You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

407 lines
13 KiB

import logging
import uuid
from monotonic import monotonic
import common
import common.shifts
from .middleware import Middleware
class SheetsMiddleware(Middleware):
# How many syncs of active sheets to do before checking inactive sheets.
# By checking inactive sheets less often, we stay within our API limits.
# For example, 4 syncs per inactive check * 5 seconds between syncs = 20s between inactive checks
# How many worksheets to keep "active" based on most recent modify time
# Expected quota usage per 100s =
# For current values, this is 100/5 * 2 + 100/5/4 * 7 = 75
# Number of initial rows to ignore as they contain headers
header_rows = 1
# Maps DB column names (or general identifier, for non-DB columns) to sheet column indexes.
# id is required.
column_map = {
"id": NotImplemented,
# Maps column names to a function that parses that column's value.
# Functions take a single arg (the value to parse) and ValueError is
# interpreted as None.
# Columns missing from this map default to simply using the string value.
column_parsers = {}
# Maps column names to a function that encodes the value to a string for the spreadsheet,
# ie. the inverse of column_parsers.
# A column being omitted defaults to NONE_IS_EMPTY, ie. identity function for strings, "" for None.
column_encode = {}
def __init__(self, client, sheet_id, worksheets, allocate_ids=False):
self.client = client
self.sheet_id = sheet_id
# map {worksheet: last modify time}
self.worksheets = {w: 0 for w in worksheets}
self.allocate_ids = allocate_ids
# tracks when to do inactive checks
self.sync_count = 0
# tracks empty rows on the sheet for us to create new rows in
self.unassigned_rows = {}
def pick_worksheets(self):
"""Returns a list of worksheets to check, which may not be the same every time
for quota limit reasons."""
if self.sync_count % self.SYNCS_PER_INACTIVE_CHECK == 0:
# check all worksheets
worksheets = list(self.worksheets.keys())
# only check most recently changed worksheets
worksheets = sorted(
self.worksheets.keys(), key=lambda k: self.worksheets[k], reverse=True,
self.sync_count += 1
return worksheets
def get_rows(self):
"""Fetch all rows of worksheet, parsed into a list of dicts.
Return (is_full, all rows).
# Clear previously seen unassigned rows
self.unassigned_rows = {}
worksheets = self.pick_worksheets()
all_rows = []
for worksheet in worksheets:
rows = self.client.get_rows(self.sheet_id, worksheet)
for row_index, row in enumerate(rows):
# Skip first row or rows (ie. the column titles).
# Need to do it inside the loop and not eg. use rows[1:],
# because then row_index won't be correct.
if row_index < self.header_rows:
row = self.parse_row(worksheet, row_index, row)
if row is None:
# Handle rows without an allocated id
if row['id'] is None:
# Only assign a row an id if it has a start time and a description
if not self.row_is_non_empty(row):
self.unassigned_rows.setdefault(worksheet, []).append(row["index"])
# If we can't allocate ids, warn and ignore.
if not self.allocate_ids:
logging.warning(f"Row {worksheet!r}:{row['index']} has no valid id, skipping")
# Otherwise, allocate id for a new row.
row['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4())"Allocating id for row {worksheet!r}:{row['index']} = {row['id']}")
return worksheets, all_rows
def row_is_non_empty(self, row):
"""Returns True if row is considered to be non-empty and should have an id assigned."""
raise NotImplementedError
def write_id(self, row):
self.sheet_id, row["sheet_name"],
row["index"], self.column_map['id'],
def parse_row(self, worksheet, row_index, row):
"""Take a row as a sequence of columns, and return a dict {column: value}.
May return None to skip the row (used by subclasses)."""
row_dict = {
"sheet_name": worksheet,
"index": row_index,
'_parse_errors': [],
for column, index in self.column_map.items():
if index >= len(row):
# Sheets omits trailing columns if they're all empty, so substitute empty string
value = ''
value = row[index]
if column in self.column_parsers:
value = self.column_parsers[column](value)
except ValueError as e:
value = None
row_dict['_parse_errors'].append("Failed to parse column {}: {}".format(column, e))
row_dict[column] = value
return row_dict
def write_value(self, row, key, value):
"""Write key=value to the given row, as identified by worksheet + row dict."""
value = self.column_encode.get(key, NONE_IS_EMPTY)(value)
return self.client.write_value(
def mark_modified(self, row):
"""Mark row as having had a change made, bumping its worksheet to the top of
the most-recently-modified queue."""
self.worksheets[row["sheet_name"]] = monotonic()
def _create_row(self, worksheet, id):
"""Because the way we get the worksheet name differs for events vs playlists,
we have the common code here and defer extracting the worksheet and id to per-type implementations"""
unassigned_rows = self.unassigned_rows.get(worksheet, [])
if not unassigned_rows:
raise Exception(f"Worksheet {worksheet} has no available space to create a new row in, or it wasn't fetched")
index = unassigned_rows.pop(0)
row = {
"sheet_name": worksheet,
"id": id,
"index": index,
}"Assigning existing id {row['id']} to empty row {worksheet!r}:{row['index']}")
return row
# Helpers for parsing
EMPTY_IS_NONE = lambda v: None if v == "" else v
NONE_IS_EMPTY = lambda v: "" if v is None else v
PARSE_CHECKMARK = lambda v: v == "[✓]"
ENCODE_CHECKMARK = lambda v: "[✓]" if v else ""
def check_playlist(playlist_id):
playlist_id = playlist_id.strip()
if not playlist_id:
return None
if len(playlist_id) != 34 or not playlist_id.startswith('PL'):
raise ValueError("Playlist ID appears to be invalid")
return playlist_id
class SheetsPlaylistsMiddleware(SheetsMiddleware):
header_rows = 2
column_map = {
"tags": 0,
"description": 1,
"name": 2,
"playlist_id": 3,
"show_in_description": 4,
"default_template": 5,
"first_event_id": 6,
"last_event_id": 7,
"id": 8,
column_parsers = {
"tags": lambda v: (
None if v.strip() == "" else
[] if v == "<all>" else
[tag.strip() for tag in v.split(",") if tag.strip()]
"playlist_id": check_playlist,
"show_in_description": PARSE_CHECKMARK,
"first_event_id": EMPTY_IS_NONE,
"last_event_id": EMPTY_IS_NONE,
"default_template": EMPTY_IS_NONE,
column_encode = {
"tags": lambda v: (
"" if v is None else
"<all>" if v == [] else
", ".join(v)
"show_in_description": ENCODE_CHECKMARK,
def parse_row(self, worksheet, row_index, row):
row = super().parse_row(worksheet, row_index, row)
if row["id"] == "<ignore>":
# Special case, row is marked to be ignored
return None
return row
def row_was_expected(self, db_row, worksheets):
# Database does not record a worksheet for playlists, we assume there's only one
# sheet and so it should always be there.
return True
def row_is_non_empty(self, row):
return row["tags"] is not None or any(
row[key] for key in ("description", "name", "playlist_id")
def create_row(self, row):
# Always create in the first worksheet. We should only have one anyway.
worksheet = list(self.worksheets.keys())[0]
return self._create_row(worksheet,
class SheetsEventsMiddleware(SheetsMiddleware):
column_map = {
'event_start': 0,
'event_end': 1,
'category': 2,
'description': 3,
'submitter_winner': 4,
'poster_moment': 5,
'image_links': 6,
'marked_for_edit': 7,
'notes': 8,
'tags': 9,
'video_link': 11,
'state': 12,
'edit_link': 13,
'error': 14,
'id': 15,
def __init__(self, client, sheet_id, worksheets, bustime_start, edit_url, shifts, allocate_ids=False):
super().__init__(client, sheet_id, worksheets, allocate_ids)
self.bustime_start = bustime_start
self.edit_url = edit_url
self.shifts = shifts
self.latest_shifts = common.shifts.parse_shifts(self.shifts)
# column parsers are defined here so they can reference self
self.column_parsers = {
'event_start': self.parse_bustime,
'event_end': lambda v: self.parse_bustime(v, preserve_dash=True),
'poster_moment': PARSE_CHECKMARK,
'image_links': lambda v: [link.strip() for link in v.split()] if v.strip() else [],
'tags': lambda v: [tag.strip() for tag in v.split(',') if tag.strip()],
'error': EMPTY_IS_NONE,
'video_link': EMPTY_IS_NONE,
self.column_encode = {
"event_start": self.encode_bustime,
"event_end": lambda v: ("--" if v[0] else self.encode_bustime(v[1])),
"poster_moment": ENCODE_CHECKMARK,
"image_links": lambda v: " ".join(v),
"tags": lambda v: ", ".join(v),
def get_rows(self):
# only need to update the shifts once per sync
self.latest_shifts = common.shifts.parse_shifts(self.shifts)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Error parsing shifts with. Using previous shifts definition.')
return super().get_rows()
def parse_bustime(self, value, preserve_dash=False):
"""Convert from HH:MM or HH:MM:SS format to datetime.
If preserve_dash=True and value is "--", returns "--"
as a sentinel value instead of None. "" will still result in None.
if not value.strip():
return None
if value.strip() == "--":
return "--" if preserve_dash else None
bustime = common.parse_bustime(value)
return common.bustime_to_dt(self.bustime_start, bustime)
def encode_bustime(self, value):
"""Inverse of parse_bustime"""
if value is None:
return ""
bustime = common.dt_to_bustime(self.bustime_start, value)
return common.format_bustime(bustime, round="minute")
def row_was_expected(self, db_row, worksheets):
return db_row.sheet_name in worksheets
def row_is_non_empty(self, row):
return any(row[col] for col in ["event_start", "description"])
def parse_row(self, worksheet, row_index, row):
row_dict = super().parse_row(worksheet, row_index, row)
# As a special case, add some implicit tags to the tags column.
# We prepend these to make it slightly more consistent for the editor,
# This is only needed for full events (not the archive sheet),
# so only do it if we had a tags column in the first place.
if 'tags' in row_dict:
shift_tag = common.shifts.calculate_shift(row_dict['event_start'], self.latest_shifts)
row_dict['tags'] = (
([shift_tag] if shift_tag is not None else [])
+ [
row_dict['category'], # category name
worksheet, # sheet name
] + (['Poster Moment'] if row_dict['poster_moment'] else [])
+ row_dict['tags']
# As a special case, transform event_end into (dashed, value) form
# where value = event_start if dashed is true.
event_end = row_dict["event_end"]
row_dict["event_end"] = (
(True, row_dict["event_start"])
if event_end == "--"
else (False, event_end)
# Set edit link if marked for editing and start/end set.
# This prevents accidents / clicking the wrong row and provides
# feedback that sheet sync is still working.
# Also clear it if it shouldn't be set.
# We do this here instead of in sync_row() because it's Sheets-specific logic
# that doesn't depend on the DB event in any way.
edit_link = self.edit_url.format(row_dict['id']) if self.show_edit_url(row_dict) else ''
if row_dict['edit_link'] != edit_link:"Updating sheet row {} with edit link {}".format(row_dict['id'], edit_link))
self.write_value(row_dict, "edit_link", edit_link)
return row_dict
def show_edit_url(self, row):
return row['marked_for_edit'] == '[+] Marked'
def write_value(self, row, key, value):
# Undo the implicitly added tags
if key == "tags":
value = value[2:]
if row.get("poster_moment"):
value = value[1:]
return super().write_value(row, key, value)
def create_row(self, row):
return self._create_row(row.sheet_name,
class SheetsArchiveMiddleware(SheetsEventsMiddleware):
# Archive sheet is similar to events sheet but is missing some columns.
header_rows = 3
column_map = {
'event_start': 0,
'event_end': 1,
'description': 2,
'state': 3,
'notes': 4,
'edit_link': 6,
'error': 7,
'id': 8,
def show_edit_url(self, row):
return row['event_start'] is not None and row['event_end'][1] is not None