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Christopher Usher 57bb74632f I should test these changes soon
backfiller I should test these changes soon
common database: Remove retry_on_conflict helper and default to autocommit
downloader downloader: Start backdoor later so workers is in locals
restreamer restreamer: Use correct name for dateutil
.gitignore Set up a docker compose file to run all images
.travis.yml travis.yml: Make script into individual lines
DATABASE.md database: Add column video_id for storing upload-location-specific metadata for identifying video
LICENSE Licence under MIT
README.md Set up a docker compose file to run all images
build Adding in stuff to hopefully get this to run
docker-compose.jsonnet Enable backdoor in all services, and add telnet to containers
generate-docker-compose generate-docker-compose: Clean up the container afterwards
generate-flamegraph generate-flamegraph: Script to create a flamegraph by querying prometheus
initial-design-doc.pdf Add initial design doc


Wubloader is a system for saving, re-serving and cutting into videos of a target twitch (or probably other HLS, but some twitch specifics are assumed) stream.

It was designed to serve the needs of the Video Strike Team as part of Desert Bus For Hope.

A full design doc can be read at initial-design-doc.pdf, but a brief overview of the components:

  • Downloader grabs segments from twitch and saves them to disk
  • Restreamer serves segments from disk as well as playlist files allowing them to be streamed
  • Backfiller queries restreamers of other servers in order to pick up segments this server doesn't have already, ie. it replicates missing segments.
  • Cutter interacts with a database to perform cutting jobs
  • Sheet Sync syncs specifc database columns to a google doc which is the primary operator interface.


All components are built as docker images. Components which access the disk expect a shared directory mounted at /mnt.

A docker-compose file is provided to run all components. See docker-compose.jsonnet to set configuration options, then generate the compose file with ./generate-docker-compose. Then run docker-compose up.