You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import json
import logging
import random
import subprocess
import os
from common.requests import InstrumentedSession
from . import hls_playlist
class Provider:
"""Base class with defaults, to be overriden for specific providers"""
# How long (in seconds) we should keep using a media playlist URI before getting a new one.
# This matters because some providers set an expiry on the URI they give you.
# However the default is an arbitrarily long period (ie. never).
MAX_WORKER_AGE = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 30 days
def get_media_playlist_uris(self, qualities, session=None):
"""Fetches master playlist and returns {quality: media playlist URI} for each
requested quality."""
raise NotImplementedError
def get_media_playlist(self, uri, session=None):
"""Fetches the given media playlist. In most cases this is just a simple fetch
and doesn't need to be overriden."""
if session is None:
session = InstrumentedSession()
resp = session.get(uri, metric_name='get_media_playlist')
return hls_playlist.load(resp.text, base_uri=resp.url)
class URLProvider(Provider):
"""Provider that takes an arbitrary master playlist URL.
Doesn't support multiple renditions, quality must be "source".
def __init__(self, master_playlist_url):
self.master_playlist_url = master_playlist_url
def get_media_playlist_uris(self, qualities, session=None):
if qualities != ["source"]:
raise ValueError("Cannot provide non-source qualities")
if session is None:
session = InstrumentedSession()
resp = session.get(self.master_playlist_url, metric_name='url_master_playlist')
master_playlist = hls_playlist.load(resp.text, base_uri=resp.url)
# Take the first variant
return {"source": master_playlist.playlists[0].uri}
class YoutubeProvider(Provider):
"""Provider that takes a youtube live stream (NOT a video).
Doesn't support multiple renditions, quality must be "source".
Requires yt-dlp to be available in $PATH.
# Youtube links expire after 6h, so roll workers at 5h
MAX_WORKER_AGE = 5 * 60 * 60
def __init__(self, youtube_url):
self.youtube_url = youtube_url
def get_media_playlist_uris(self, qualities, session=None):
if qualities != ["source"]:
raise ValueError("Cannot provide non-source qualities")
# We outsource the work of going from a youtube URL to a media playlist at the best available quality.
# We do this by telling yt-dlp to dump the json info for the video.
output = subprocess.check_output([
"--output", "infojson:-", # json dump to stdout (just "-o -" will write it to stderr)
data = json.loads(output)
except Exception:
raise Exception(f"Invalid JSON from yt-dlp: {output!r}")
return {"source": data["url"]}
class TwitchProvider(Provider):
"""Provider that takes a twitch channel."""
# Twitch links expire after 24h, so roll workers at 20h
MAX_WORKER_AGE = 20 * 60 * 60
def __init__(self, channel, auth_token=None): = channel
self.auth_token = auth_token
def get_access_token(self, session):
request = {
"operationName": "PlaybackAccessToken",
"extensions": {
"persistedQuery": {
"version": 1,
"sha256Hash": "0828119ded1c13477966434e15800ff57ddacf13ba1911c129dc2200705b0712"
"variables": {
"isLive": True,
"isVod": False,
"vodID": "",
"playerType": "site"
headers = {'Client-ID': 'kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko'}
if self.auth_token is not None:
headers["Authorization"] = "OAuth {}".format(self.auth_token)
resp =
data = resp.json()["data"]["streamPlaybackAccessToken"]
return data['signature'], data['value']
def get_master_playlist(self, session):
sig, token = self.get_access_token(session)
resp = session.get(
"referer": "",
"origin": "",
# Taken from streamlink. Unsure what's needed and what changing things can do.
"player": "twitchweb",
"p": random.randrange(1000000),
"type": "any",
"allow_source": "true",
"allow_audio_only": "true",
"allow_spectre": "false",
"fast_bread": "true",
"sig": sig,
"token": token,
resp.raise_for_status() # getting master playlist
playlist = hls_playlist.load(resp.text, base_uri=resp.url)
return playlist
def get_media_playlist_uris(self, target_qualities, session=None):
# Twitch master playlists are observed to have the following form:
# The first listed variant is the source playlist and has "(source)" in the name.
# Other variants are listed in order of quality from highest to lowest, followed by audio_only.
# These transcoded variants are named "Hp[R]" where H is the vertical resolution and
# optionally R is the frame rate. R is elided if == 30. Examples: 720p60, 720p, 480p, 360p, 160p
# These variants are observed to only ever have one rendition, type video, which contains the name
# but no URI. The URI in the main variant entry is the one to use. This is true even of the
# "audio_only" stream.
# Streams without transcoding options only show source and audio_only.
# We return the source stream in addition to any in target_qualities that is found.
logger = logging.getLogger("twitch")
if session is None:
session = InstrumentedSession()
master_playlist = self.get_master_playlist(session)
def variant_name(variant):
names = set( for media in if media.type == "VIDEO" and
if not names:
logger.warning("Variant {} has no named video renditions, can't determine name".format(variant))
return None
if len(names) > 1:
logger.warning("Variant {} has multiple possible names, picking one arbitrarily".format(variant))
return list(names)[0]
if not master_playlist.playlists:
raise ValueError("Master playlist has no variants")
for variant in master_playlist.playlists:
if any(media.uri for media in
logger.warning("Variant has a rendition with its own URI: {}".format(variant))
by_name = {variant_name(variant): variant for variant in master_playlist.playlists}
source_candidates = [name for name in by_name.keys() if "(source)" in name]
if len(source_candidates) != 1:
raise ValueError("Can't find source stream, not exactly one candidate. Candidates: {}, playlist: {}".format(
source_candidates, master_playlist,
source = by_name[source_candidates[0]]
variants = {name: variant for name, variant in by_name.items() if name in target_qualities}
variants["source"] = source
return {name: variant.uri for name, variant in variants.items()}
class LocalProvider(Provider):
"""Provider that uses a local m3u8 recording.
def __init__(self, directory): = directory
def get_media_playlist(self, uri, session=None):
with open(uri) as f:
playlist = hls_playlist.load(, uri)
return playlist
def get_media_playlist_uris(self, qualities, session=None):
if qualities != ["source"]:
raise ValueError("Cannot provide non-source qualities")
files = os.listdir(
for file in sorted(files, reverse=True):
if file.endswith(".m3u8"):
return {"source": os.path.join(, file)}
raise ValueError("Can't find playlist (m3u8) file")