $.ports then "%s:80" % $.ports.nginx, if "nginx_ssl" in $.ports then "%s:443" % $.ports.nginx_ssl, ]), environment: $.env + { SERVICES: std.join("\n", [ "%s %s" % [service, forward_ports[service]] for service in std.objectFields(forward_ports) if service in $.enabled && $.enabled[service] ]), THRIMBLETRIMMER: if $.thrimbletrimmer then "true" else "", SEGMENTS: if $.nginx_serve_segments then "/mnt" else "", SSL: if $.ssl_certificate_path != null then "/certs.pem" else "", }, volumes: std.prune([ if $.nginx_serve_segments then "%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path, if $.ssl_certificate_path != null then "%s:/certs.pem" % $.ssl_certificate_path, if $.thrimbletrimmer_web_dev_path != null then "%s:/etc/nginx/html/thrimbletrimmer" % $.thrimbletrimmer_web_dev_path, ]), }, [if $.enabled.postgres then "postgres"]: { image: $.get_image("postgres", $.database_tag), restart: "on-failure", [if "postgres" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:5432" % $.ports.postgres], environment: $.env + { POSTGRES_USER: $.db_super_user, POSTGRES_PASSWORD: $.db_super_password, POSTGRES_DB: $.db_args.dbname, PGDATA: "/mnt/database", WUBLOADER_USER: $.db_args.user, WUBLOADER_PASSWORD: $.db_args.password, REPLICATION_USER: $.db_replication_user, REPLICATION_PASSWORD: $.db_replication_password, READONLY_USER: $.db_readonly_user, READONLY_PASSWORD: $.db_readonly_password, MASTER_NODE: $.db_args.host, }, volumes: ["%s:/mnt/database" % $.database_path, "%s:/mnt/wubloader" % $.segments_path], [if $.db_standby then "command"]: ["/standby_setup.sh"], }, [if $.enabled.chat_archiver then "chat_archiver"]: { image: $.get_image("chat_archiver"), restart: "always", command: [$.chat_archiver.user, "/token", "--name", $.localhost] + $.clean_channels, volumes: ["%s:/mnt" % $.segments_path, "%s:/token" % $.chat_archiver.token_path], [if "chat_archiver" in $.ports then "ports"]: ["%s:8008" % $.ports.chat_archiver], environment: $.env, }, local bot_service(name, config, args, subcommand=null) = { image: $.get_image("zulip_bots"), restart: "always", entrypoint: ["python3", "-m", "zulip_bots.%s" % name] + (if subcommand == null then [] else [subcommand]) + [std.manifestJson(config)] + args, environment: $.env, }, [if $.enabled.schedulebot then "schedulebot"]: bot_service("schedulebot", $.schedulebot + { url: $.zulip_url, start_time: $.bustime_start, schedule: "/schedule", }, $.schedulebot.args) + { volumes: ["%s:/schedule" % $.schedulebot.schedule_path], }, [if $.enabled.tootbot then "tootbot"]: bot_service("tootbot", $.tootbot + { zulip+: { url: $.zulip_url }, }, $.tootbot.args, subcommand="main"), [if $.enabled.twitchbot then "twitchbot"]: bot_service("twitchbot", $.twitchbot + { zulip_url: $.zulip_url, }, $.tootbot.args), }, }