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import json
import logging
import os
import random
import signal
import socket
from collections import namedtuple
import gevent.backdoor
import gevent.event
import prometheus_client as prom
import requests
from psycopg2 import sql
import common
from common.database import DBManager, query
from common.segments import get_best_segments, cut_segments, ContainsHoles
from .youtube import Youtube
# A list of all the DB column names in CutJob
CutJob = namedtuple('CutJob', [
# the list of segments as returned by get_best_segments()
# params which map directly from DB columns
def format_job(job):
"""Convert candidate row or CutJob to human-readable string"""
return "{job.id}({start}/{duration}s {job.video_title!r})".format(
duration=(job.video_end - job.video_start).total_seconds(),
class CandidateGone(Exception):
"""Exception indicating a job candidate is no longer available"""
class Cutter(object):
def __init__(self, youtube, conn, stop, name, segments_path):
"""youtube is an authenticated and initialized youtube api client.
Conn is a database connection.
Stop is an Event triggering graceful shutdown when set.
Name is this uploader's unique name.
Segments path is where to look for segments.
self.name = name
self.youtube = youtube
self.conn = conn
self.stop = stop
self.segments_path = segments_path
self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__)
def wait(self, interval):
"""Wait for INTERVAL with jitter, unless we're stopping"""
def run(self):
# clean up any potential bad state from unclean shutdown
# main loop - note that the sub-functions are responsible for error handling.
# any unhandled errors will cause the process to restart and clean up as per rollback_all_owned().
while not self.stop.is_set():
job = self.find_candidate()
except CandidateGone:
def find_candidate(self):
"""List EDITED events and find one at random which we have all segments for
(or for which allow_holes is true), returning a CutJob.
Polls until one is available.
while not self.stop.is_set():
candidates = self.list_candidates()
except Exception:
self.logger.exception("Error while listing candidates")
if candidates:
self.logger.info("Found {} job candidates".format(len(candidates)))
# Shuffle the list so that (most of the time) we don't try to claim the same one as other nodes
for candidate in candidates:
segments = self.check_candidate(candidate)
except ContainsHoles:
# TODO metric
self.logger.info("Ignoring candidate {} due to holes".format(format_job(candidate)))
continue # bad candidate, let someone else take it or just try again later
except Exception as e:
# Unknown error. This is either a problem with us, or a problem with the candidate
# (or most likely a problem with us that is only triggered by this candidate).
# In this case we would rather stay running so other jobs can continue to work if possible.
# But to give at least some feedback, we set the error message on the job
# if it isn't already.
self.logger.exception("Failed to check candidate {}, setting error on row".format(format_job(candidate)))
# Since this error message is just for humans, we don't go to too large
# a length to prevent it being put on the row if the row has changed.
# We just check its state is still EDITING.
# Any successful claim will clear its error.
result = query(self.conn, """
UPDATE events
SET error = %s
WHERE id = %s AND state = 'EDITED' AND error IS NULL
""", id=candidate.id, error='{}: Error while checking candidate: {}'.format(self.name, e))
except Exception:
self.logger.exception("Failed to set error for candidate {}, ignoring".format(format_job(candidate)))
if result.rowcount > 0:
assert result.rowcount == 1
self.logger.info("Set error for candidate {}".format(format_job(candidate)))
if all(segment is None for segment in segments):
self.logger.info("Ignoring candidate {} as we have no segments".format(format_job(candidate)))
return CutJob(segments=segments, **candidate._asdict())
# No candidates
def list_candidates(self):
"""Return a list of all available candidates that we might be able to cut."""
built_query = sql.SQL("""
SELECT id, {}
FROM events
WHERE state = 'EDITED'
AND (uploader_whitelist IS NULL OR %(name)s = ANY (uploader_whitelist))
sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Identifier(key) for key in CUT_JOB_PARAMS)
result = query(self.conn, built_query, name=self.name)
return result.fetchall()
def check_candidate(self, candidate):
return get_best_segments(
os.path.join(self.segments_path, candidate.video_channel, candidate.video_quality),
def claim_job(self, job):
"""Update event in DB to say we're working on it.
If someone beat us to it, or it's changed, raise CandidateGone."""
# We need to verify all relevant cut params are unchanged, in case they
# were updated between verifying the candidate and now.
built_query = sql.SQL("""
UPDATE events
SET state = 'CLAIMED', uploader = %(name)s, error = NULL
WHERE id = %(id)s
AND state = 'EDITED'
AND {}
# A built AND over all CUT_JOB_PARAMS to check key = %(key)s.
# Note the use of IS NOT DISTINCT FROM because key = NULL is false if key is NULL.
sql.SQL(' AND ').join(
sql.SQL("{} IS NOT DISTINCT FROM {}").format(sql.Identifier(key), sql.Placeholder(key))
for key in CUT_JOB_PARAMS
result = query(self.conn, built_query, name=self.name, **job._asdict())
except Exception:
# Rather than retry on failure here, just assume someone else claimed it in the meantime
self.logger.exception("Error while claiming job {}, aborting claim".format(format_job(job)))
raise CandidateGone
if result.rowcount == 0:
self.logger.info("Failed to claim job {}".format(format_job(job)))
raise CandidateGone
self.logger.info("Claimed job {}".format(format_job(job)))
assert result.rowcount == 1
def cut_job(self, job):
"""Perform the actual cut and upload, taking the job through FINALIZING and into
Handles various error conditions:
* Errors while cutting: Assumed to be non-retryable until cut parameters are changed
by operator. Sets error and rolls back to UNEDITED.
* Request error before request body closed: Assumed to be a transient network failure,
immediately retryable. Sets error and rolls back to EDITED.
* Request error after request body closed: It's unknown whether the request went through.
Sets error and remains in FINALIZING. Operator intervention is required.
* Row has changed (no longer claimed by us) before request body closed:
Assumed an operator has made changes and changed state back. Abort cutting without error.
* Row has changed (no longer claimed by us) after request body closed:
Request has already gone through, but we failed to update database with this state.
Causes program crash (JobConsistencyError) and restart,
at which point it will re-sync with DB as best it can.
This situation almost certainly requires operator intervention.
# TODO handle multiple upload locations. Currently everything's hard-coded to youtube.
self.logger.info("Cutting and uploading job {}".format(format_job(job)))
cut = cut_segments(job.segments, job.video_start, job.video_end)
# This flag tracks whether we've told requests to finalize the upload,
# and serves to detect whether errors from the request call are recoverable.
# Wrapping it in a one-element list is a hack that lets us modify it from within
# a closure (as py2 lacks the nonlocal keyword).
finalize_begun = [False]
# This dummy exception is used to pass control flow back out of upload_wrapper
# if we've already handled the error and do not need to do anything further.
class ErrorHandled(Exception):
# This exception indicates a job we thought was ours somehow disappeared
# while we were still trying to cut it. This most likely represents a logic error
# or that our instance is in a bad state, and will be raised up to run() to terminate
# the cutter entirely.
class JobConsistencyError(Exception):
def set_row(**kwargs):
"""Set columns on the row being cut. Returns True on success,
False if row could not be found.
if not set_row(state='UNEDITED', error=e):
<handle row having gone missing>
# construct an UPDATE query like "SET key1=%(key1)s, key2=%(key2)s, ..."
built_query = sql.SQL("""
UPDATE events
SET {}
WHERE id = %(id)s AND uploader = %(name)s
""").format(sql.SQL(", ").join(
sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
sql.Identifier(key), sql.Placeholder(key),
) for key in kwargs
result = query(self.conn, built_query, id=job.id, name=self.name, **kwargs)
return result.rowcount == 1
def upload_wrapper():
# This generator wraps the cut_segments generator so we can
# do things in between the data being finished and finalizing the request.
# This is also where we do the main error handling.
for chunk in cut:
yield chunk
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.exception("Error occurred while trying to cut job {}".format(format_job(job)))
# Assumed error is not retryable, set state back to UNEDITED and set error.
if not set_row(state='UNEDITED', error="Error while cutting: {}".format(ex), uploader=None):
self.logger.warning("Tried to roll back row {} to unedited but it was already cancelled.".format(job.id))
# Abort the cut without further error handling
raise ErrorHandled
# The data is now fully uploaded, but the request is not finalized.
# We now set the DB state to finalized so we know about failures during this
# critical section.
self.logger.debug("Setting job to finalizing")
if not set_row(state='FINALIZING'):
# Abort the cut and crash the program, forcing a state resync
raise JobConsistencyError(
"No job with id {} and uploader {} when setting FINALIZING"
.format(job.id, self.name)
finalize_begun[0] = True
# Now we return from this generator, and any errors between now and returning
# from requests.post() are not recoverable.
video_id = self.youtube.upload_video(
tags=[], # TODO
hidden=True, # TODO remove when not testing
except JobConsistencyError:
raise # this ensures it's not caught in the next except block
except ErrorHandled:
# we're aborting the cut, error handling has already happened
except Exception as ex:
# for HTTPErrors, getting http response body is also useful
if isinstance(ex, requests.HTTPError):
ex = "{}: {}".format(ex, ex.response.content)
# if error during finalizing, set it in the database and leave it
# stuck in FINALIZING state for operator intervention.
if finalize_begun[0]:
"Error occurred while finalizing upload of job {}. "
"You will need to check the state of the video manually."
error = (
"An error occurred during FINALIZING, please determine if video was actually "
"uploaded or not and either move to TRANSCODING and populate video_id or rollback "
"to EDITED and clear uploader. "
"Error: {}"
if not set_row(error=error):
# Not only do we not know if it was uploaded, we also failed to set that in the database!
raise JobConsistencyError(
"No job with id {} and uploader {} when setting error while finalizing!"
.format(job.id, self.name)
# error before finalizing, assume it's a network issue / retryable.
# set back to EDITED but still set error
self.logger.exception("Retryable error when uploading job {}".format(format_job(job)))
if not set_row(state='EDITED', error="Retryable error while uploading: {}".format(ex), uploader=None):
raise JobConsistencyError(
"No job with id {} and uploader {} when setting error while rolling back for retryable error"
.format(job.id, self.name)
# pause briefly so we don't immediately grab the same one again in a rapid retry loop
# Success! Set TRANSCODING and clear any previous error.
link = "https://youtu.be/{}".format(video_id)
if not set_row(state='TRANSCODING', video_id=video_id, video_link=link, error=None):
# This will result in it being stuck in FINALIZING, and an operator will need to go
# confirm it was really uploaded.
raise JobConsistencyError(
"No job with id {} and uploader {} when setting to TRANSCODING"
.format(job.id, self.name)
self.logger.info("Successfully cut and uploaded job {} as {}".format(format_job(job), link))
def rollback_all_owned(self):
"""Roll back any in-progress jobs that claim to be owned by us,
to recover from an unclean shutdown."""
result = query(self.conn, """
UPDATE events
SET state = 'EDITED', uploader = NULL
WHERE state = 'CLAIMED' AND uploader = %(name)s
""", name=self.name)
if result.rowcount > 0:
self.logger.warning("Rolled back {} CLAIMED rows for {} - unclean shutdown?".format(
result.rowcount, self.name,
# Also mark any rows in FINALIZED owned by us as errored, these require manual intervention
result = query(self.conn, """
UPDATE events
SET error = %(error)s
WHERE state = 'FINALIZING' AND uploader = %(name)s AND error IS NULL
""", name=self.name, error=(
"Uploader died during FINALIZING, please determine if video was actually "
"uploaded or not and either move to TRANSCODING and populate video_id or rollback "
"to EDITED and clear uploader."
if result.rowcount > 0:
self.logger.error("Found {} FINALIZING rows for {}, marked as errored".format(
result.rowcount, self.name,
class TranscodeChecker(object):
def __init__(self, youtube, conn, stop):
youtube is an authenticated and initialized youtube api client.
Conn is a database connection.
Stop is an Event triggering graceful shutdown when set.
self.youtube = youtube
self.conn = conn
self.stop = stop
self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__)
def wait(self, interval):
"""Wait for INTERVAL with jitter, unless we're stopping"""
def run(self):
while not self.stop.is_set():
ids = self.get_ids_to_check()
if not ids:
self.logger.info("Found {} videos in TRANSCODING".format(len(ids)))
ids = self.check_ids(ids)
if not ids:
self.logger.info("{} videos are done".format(len(ids)))
done = self.mark_done(ids)
self.logger.info("Marked {} videos as done".format(done))
except Exception:
self.logger.exception("Error in TranscodeChecker")
def get_ids_to_check(self):
result = query(self.conn, """
SELECT id, video_id
FROM events
return {id: video_id for id, video_id in result.fetchall()}
def check_ids(self, ids):
# Future work: Set error in DB if video id is not present,
# and/or try to get more info from yt about what's wrong.
statuses = self.youtube.get_video_status(ids.values())
return {
id: video_id for id, video_id in ids.items()
if statuses.get(video_id) == 'processed'
def mark_done(self, ids):
result = query(self.conn, """
UPDATE events
SET state = 'DONE'
WHERE id = ANY (%s::uuid[]) AND state = 'TRANSCODING'
""", ids.keys())
return result.rowcount
def main(dbconnect, youtube_creds_file, name=None, base_dir=".", metrics_port=8003, backdoor_port=0):
"""dbconnect should be a postgres connection string, which is either a space-separated
list of key=value pairs, or a URI like:
youtube_creds_file should be a json file containing keys 'client_id', 'client_secret' and 'refresh_token'.
name defaults to hostname.
if backdoor_port:
gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()
if name is None:
name = socket.gethostname()
stop = gevent.event.Event()
gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set) # shut down on sigterm
logging.info("Starting up")
# We have two independent jobs to do - to perform cut jobs (cutter),
# and to check the status of transcoding videos to see if they're done (transcode checker).
# We want to error if either errors, and shut down if either exits.
dbmanager = DBManager(dsn=dbconnect)
youtube_creds = json.load(open(youtube_creds_file))
youtube = Youtube(
cutter = Cutter(youtube, dbmanager.get_conn(), stop, name, base_dir)
transcode_checker = TranscodeChecker(youtube, dbmanager.get_conn(), stop)
jobs = [
# Block until either exits
gevent.wait(jobs, count=1)
# Stop the other if it isn't stopping already
# Block until both have exited
# Call get() for each to re-raise if either errored
for job in jobs:
logging.info("Gracefully stopped")