mirror of https://github.com/ekimekim/wubloader
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
208 lines
6.6 KiB
208 lines
6.6 KiB
import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
from hashlib import sha256
from urlparse import urlparse
from uuid import uuid4
from base64 import b64encode
import mysql.connector
from common.segments import get_best_segments, full_cut_segments
class NoSegments(Exception):
class RaceNotFound(Exception):
class CantFindStart(Exception):
def __init__(self, racer, racer_number, found, path):
self.racer = racer
self.racer_number = racer_number
self.found = found
self.path = path
def __str__(self):
if self.found > 0:
return "Found multiple ({}) possible start points for racer {} ({})".format(self.found, self.racer_number, self.racer)
return "Failed to find start point for racer {} ({})".format(self.racer_number, self.racer)
def ts(dt):
return dt.strftime("%FT%T")
def cut_to_file(logger, filename, base_dir, stream, start, end, variant='source', frame_counter=False):
logger.info("Cutting {}".format(filename))
segments = get_best_segments(
os.path.join(base_dir, stream, variant).lower(),
start, end,
if None in segments:
logger.warning("Cutting {} ({} to {}) but it contains holes".format(filename, ts(start), ts(end)))
if not segments or set(segments) == {None}:
raise NoSegments("Can't cut {} ({} to {}): No segments".format(filename, ts(start), ts(end)))
filter_args = []
# standardize resolution
filter_args += ["-vf", "scale=-2:720"]
if frame_counter:
filter_args += [
"-vf", "scale=-2:480, drawtext="
encoding_args = ['-c:v', 'libx264', '-preset', 'ultrafast', '-crf', '0', '-f', 'mp4']
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
for chunk in full_cut_segments(segments, start, end, filter_args + encoding_args):
def add_range(base, range):
return [base + datetime.timedelta(seconds=n) for n in range]
def conn_from_url(url):
args = urlparse(url)
return mysql.connector.connect(
def review(
match_id, race_number, base_dir, db_url, start_range=(0, 10), finish_range=(-5, 10),
racer1_start=None, racer2_start=None,
logger = logging.getLogger("review").getChild("{}-{}".format(match_id, race_number))
conn = conn_from_url(db_url)
cur = conn.cursor()
match_info.racer_1_name as racer_1,
match_info.racer_2_name as racer_2,
races.timestamp as start,
race_runs.time as duration
FROM match_info
JOIN match_races ON (match_info.match_id = match_races.match_id)
JOIN races ON (match_races.race_id = races.race_id)
JOIN race_runs ON (races.race_id = race_runs.race_id)
WHERE race_runs.rank = 1
AND match_info.match_id = %(match_id)s
AND match_races.race_number = %(race_number)s
""", {'match_id': match_id, 'race_number': race_number})
data = cur.fetchall()
data = [
[item.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(item, unicode) else item for item in row]
for row in data
if not data:
raise RaceNotFound("Could not find race number {} of match {}".format(race_number, match_id))
assert len(data) == 1, repr(data)
(racer1, racer2, start, duration), = data
end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=duration/100.)
# cache hash encapsulates all input args
cache_hash = sha256(str((match_id, race_number, start_range, finish_range, racer1_start, racer2_start)))
cache_str = b64encode(cache_hash.digest(), "-_")[:12]
output_name = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(match_id, racer1, racer2, race_number)
output_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "reviews", output_name)
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
result_name = "review_{}.mp4".format(cache_str)
result_path = os.path.join(output_dir, result_name)
if os.path.exists(result_path):
logger.info("Result already exists for {}, reusing".format(result_path))
return result_path, []
finish_paths = []
suspect_starts = []
for racer_index, (racer, time_offset) in enumerate(((racer1, racer1_start), (racer2, racer2_start))):
nonce = str(uuid4())
racer_number = racer_index + 1
if time_offset is None:
start_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "start-{}-{}.mp4".format(racer_number, nonce))
logger.info("Cutting start for racer {} ({})".format(racer_number, racer))
start_start, start_end = add_range(start, start_range)
cut_to_file(logger, start_path, base_dir, racer, start_start, start_end)
logger.info("Running blackdetect")
args = [
'ffmpeg', '-hide_banner',
'-i', start_path,
'-vf', 'blackdetect=d=0.1',
'-f', 'null', '/dev/null'
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
if proc.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("ffmpeg exited {}\n{}".format(proc.wait(), err))
lines = [
line for line in re.split('[\r\n]', err.strip())
if line.startswith('[blackdetect @ ')
if len(lines) != 1:
found = len(lines)
logger.warning("Unable to detect start (expected 1 black interval, but found {}), re-cutting with timestamps".format(found))
cut_to_file(logger, start_path, base_dir, racer, start_start, start_end, frame_counter=True)
error = CantFindStart(racer, racer_number, found, start_path)
if not lines:
raise error
# try to continue by picking first
line = lines[0]
black_end = line.split(' ')[4]
assert black_end.startswith('black_end:')
time_offset = float(black_end.split(':')[1])
time_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_offset - start_range[0])
# start each racer's finish video at TIME_OFFSET later, so they are the same
# time since their actual start.
finish_base = end + time_offset
finish_start, finish_end = add_range(finish_base, finish_range)
finish_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "finish-{}-{}.mp4".format(racer_number, nonce))
logger.info("Got time offset of {}, cutting finish at finish_base {}".format(time_offset, finish_base))
cut_to_file(logger, finish_path, base_dir, racer, finish_start, finish_end)
temp_path = "{}.{}.mp4".format(result_path, str(uuid4()))
args = ['ffmpeg']
for path in finish_paths:
args += ['-i', path]
args += [
'-r', '60',
'-filter_complex', 'hstack',
'-y', temp_path,
logger.info("Cutting final result")
# atomic rename so that if result_path exists at all, we know it is complete and correct
# don't do this if we have a suspect start though, as the cached result wouldn't know.
if suspect_starts:
result_path = temp_path
os.rename(temp_path, result_path)
logger.info("Review done, suspect starts = {}".format(len(suspect_starts)))
return result_path, suspect_starts