const COLORS = { day: { sky: "#41cee2", ground: "#e5931b", surface: "#b77616", }, dusk: { sky: "#db92be", ground: "#dd926a", surface: "#b17555", }, night: { sky: "#121336", ground: "#30201a", surface: "#261a15", }, dawn: { sky: "#2b2f87", ground: "#724d41", surface: "#5b3e34", }, }; const KEY_OUT_COLOR = "#2b6ec6"; // The width from the left side of the bus image to the front of the bus const BUS_FRONT_OFFSET = 73; // Start time of each day phase const DAY_START_MINUTES = 450; const DUSK_START_MINUTES = 1140; const NIGHT_START_MINUTES = 1200; const DAWN_START_MINUTES = 400; const BUS_STOP_OFFSET = 8; const POINT_OFFSET = 17; // Bus stop positions are recorded in miles with the 0 position // at route start. This array can be looped every point. const BUS_STOP_POSITIONS = [1, 55.2, 125.4, 166.3, 233.9, 295.2]; const BUS_DAY_IMAGE = new Image(); BUS_DAY_IMAGE.src = "bus_day.png"; const BUS_NIGHT_IMAGE = new Image(); BUS_NIGHT_IMAGE.src = "bus_night.png"; const BUS_STOP_IMAGE = new Image(); BUS_STOP_IMAGE.src = "db_stop.png"; const POINT_IMAGE = new Image(); POINT_IMAGE.src = "point.png"; // This should match the HTML canvas width const CANVAS_PIXEL_WIDTH = 1920; function nextPhase(timeOfDay) { switch (timeOfDay) { case "day": case "dawn": return "dusk"; case "dusk": return "night"; case "night": return "dawn"; } } function phaseStartTime(timeOfDay) { switch (timeOfDay) { case "day": return DAY_START_MINUTES; case "dusk": return DUSK_START_MINUTES; case "night": return NIGHT_START_MINUTES; case "dawn": return DAWN_START_MINUTES; } } function drawBackground(context, timeOfDay, leftX, width) { const skyColor = COLORS[timeOfDay].sky; const groundColor = COLORS[timeOfDay].ground; const surfaceColor = COLORS[timeOfDay].surface; context.fillStyle = KEY_OUT_COLOR; context.fillRect(leftX, 80, width, 20); context.fillStyle = COLORS[timeOfDay].sky; context.fillRect(leftX, 0, width, 80); context.fillStyle = COLORS[timeOfDay].surface; context.fillRect(leftX, 80, width, 1); context.fillStyle = COLORS[timeOfDay].ground; context.fillRect(leftX, 81, width, 7); context.fillRect(leftX, 89, width, 3); context.fillRect(leftX, 94, width, 2); context.fillRect(leftX, 99, width, 1); } async function drawRoad() { const busDataResponse = await fetch("/thrimshim/bus/buscam"); if (!busDataResponse.ok) { return; } const busData = await busDataResponse.json(); const canvas = document.getElementById("road"); if (!canvas.getContext) { return; } const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Clear the previous canvas before starting context.clearRect(0, 0, CANVAS_PIXEL_WIDTH, 100); // Background the whole thing as the key-out color in case we need to bail // out before drawing (e.g. we're in a non-DB game menu) context.fillStyle = KEY_OUT_COLOR; context.fillRect(0, 0, CANVAS_PIXEL_WIDTH, 100); const currentTime = busData.clock_minutes; const distance = busData.odometer; const timeOfDay = busData.timeofday; drawBackground(context, timeOfDay, 0, BUS_FRONT_OFFSET); const maxWidth = CANVAS_PIXEL_WIDTH - BUS_FRONT_OFFSET; // The default scaling factor (1) is 20 seconds per pixel at max speed. // This gives us // - 3px per minute // - 4px per mile let scaleFactor = +document.getElementById("scale-input").value; if (scaleFactor === 0 || isNaN(scaleFactor)) { scaleFactor = 1; } const startMinute = busData.clock_minutes; const timeDuration = maxWidth / (3 * scaleFactor); let previousTime = startMinute; let previousTimeOfDay = timeOfDay; let remainingDuration = timeDuration; let x = BUS_FRONT_OFFSET; while (remainingDuration > 0) { const nextTimeOfDay = nextPhase(previousTimeOfDay); const nextStartTime = phaseStartTime(nextTimeOfDay); let thisDuration = nextStartTime - previousTime; if (thisDuration < 0) { thisDuration += 1440; } // TODO Figure out scaling factor const pixelWidth = thisDuration * 3 * scaleFactor; drawBackground(context, previousTimeOfDay, x, pixelWidth); remainingDuration -= thisDuration; previousTime = nextStartTime; previousTimeOfDay = nextTimeOfDay; x += pixelWidth; } x = 0; const currentPointProgress = distance % 360; let distanceToNextPoint; if (currentPointProgress <= 109.3) { distanceToNextPoint = 109.3 - currentPointProgress; } else { distanceToNextPoint = 469.3 - currentPointProgress; } distanceToNextPoint += BUS_FRONT_OFFSET / (4 * scaleFactor); if (distanceToNextPoint >= 360) { distanceToNextPoint -= 360; } x += distanceToNextPoint * 4 * scaleFactor; context.drawImage(POINT_IMAGE, x - POINT_OFFSET, 0); while (x < CANVAS_PIXEL_WIDTH) { x += 360 * 4 * scaleFactor; context.drawImage(POINT_IMAGE, x - POINT_OFFSET, 0); } const distanceOnRoute = (distance - 109.3) % 360; let distanceTracked = distanceOnRoute - BUS_FRONT_OFFSET / (4 * scaleFactor); if (distanceTracked < 0) { distanceTracked += 720; } x = 0; while (x < CANVAS_PIXEL_WIDTH) { const distanceTrackedOnRoute = distanceTracked % 360; let nextBusStopPosition = null; for (const busStopPosition of BUS_STOP_POSITIONS) { if (busStopPosition >= distanceTrackedOnRoute + 1) { nextBusStopPosition = busStopPosition; break; } } if (nextBusStopPosition === null) { nextBusStopPosition = 360 + BUS_STOP_POSITIONS[0]; } const nextBusStopDistance = nextBusStopPosition - distanceTrackedOnRoute; distanceTracked += nextBusStopDistance; x += nextBusStopDistance * 4 * scaleFactor; context.drawImage(BUS_STOP_IMAGE, x - BUS_STOP_OFFSET, 0); } if (timeOfDay === "night") { context.drawImage(BUS_NIGHT_IMAGE, 0, 0); } else { context.drawImage(BUS_DAY_IMAGE, 0, 0); } } window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => { drawRoad(); setInterval(drawRoad, 10000); });