CREATE TYPE event_state as ENUM ( 'UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED', 'FINALIZING', 'TRANSCODING', 'DONE', 'MODIFIED' ); CREATE TYPE video_range as ( start TIMESTAMP, "end" TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TYPE video_transition as ( type TEXT, duration DOUBLE PRECISION ); CREATE TYPE thumbnail_mode as ENUM ( 'NONE', 'BARE', 'TEMPLATE', 'CUSTOM' ); -- The end time for an event can be unset, "--" or a timestamp. -- If dashed is true, value should be the same as start time (which may be NULL if start time is unset). -- Otherwise value is the value (which may be NULL if end time is unset). -- dashed should be non-NULL. CREATE TYPE end_time AS ( dashed BOOLEAN, value TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE events ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, sheet_name TEXT NOT NULL, event_start TIMESTAMP, event_end end_time DEFAULT ROW(false, NULL) CHECK ( (event_end).dashed IS NOT NULL AND ((event_end).dashed != TRUE OR (event_end).value IS NOT DISTINCT FROM event_start) ), category TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', submitter_winner TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', poster_moment BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, image_links TEXT[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', -- default empty array notes TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tags TEXT[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', -- default empty array allow_holes BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, uploader_whitelist TEXT[], upload_location TEXT CHECK (state = 'UNEDITED' OR upload_location IS NOT NULL), public BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, video_ranges video_range[] CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'DONE') OR video_ranges IS NOT NULL), video_transitions video_transition[] CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'DONE') OR video_transitions IS NOT NULL), CHECK ( (video_ranges IS NULL AND video_transitions IS NULL) OR CARDINALITY(video_ranges) = CARDINALITY(video_transitions) + 1 ), video_title TEXT CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'DONE') OR video_title IS NOT NULL), video_description TEXT CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'DONE') OR video_description IS NOT NULL), video_tags TEXT[] CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'DONE') OR video_tags IS NOT NULL), video_channel TEXT CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'DONE') OR video_channel IS NOT NULL), video_quality TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'source', thumbnail_mode thumbnail_mode NOT NULL DEFAULT 'TEMPLATE', thumbnail_time TIMESTAMP CHECK ( state = 'UNEDITED' OR thumbnail_mode in ('NONE', 'CUSTOM') OR thumbnail_time IS NOT NULL ), thumbnail_template TEXT CHECK ( state = 'UNEDITED' OR thumbnail_mode != 'TEMPLATE' OR thumbnail_template IS NOT NULL ), thumbnail_image BYTEA CHECK ( state = 'UNEDITED' OR thumbnail_mode != 'CUSTOM' OR thumbnail_image IS NOT NULL ), thumbnail_last_written BYTEA CHECK ( state != 'DONE' OR thumbnail_mode = 'NONE' OR thumbnail_last_written IS NOT NULL ), thumbnail_crop INTEGER[] CHECK ( cardinality(thumbnail_crop) = 4 OR thumbnail_crop IS NULL ), -- left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinates to crop the selected frame thumbnail_location INTEGER[] CHECK ( cardinality(thumbnail_location) = 4 OR thumbnail_location IS NULL ), -- left, top, right, bottom pixel coordinates to position the cropped frame state event_state NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UNEDITED', uploader TEXT CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'DONE', 'MODIFIED') OR uploader IS NOT NULL), error TEXT, video_id TEXT, video_link TEXT CHECK ((NOT (state IN ('DONE', 'MODIFIED'))) OR video_link IS NOT NULL), editor TEXT, edit_time TIMESTAMP CHECK (state = 'UNEDITED' OR editor IS NOT NULL), upload_time TIMESTAMP CHECK ((NOT (state IN ('DONE', 'MODIFIED'))) OR upload_time IS NOT NULL), last_modified TIMESTAMP CHECK (state != 'MODIFIED' OR last_modified IS NOT NULL) ); -- Index on state, since that's almost always what we're querying on besides id CREATE INDEX event_state ON events (state); -- Table for recording each "edit" made to a video, written by thrimshim. -- This is mainly a just-in-case thing so we can work out when something was changed, -- and change it back if needed. More about accidents than security. CREATE TABLE events_edits_audit_log ( time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), id TEXT NOT NULL, api_action TEXT NOT NULL, editor TEXT NOT NULL, old_data JSONB, new_data JSONB ); CREATE TABLE nodes ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, url TEXT NOT NULL, backfill_from BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE ); CREATE TABLE roles ( -- email should always be lowercase since that's how the auth function compares it email TEXT PRIMARY KEY CHECK (email = lower(email)), name TEXT NOT NULL, editor BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, artist BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); -- A slight misnomer, this is all rows of the tags sheet. -- It includes tags that have been promoted to actual playlists, and ones that have not. -- Playlists are communicated to playlist manager via this table. CREATE TABLE playlists ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, -- These are sheet inputs, and aren't used directly by anything (except reverse sync) name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- When tags is NULL, it indicates tags have not been set and so the playlist should -- match nothing. Conversely, when tags is empty, it indicates the playlist should match everything. tags TEXT[], playlist_id TEXT, show_in_description BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, -- These event ids are references into the events table, but they aren't foreign keys -- because we don't want invalid input to cause integrity errors. -- It's totally safe for these to point to non-existent events, it just does nothing. first_event_id TEXT, last_event_id TEXT, -- name of the thumbnail template to be applied by default to this tag default_template TEXT ); -- This table records time series data gleaned from the bus cam (right now, just the odometer). -- Each record indicates a timestamp and value, as well as the channel/segment file it was sourced from. -- Note the values are nullable and NULL indicates the value was indeterminate at that time. -- The "error" column records a free-form human readable message about why a value could not -- be determined. -- The odometer column is in miles. The game shows the odometer to the 1/10th mile precision. -- The clock is in minutes since 00:00, in 12h time. -- The time of day is one of "day", "dusk", "night", "dawn" or "score" -- The segment may be NULL, which indicates a manually-inserted value. -- The primary key serves two purposes: -- It provides an index on channel, followed by a range index on timestamp -- It provides a unique constraint on the same segment and timestamp -- Note that multiple manual records may exist for the same channel and timestamp -- as all NULL values are considered distinct, so the unique constraint does not hold. CREATE TABLE bus_data ( channel TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, segment TEXT, error TEXT, odometer DOUBLE PRECISION, clock INTEGER, timeofday TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (channel, timestamp, segment) ); -- This table stores video thumbnail templates and their associated metadata -- attribution: any attribution to be auto included in the video description. If empty, do not add an attribution -- crop: left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinates to crop the selected frame -- location: left, top, right, bottom pixel coordinates to position the cropped frame CREATE TABLE templates ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, image BYTEA NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', attribution TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', crop INTEGER[] NOT NULL CHECK (cardinality(crop) = 4), location INTEGER[] NOT NULL CHECK (cardinality(location) = 4) );