Mike Lang 6815924097 Fix some bugs and linter errors introduced by backfiller
I ran `pyflakes` on the repo and found these bugs:

./common/common.py:289: undefined name 'random'
./downloader/downloader/main.py:7: 'random' imported but unused
./backfiller/backfiller/main.py:150: undefined name 'variant'
./backfiller/backfiller/main.py:158: undefined name 'timedelta'
./backfiller/backfiller/main.py:171: undefined name 'sort'
./backfiller/backfiller/main.py:173: undefined name 'sort'
(ok, the "imported but unused" one isn't a bug, but the rest are)

This fixes those, as well as a further issue I saw with sorting of hours.

Iterables are not sortable. As an obvious example, what if your iterable was infinite?
As a result, any attempt to sort an iterable that is not already a friendly type like a list
or tuple will result in an error. We avoid this by coercing to list, fully realising the iterable
and putting it into a form that python will let us sort. It also avoids the nasty side-effect
of mutating the list that gets passed into us, which the caller may not expect. Consider this example:

>>> my_hours = ["one", "two", "three"]
>>> print my_hours
["one", "two", "three"]
>>> backfill_node(base_dir, node, stream, variants, hours=my_hours, order='forward')
>>> print my_hours
["one", "three", "two"]

Also, one of the linter errors was non-trivial to fix - we were trying to get a list of hours
(which is an api call for a particular variant), but at a time when we weren't dealing with a single
variant. My solution was to get a list of hours for ALL variants, and take the union.
common.py Fix some bugs and linter errors introduced by backfiller
setup.py common: Fix bugs and issues with bustime utils