mirror of https://github.com/ekimekim/wubloader
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
258 lines
7.8 KiB
258 lines
7.8 KiB
import gevent.monkey
import csv
import logging
import time
from calendar import timegm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import gevent.pool
import argh
from .zulip import Client
from .config import get_config
def get_membership(client):
"""Returns {group id: member set}"""
return {
group["id"]: set(group["members"])
for group in client.request("GET", "user_groups")["user_groups"]
def update_members(client, group_id, old_members, new_members):
logging.info(f"Updating group {group_id}: {old_members} -> {new_members}")
added = new_members - old_members
removed = old_members - new_members
if added or removed:
client.request("POST", "user_groups", group_id, "members", add=list(added), delete=list(removed))
def get_role_at_hour(hours, hour):
if 0 <= hour < len(hours):
return hours[hour]
return ""
def determine_members(schedule, role, hour):
return set(
user_id for user_id, (_, hours) in schedule.items()
if get_role_at_hour(hours, hour) == role
def get_display_name(client, user_id):
return client.request("GET", "users", user_id)["user"]["full_name"]
def update_groups(client, group_ids, groups_by_shift, schedule, hour, start_time, last):
logging.info("Setting groups for hour {}".format(hour))
members = get_membership(client)
_, shift, _, _ = hour_to_shift(hour, start_time)
def run_group(item):
group_name, group_id = item
new_members = set() if hour == last else determine_members(schedule, group_name, hour)
assert group_id in members, "group {} doesn't exist".format(group_id)
update_members(client, group_id, members[group_id], new_members)
def run_group_by_shift(item):
group_id, shifts = item
user_ids = set(shifts[shift])
update_members(client, group_id, members[group_id], user_ids)
gevent.pool.Group().map(run_group, group_ids.items())
gevent.pool.Group().map(run_group_by_shift, groups_by_shift.items())
def hour_to_shift(hour, start_time):
"""Converts an hour number into a datetime, shift number (0-3), shift name, and hour-of-shift (1-6)"""
start_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_time)
current_time = (start_time + timedelta(hours=hour)).replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
current_time_pst = current_time - timedelta(hours=8)
hour_pst = current_time_pst.hour
shift = hour_pst // 6
shift_name = ["zeta", "dawn-guard", "alpha-flight", "night-watch"][shift]
shift_hour = hour_pst % 6 + 1
return current_time, shift, shift_name, shift_hour
def post_schedule(client, send_client, start_time, schedule, stream, hour, no_mentions, last, omega):
going_offline = []
coming_online = []
display_names = {}
supervisor = None
found_any = False
for user_id, (_, hours) in schedule.items():
prev = get_role_at_hour(hours, hour - 1)
now = get_role_at_hour(hours, hour)
if hour == last:
now = ""
if now != "" or prev != "":
found_any = True
if now == "Supervisor":
supervisor = user_id
if user_id not in display_names:
display_names[user_id] = gevent.spawn(get_display_name, client, user_id)
if prev != now:
if prev != "":
going_offline.append((prev, user_id))
if now != "":
coming_online.append((now, user_id))
if user_id not in display_names:
display_names[user_id] = gevent.spawn(get_display_name, client, user_id)
if not found_any:
logging.info("Not posting schedule for hour {} as no-one is or was scheduled".format(hour))
# sort by role
logging.info(f"Going offline: {going_offline}")
logging.info(f"Coming online: {coming_online}")
current_time, _, shift, shift_hour = hour_to_shift(hour, start_time)
if omega >= 0 and hour >= omega:
shift = "omega"
shift_hour = hour - omega + 1
def render_name(user_id, mention=True):
if no_mentions:
mention = False
fallback, _ = schedule[user_id]
result = display_names[user_id].get()
except Exception:
logging.warning(f"Failed to fetch user {user_id}", exc_info=True)
return f"**{fallback}**"
if mention:
return f"@**{result}|{user_id}**"
return f"**{result}**"
lines = [
f"**Shift changes for :{shift}: Hour {shift_hour} | Bustime {hour:02d}:00 - {hour+1:02d}:00 | <time:{current_time.isoformat(timespec='minutes')}>:**",
"Make sure to *mute/unmute* #**current-shift** as needed!",
if supervisor is None:
logging.warning("No supervisor found")
name = render_name(supervisor, mention=False)
lines.append(f"Your shift supervisor is {name}")
if coming_online:
lines += [
"Coming online:"
] + [
f"- {render_name(user_id)} - {role}"
for role, user_id in coming_online
if going_offline:
lines += [
"Going offline:"
] + [
f"- {render_name(user_id)} - {role}"
for role, user_id in going_offline
lines += [
if hour == last:
lines += [
"**Well done everyone, and thank you for all your hard work :heart:**"
if stream == "DEBUG":
send_client.send_to_stream(stream, "Schedule", "\n".join(lines))
def parse_schedule(user_ids, schedule_file):
schedule = {}
with open(schedule_file) as f:
for row in csv.reader(f):
name = row[0]
if name in ["", "Chat Member", "Hour of the Run"] or name.startswith("-") or name.startswith("["):
if name not in user_ids:
logging.warning(f"No user id known for user {name}")
user_id = user_ids[name]
if user_id in schedule:
logging.warning(f"Multiple rows for user {name}, merging")
_, old_hours = schedule[user_id]
merged = [
old or new
for old, new in zip(old_hours, row[1:])
schedule[user_id] = name, merged
schedule[user_id] = name, row[1:]
return schedule
def main(conf_file, hour=-1, no_groups=False, stream="General", no_mentions=False, no_initial=False, omega=-1, last=-1):
url: the base url of the instance
api_user: auth used for general api calls
auth used for sending messages
defaults to api_user, but you may want a vanity name / avatar
start_time: Time of the first hour, as UTC timestamp string
schedule: Path to the schedule CSV file
Populates membership of given group as a hard-coded list of users per DB shift.
This is NOT reported in start/end of shifts.
authentication is an object {email, api_key}
config = get_config(conf_file)
client = Client(config["url"], config["api_user"]["email"], config["api_user"]["api_key"])
send_auth = config.get("send_user", config["api_user"])
send_client = Client(config["url"], send_auth["email"], send_auth["api_key"])
group_ids = config["groups"]
schedule = parse_schedule(config["members"], config["schedule"])
groups_by_shift = {int(id): shifts for id, shifts in config["groups_by_shift"].items()}
# Accept start time timestamp with or without trailing "Z" indicating UTC.
start_time = config["start_time"]
if start_time.endswith("Z"):
start_time = start_time[:-1]
start_time = timegm(time.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
if hour >= 0:
if not no_groups:
update_groups(client, group_ids, groups_by_shift, schedule, hour, start_time, last)
if stream:
post_schedule(client, send_client, start_time, schedule, stream, hour, no_mentions, last, omega)
while True:
hour = int((time.time() - start_time) / 3600)
if not no_initial:
if not no_groups:
update_groups(client, group_ids, groups_by_shift, schedule, hour, start_time, last)
if stream:
post_schedule(client, send_client, start_time, schedule, stream, hour, no_mentions, last, omega)
no_initial = False
next_hour = start_time + 3600 * (hour + 1)
remaining = next_hour - time.time()
if remaining > 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':