var DateTime = luxon.DateTime; var Interval = luxon.Interval; luxon.Settings.defaultZone = "utc"; var globalBusStartTime = DateTime.fromISO("1970-01-01T00:00:00"); var globalStreamName = ""; var globalStartTimeString = ""; var globalEndTimeString = ""; var globalPlayer = null; Hls.DefaultConfig.maxBufferHole = 600; Hls.DefaultConfig.debug = true; const VIDEO_FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 30; const PLAYBACK_RATES = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2]; function commonPageSetup() { if (!Hls.isSupported()) { addError( "Your browser doesn't support MediaSource extensions. Video playback and editing won't work." ); } const helpLink = document.getElementById("editor-help-link"); helpLink.addEventListener("click", toggleHelpDisplay); const closeHelp = document.getElementById("editor-help-box-close"); closeHelp.addEventListener("click", (_event) => { const helpBox = document.getElementById("editor-help-box"); helpBox.classList.add("hidden"); }); } function toggleHelpDisplay() { const helpBox = document.getElementById("editor-help-box"); if (helpBox.classList.contains("hidden")) { const helpLink = document.getElementById("editor-help-link"); = `${helpLink.offsetTop + helpLink.offsetHeight}px`; helpBox.classList.remove("hidden"); } else { helpBox.classList.add("hidden"); } } function addError(errorText) { const errorElement = document.createElement("div"); errorElement.innerText = errorText; const dismissElement = document.createElement("a"); dismissElement.classList.add("error-dismiss"); dismissElement.innerText = "[X]"; errorElement.appendChild(dismissElement); dismissElement.addEventListener("click", (event) => { const errorHost = document.getElementById("errors"); errorHost.removeChild(errorElement); }); const errorHost = document.getElementById("errors"); errorHost.appendChild(errorElement); } async function loadVideoPlayer(playlistURL) { let rangedPlaylistURL = assembleVideoPlaylistURL(playlistURL); const videoElement = document.getElementById("video"); const volume = +(localStorage.getItem("volume") ?? 0.5); if (isNaN(volume)) { volume = 0.5; } else if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } else if (volume > 1) { volume = 1; } videoElement.volume = volume; videoElement.addEventListener("volumechange", (_event) => { const newVolume = videoElement.volume; localStorage.setItem("volume", newVolume); }); globalPlayer = new Hls(); globalPlayer.attachMedia(video); return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => { globalPlayer.on(Hls.Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, () => { globalPlayer.loadSource(rangedPlaylistURL); resolve(); }); }); } async function loadVideoPlayerFromDefaultPlaylist() { const playlistURL = `/playlist/${globalStreamName}.m3u8`; await loadVideoPlayer(playlistURL); } function updateSegmentPlaylist() { globalPlayer.destroy(); loadVideoPlayerFromDefaultPlaylist(); } function parseHumanTimeStringAsDateTime(inputTime) { // We need to handle inputs like "-0:10:15" in a way that consistently makes the time negative. // Since we can't assign the negative sign to any particular part, we'll check for the whole thing here. let direction = 1; if (inputTime.startsWith("-")) { inputTime = inputTime.slice(1); direction = -1; } const parts = inputTime.split(":", 3); const hours = parseInt(parts[0]) * direction; const minutes = (parts[1] || 0) * direction; const seconds = (parts[2] || 0) * direction; return { hours: hours, minutes: minutes, seconds: seconds }; } function dateTimeFromBusTime(busTime) { return; } function busTimeFromDateTime(dateTime) { const diff = dateTime.diff(globalBusStartTime); return formatIntervalForDisplay(diff); } function formatIntervalForDisplay(interval) { if (interval.milliseconds < 0) { const negativeInterval = interval.negate(); return `-${negativeInterval.toFormat("hh:mm:ss.SSS")}`; } return interval.toFormat("hh:mm:ss.SSS"); } function dateTimeFromWubloaderTime(wubloaderTime) { return DateTime.fromISO(wubloaderTime); } function wubloaderTimeFromDateTime(dateTime) { if (!dateTime) { return null; } // Not using ISO here because Luxon doesn't give us a quick way to print an ISO8601 string with no offset. return dateTime.toFormat("yyyy-LL-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"); } function busTimeFromWubloaderTime(wubloaderTime) { const dt = dateTimeFromWubloaderTime(wubloaderTime); return busTimeFromDateTime(dt); } function assembleVideoPlaylistURL(basePlaylistURL) { let playlistURL = basePlaylistURL; const queryStringParts = startAndEndTimeQueryStringParts(); if (queryStringParts) { playlistURL += "?" + queryStringParts.join("&"); } return playlistURL; } function startAndEndTimeQueryStringParts() { const startTime = getStartTime(); const endTime = getEndTime(); let queryStringParts = []; if (startTime) { queryStringParts.push(`start=${wubloaderTimeFromDateTime(startTime)}`); } if (endTime) { queryStringParts.push(`end=${wubloaderTimeFromDateTime(endTime)}`); } return queryStringParts; }