mirror of https://github.com/ekimekim/wubloader
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334 lines
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334 lines
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import os
from io import BytesIO
import argh
from PIL import Image
import common
from common.segments import extract_frame, parse_segment_path
# DB2023 buscam
# bounding box (left x, top y, right x, bottom y) of the area the odometer can be in
"odo": (1121, 820, 1270, 897),
"clock": (1685, 819, 1804, 877),
# starting x coord of each digit within the odo box
"odo": [0, 28, 56, 84, 123],
"clock": [0, 27, 66, 93],
# value of each digit
"odo": [1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1],
"clock": [600, 60, 10, 1],
# Most digits we only care about the actual character height
# But last digit we want the full white-background area as we want to try to match
# based on position also.
# get back py2 zip behaviour
_zip = zip
def zip(*args):
return list(_zip(*args))
cli = argh.EntryPoint()
@argh.arg("paths", nargs="+")
def to_digits(output_dir, paths, box_only=False, type="odo"):
"""Extracts each digit and saves to a file. Useful for testing or building prototypes."""
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
for path in paths:
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
image = Image.open(path)
if not box_only:
image = image.crop(AREA_COORDS[type])
for i, digit in enumerate(extract_digits(image, type)):
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}-digit{}.png".format(name, i))
def get_brightest_region(image, xs, height):
"""For given image, return the sub-image of given height with the brightest
values for all the pixels at given x positions within the row."""
# Calculate total brightness by row
rows = [
sum(image.getpixel((x, y)) for x in xs)
for y in range(image.height)
# Find brightest sub-image of `height` rows
start_at = max(range(image.height - (height-1)), key=lambda y: sum(rows[y:y+height]))
# Cut image to only be that part
return image.crop((0, start_at, image.width, start_at + height))
def get_green(image):
"""Given a RGB image, highlight "green" areas and return a monochrome image"""
data = image.getdata()
newdata = [g - max(r, b) for r, g, b in data]
newimage = Image.new("L", image.size)
return newimage
def extract_digits(image, type):
"""Takes an odo box, and returns a list of digit images"""
main_digit_coords = DIGIT_X_COORDS[type]
if type == "odo":
main_digit_coords = main_digit_coords[:-1]
# convert to greyscale, possibly only on green channel
if type == "clock":
image = get_green(image)
image = image.convert(mode='L')
# Find main digits y position
digit_xs = [
x + dx
for x in DIGIT_X_COORDS[type]
for dx in range(DIGIT_WIDTH)
main_digits = get_brightest_region(image, digit_xs, DIGIT_HEIGHT)
main_digits = normalize(main_digits)
digits = []
for i, x in enumerate(main_digit_coords):
digit = main_digits.crop((x, 0, x + DIGIT_WIDTH, main_digits.height))
if type == "odo":
x = DIGIT_X_COORDS["odo"][-1]
last_digit = get_brightest_region(image, range(x, x + DIGIT_WIDTH), LAST_DIGIT_HEIGHT)
last_digit = last_digit.crop((x, 0, x + DIGIT_WIDTH, last_digit.height))
last_digit = normalize(last_digit)
return digits
def normalize(image):
# Expand the range of the image so that the darkest pixel becomes black
# and the lightest becomes white
_min, _max = image.getextrema()
_range = _max - _min
if _range == 0:
image = image.point(lambda v: 128)
image = image.point(lambda v: 255 * (v - _min) / _range)
return image
def recognize_digit(prototypes, image, blank_is_zero=False):
"""Takes a normalized digit image and returns (detected number, score, all_scores)
where score is between 0 and 1. Higher numbers are more certain the number is correct.
all_scores is for debugging.
If the most likely detection is NOT a number, None is returned instead.
def maybeFloat(n):
if n == "blank" and blank_is_zero:
return 0
return float(n)
except ValueError:
return None
scores = sorted([
(compare_images(prototype, image), maybeFloat(n))
for n, prototype in prototypes.items()
], reverse=True)
best_score, number = scores[0]
runner_up_score, _ = scores[1]
# we penalize score if the second best score is high, as this indicates we're uncertain
# which number it is even though both match.
return number, best_score - runner_up_score, scores
def compare_images(prototype, image):
"""Takes a normalized digit image and a prototype image, and returns a score
for how close the image is to looking like that prototype."""
pairs = zip(image.getdata(), prototype.getdata())
error_squared = sum((a - b)**2 for a, b in pairs)
MAX_ERROR_SQUARED = 255**2 * len(pairs)
return 1 - (float(error_squared) / MAX_ERROR_SQUARED)**0.5
def load_prototypes(prototypes_path):
prototypes = {}
for kind in os.listdir(prototypes_path):
prototypes[kind] = {}
path = os.path.join(prototypes_path, kind)
for filename in os.listdir(path):
if not filename.endswith(".png"):
name = filename[:-4]
prototypes[kind][name] = Image.open(os.path.join(path, filename))
return prototypes
def read_digit(digit, prototypes_path="./prototypes", verbose=False):
"""For debugging. Compares an extracted digit image to each prototype and prints scores."""
prototypes = load_prototypes(prototypes_path)
digit = Image.open(digit)
guess, score, all_scores = recognize_digit(prototypes["odo-digits"], digit)
print("Digit = {} with score {}".format(guess, score))
if verbose:
all_scores.sort(key=lambda x: -1 if x[1] is None else x[1])
for s, n in all_scores:
print("{}: {}".format(n, s))
def recognize_odometer(prototypes, frame):
"""Takes a full image frame and returns (detected mile value, score, digits)
where score is between 0 and 1. Higher numbers are more certain the value is correct.
digits is for debugging.
odo = frame.crop(AREA_COORDS["odo"])
digits = extract_digits(odo, "odo")
digits = [
recognize_digit(prototypes["odo-digits"], digit) for digit in digits[:-1]
] + [
recognize_digit(prototypes["odo-last-digit"], digits[-1])
# If any digit is None, report whole thing as None. Otherwise, calculate the number.
if any(digit is None for digit, _, _ in digits):
value = None
value = sum(digit * base for base, (digit, _, _) in zip(DIGIT_BASES["odo"], digits))
# Use average score of digits as frame score
score = sum(score for _, score, _ in digits) / len(digits)
return value, score, digits
def recognize_clock(prototypes, frame):
clock = frame.crop(AREA_COORDS["clock"])
digits = extract_digits(clock, "clock")
digits = [
recognize_digit(prototypes["odo-digits"], digit, i == 0) for i, digit in enumerate(digits)
if any(digit is None for digit, _, _ in digits):
# If any digit is None, report whole thing as None
value = None
elif digits[0][0] not in range(2):
# 1st digit is 0-1, or else fail
value = None
elif digits[2][0] not in range(6):
# 3rd digit is 0-5, or else fail
value = None
value = sum(digit * base for base, (digit, _, _) in zip(DIGIT_BASES["clock"], digits))
# Use average score of digits as frame score
score = sum(score for _, score, _ in digits) / len(digits)
return value, score, digits
@argh.arg("frames", nargs="+")
def read_frame(frames, prototypes_path="./prototypes", verbose=False):
"""For testing. Takes any number of frame images (or segments) and prints the odometer reading."""
prototypes = load_prototypes(prototypes_path)
for filename in frames:
if filename.endswith(".ts"):
segment = parse_segment_path(filename)
frame_data = b"".join(extract_frame([segment], segment.start))
frame = Image.open(BytesIO(frame_data))
frame = Image.open(filename)
value, score, digits = recognize_odometer(prototypes, frame)
if verbose:
for guess, _score, all_scores in digits:
print("Digit = {} with score {}".format(guess, _score))
print("{}: odo {} with score {}".format(filename, value, score))
value, score, digits = recognize_clock(prototypes, frame)
if verbose:
for guess, _score, all_scores in digits:
print("Digit = {} with score {}".format(guess, _score))
print("{}: clock {} with score {}".format(filename, value, score))
value, score, all_scores = recognize_time_of_day(frame)
if verbose:
for color, _score in all_scores:
print("{}: {}".format(color, _score))
print("{}: time-of-day {} with score {}".format(filename, value, score))
def create_prototype(output, *images):
"""Create a prototype image by averaging all the given images"""
first = Image.open(images[0])
data = list(first.getdata())
for image in images[1:]:
image = Image.open(image)
for i, value in enumerate(image.getdata()):
data[i] += value
data = [v / len(images) for v in data]
def get_frame(*segments):
for path in segments:
segment = parse_segment_path(path)
filename = segment.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT-%H-%M-%S") + ".png"
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
for chunk in extract_frame([segment], segment.start):
common.writeall(f.write, chunk)
def compare_colors(color_a, color_b):
MAX_ERROR_SQUARED = 255**2 * len(color_a)
return 1 - float(sum((a - b)**2 for a, b in zip(color_a, color_b))) / MAX_ERROR_SQUARED
def recognize_time_of_day(frame):
"""Returns time of day, score, all scores."""
"day": (89, 236, 239),
"dusk": (199, 162, 205),
"night": (1, 1, 1),
"dawn": (51, 59, 142),
sample = frame.getpixel((177, 255))
scores = [
(tod, compare_colors(sample, color))
for tod, color in COLORS.items()
best, score = max(scores, key=lambda t: t[1])
return best, score, scores
def extract_segment(prototypes, segment):
frame_data = b"".join(extract_frame([segment], segment.start))
frame = Image.open(BytesIO(frame_data))
odometer, score, _ = recognize_odometer(prototypes, frame)
odometer = None
clock, score, _ = recognize_clock(prototypes, frame)
clock = None
tod, score, _ = recognize_time_of_day(frame)
tod = None
return odometer, clock, tod
if __name__ == '__main__':