You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

539 lines
19 KiB

import json
import logging
import signal
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
import argh
import gevent.backdoor
import gevent.event
import prometheus_client as prom
from monotonic import monotonic
from psycopg2 import sql
from psycopg2.extras import register_uuid, execute_values
from requests import HTTPError
import common
import common.dateutil
from common.database import DBManager, query, get_column_placeholder
from .sheets import Sheets
sheets_synced = prom.Counter(
'Number of successful sheet syncs',
sheet_sync_duration = prom.Histogram(
'Time taken to complete a sheet sync',
sync_errors = prom.Counter(
'Number of errors syncing sheets',
rows_found = prom.Counter(
'Number of rows that sheetsync looked at with an id',
rows_changed = prom.Counter(
'Number of rows that needed changes applied, with type=insert, type=input or type=output',
['type', 'worksheet'],
event_counts = prom.Gauge(
'Number of rows in the database',
['sheet_name', 'category', 'poster_moment', 'state', 'errored'],
class SheetSync(object):
# Time between syncs
# Time to wait after getting an error
# How many syncs of active sheets to do before checking inactive sheets.
# By checking inactive sheets less often, we stay within our API limits.
# For example, 4 syncs per inactive check * 5 seconds between syncs = 20s between inactive checks
# How many worksheets to keep "active" based on most recent modify time
# Expected quota usage per 100s =
# If playlist_worksheet is defined, add 1 to len(worksheets).
# For current values, this is 100/5 * 2 + 100/5/4 * 7 = 75
def __init__(self, stop, dbmanager, sheets, sheet_id, worksheets, edit_url, bustime_start, allocate_ids=False, playlist_worksheet=None, archive_worksheet=None):
self.stop = stop
self.dbmanager = dbmanager
self.sheets = sheets
self.sheet_id = sheet_id
# map {worksheet: last modify time}
self.worksheets = {w: 0 for w in worksheets}
self.edit_url = edit_url
self.bustime_start = bustime_start
self.allocate_ids = allocate_ids
# The playlist and archive worksheets are checked on the same cadence as inactive sheets
self.playlist_worksheet = playlist_worksheet
self.archive_worksheet = archive_worksheet
# Maps DB column names (or general identifier, for non-DB columns) to sheet column indexes.
# Hard-coded for now, future work: determine this from column headers in sheet
self.default_column_map = {
'event_start': 0,
'event_end': 1,
'category': 2,
'description': 3,
'submitter_winner': 4,
'poster_moment': 5,
'image_links': 6,
'marked_for_edit': 7,
'notes': 8,
'tags': 9,
'video_link': 11,
'state': 12,
'edit_link': 13,
'error': 14,
'id': 15,
self.archive_column_map = {
'event_start': 0,
'event_end': 1,
'description': 2,
'state': 3,
'notes': 4,
'edit_link': 6,
'error': 7,
'id': 8,
# These columns are unmapped and instead are read as empty string,
# and writes are ignored.
'category': None,
'submitter_winner': None,
'poster_moment': None,
'image_links': None,
'marked_for_edit': None,
'tags': None,
'video_link': None,
# Maps column names to a function that parses that column's value.
# Functions take a single arg (the value to parse) and ValueError is
# interpreted as None.
# Columns missing from this map default to simply using the string value.
self.column_parsers = {
'event_start': lambda v: self.parse_bustime(v),
'event_end': lambda v: self.parse_bustime(v, preserve_dash=True),
'poster_moment': lambda v: v == '[\u2713]', # check mark
'image_links': lambda v: [link.strip() for link in v.split()] if v.strip() else [],
'tags': lambda v: [tag.strip() for tag in v.split(',') if tag.strip()],
'id': lambda v: uuid.UUID(v) if v.strip() else None,
# List of input columns
self.input_columns = [
# List of output columns
self.output_columns = [
def column_map(self, worksheet):
if worksheet == self.archive_worksheet:
return self.archive_column_map
return self.default_column_map
def parse_bustime(self, value, preserve_dash=False):
"""Convert from HH:MM or HH:MM:SS format to datetime.
If preserve_dash=True and value is "--", returns "--"
as a sentinel value instead of None. "" will still result in None.
if not value.strip():
return None
if value.strip() == "--":
return "--" if preserve_dash else None
bustime = common.parse_bustime(value)
return common.bustime_to_dt(self.bustime_start, bustime)
def wait(self, base, interval):
"""Wait until INTERVAL seconds after BASE."""
now = monotonic()
to_wait = base + common.jitter(interval) - now
if to_wait > 0:
def run(self):
self.conn = self.dbmanager.get_conn()
# tracks when to do inactive checks
sync_count = 0
while not self.stop.is_set():
sync_start = monotonic()
# Since the full dataset is small, the cost of round tripping to the database to check
# each row is more expensive than the cost of just grabbing the entire table
# and comparing locally.
events = self.get_events()
if sync_count % self.SYNCS_PER_INACTIVE_CHECK == 0:
# check all worksheets
worksheets = list(self.worksheets.keys()) + [self.archive_worksheet]
playlist_worksheet = self.playlist_worksheet
# only check most recently changed worksheets
worksheets = sorted(
self.worksheets.keys(), key=lambda k: self.worksheets[k], reverse=True,
playlist_worksheet = None
sync_count += 1
for worksheet in worksheets:
rows = self.sheets.get_rows(self.sheet_id, worksheet)
for row_index, row in enumerate(rows):
# Skip first row or rows (ie. the column titles).
# Need to do it inside the loop and not eg. use rows[1:],
# because then row_index won't be correct.
skip_rows = 3 if worksheet == self.archive_worksheet else 1
if row_index < skip_rows:
row = self.parse_row(worksheet, row)
self.sync_row(worksheet, row_index, row, events.get(row['id']))
if playlist_worksheet is not None:
rows = self.sheets.get_rows(self.sheet_id, playlist_worksheet)
except Exception as e:
# for HTTPErrors, http response body includes the more detailed error
detail = ''
if isinstance(e, HTTPError):
detail = ": {}".format(e.response.content)
logging.exception("Failed to sync{}".format(detail))
# To ensure a fresh slate and clear any DB-related errors, get a new conn on error.
# This is heavy-handed but simple and effective.
# If we can't re-connect, the program will crash from here,
# then restart and wait until it can connect again.
self.conn = self.dbmanager.get_conn()
self.wait(sync_start, self.ERROR_RETRY_INTERVAL)
else:"Successful sync of worksheets: {}".format(", ".join(worksheets)))
sheet_sync_duration.observe(monotonic() - sync_start)
self.wait(sync_start, self.RETRY_INTERVAL)
def get_events(self):
"""Return the entire events table as a map {id: event namedtuple}"""
built_query = sql.SQL("""
sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Identifier(col) for col in
{ "id", "state", "error", "public", "poster_moment", "sheet_name", "category" }
| set(self.input_columns)
| set(self.output_columns)
result = query(self.conn, built_query)
by_id = {}
counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for row in result.fetchall():
by_id[] = row
counts[row.sheet_name, row.category, str(row.poster_moment), row.state, str(bool(row.error))] += 1
# Reach into metric internals and forget about all previous values,
# or else any values we don't update will remain as a stale count.
for labels, count in counts.items():
return by_id
def parse_row(self, worksheet, row):
"""Take a row as a sequence of columns, and return a dict {column: value}"""
row_dict = {'_parse_errors': []}
for column, index in self.column_map(worksheet).items():
if index is None:
# Unmapped column, use empty string
value = ''
elif index >= len(row):
# Sheets omits trailing columns if they're all empty, so substitute empty string
value = ''
value = row[index]
if column in self.column_parsers:
value = self.column_parsers[column](value)
except ValueError as e:
value = None
row_dict['_parse_errors'].append("Failed to parse column {}: {}".format(column, e))
row_dict[column] = value
# As a special case, add some implicit tags to the tags column.
# We prepend these to make it slightly more consistent for the editor,
row_dict['tags'] = (
row_dict['category'], # category name
worksheet, # sheet name
] + (['Poster Moment'] if row_dict['poster_moment'] else [])
+ row_dict['tags']
# As a special case, treat an end time of "--" as equal to the start time.
if row_dict["event_end"] == "--":
row_dict["event_end"] = row_dict["event_start"]
return row_dict
def sync_row(self, worksheet, row_index, row, event):
"""Take a row dict and an Event from the database (or None if id not found)
and take whatever action is required to sync them, ie. writing to the database or sheet."""
if event is None:
# No event currently in DB, if any field is non-empty, then create it.
# Otherwise ignore it.
# Ignore the tags column for this check since it is never non-empty due to implicit tags
# (and even if there's other tags, we don't care if there's nothing else in the row).
if not any(row[col] for col in self.input_columns if col != 'tags'):
# Only generate row when needed (unless it's already there)
# Originally we would allocate rows on first sync, but this led to rate limiting issues.
if row['id'] is None:
if self.allocate_ids:
row['id'] = uuid.uuid4()"Allocating id for row {!r}:{} = {}".format(worksheet, row_index, row['id']))
self.sheet_id, worksheet,
row_index, self.column_map(worksheet)['id'],
logging.warning("Row {!r}:{} has no valid id, skipping".format(worksheet, row_index))
return"Inserting new event {}".format(row['id']))
# Insertion conflict just means that another sheet sync beat us to the insert.
# We can ignore it.
insert_cols = ['id', 'sheet_name'] + self.input_columns
built_query = sql.SQL("""
INSERT INTO events ({})
sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Identifier(col) for col in insert_cols),
sql.SQL(", ").join(get_column_placeholder(col) for col in insert_cols),
query(self.conn, built_query, sheet_name=worksheet, **row)
rows_changed.labels('insert', worksheet).inc()
# If no database error, but we have parse errors, indicate they should be displayed.
if event.error is None and row['_parse_errors']:
event = event._replace(error=", ".join(row['_parse_errors']))
# As a presentation detail, we show any row in state DONE with public = False as
# a virtual state UNLISTED instead, to indicate that it probably still requires other
# work before being modified to be public = True later.
if event.state == 'DONE' and not event.public:
event = event._replace(state='UNLISTED')
# Update database with any changed inputs
changed = [col for col in self.input_columns if row[col] != getattr(event, col)]
if changed:"Updating event {} with new value(s) for {}".format(
row['id'], ', '.join(changed)
built_query = sql.SQL("""
UPDATE events
SET {}
WHERE id = %(id)s
""").format(sql.SQL(", ").join(
sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
sql.Identifier(col), get_column_placeholder(col)
) for col in changed
query(self.conn, built_query, **row)
rows_changed.labels('input', worksheet).inc()
# Update sheet with any changed outputs
format_output = lambda v: '' if v is None else v # cast nulls to empty string
changed = [col for col in self.output_columns if row[col] != format_output(getattr(event, col))]
if changed:"Updating sheet row {} with new value(s) for {}".format(
row['id'], ', '.join(changed)
column_map = self.column_map(worksheet)
for col in changed:
output = format_output(getattr(event, col))
if column_map[col] is None:
logging.debug("Tried to update sheet for unmapped column {} = {!r}".format(col, output))
self.sheet_id, worksheet,
row_index, column_map[col],
rows_changed.labels('output', worksheet).inc()
# Set edit link if marked for editing or (for archive sheet) start/end set.
# This prevents accidents / clicking the wrong row and provides
# feedback that sheet sync is still working.
# Also clear it if it shouldn't be set.
edit_link = (
if row['marked_for_edit'] == '[+] Marked' or (
worksheet == self.archive_worksheet
and row['event_start']
and row['event_end']
) else ''
if row['edit_link'] != edit_link:"Updating sheet row {} with edit link {}".format(row['id'], edit_link))
self.sheet_id, worksheet,
row_index, self.column_map(worksheet)['edit_link'],
def mark_modified(self, worksheet):
"""Mark worksheet as having had a change made, bumping it to the top of
the most-recently-modified queue."""
self.worksheets[worksheet] = monotonic()
def sync_playlists(self, rows):
"""Parse rows with a valid playlist id and at least one tag,
overwriting the entire playlists table"""
playlists = []
for row in rows:
if len(row) == 5:
tags, _, name, playlist_id, show_in_description = row
elif len(row) == 4:
tags, _, name, playlist_id = row
show_in_description = ""
tags = self.column_parsers['tags'](tags)
if not tags:
# special-case for the "all everything" list,
# we don't want "no tags" to mean "all videos" so we need a sentinel value.
if tags == ["<all>"]:
tags = []
playlist_id = playlist_id.strip()
if len(playlist_id) != 34 or not playlist_id.startswith('PL'):
show_in_description = show_in_description == "[✓]"
playlists.append((playlist_id, tags, name, show_in_description))
# We want to wipe and replace all the current entries in the table.
# The easiest way to do this is a DELETE then an INSERT, all within a transaction.
# The "with" block will perform everything under it within a transaction, rolling back
# on error or committing on exit."Updating playlists table with {} playlists".format(len(playlists)))
with self.conn:
query(self.conn, "DELETE FROM playlists")
execute_values(self.conn.cursor(), "INSERT INTO playlists(playlist_id, tags, name, show_in_description) VALUES %s", playlists)
@argh.arg('dbconnect', help=
"dbconnect should be a postgres connection string, which is either a space-separated "
"list of key=value pairs, or a URI like:\n"
@argh.arg('sheets-creds-file', help=
"sheets_creds_file should be a json file containing keys "
"'client_id', 'client_secret' and 'refresh_token'."
@argh.arg('edit-url', help=
'edit_url should be a format string for edit links, with {} as a placeholder for id. '
'eg. "{}" will produce edit urls like '
@argh.arg('bustime_start', type=common.dateutil.parse, help=
"bustime_start is the timestamp which is bustime 00:00."
@argh.arg('worksheet-names', nargs='+', help=
"The names of the individual worksheets within the sheet to operate on."
@argh.arg('--allocate-ids', help=
"--allocate-ids means that it will give rows without ids an id. "
"Only one sheet sync should have --allocate-ids on for a given sheet at once!"
@argh.arg('--playlist-worksheet', help=
"An optional additional worksheet name that holds playlist tag definitions",
@argh.arg('--archive-worksheet', help=
"An optional additional worksheet name that manages archive videos",
def main(dbconnect, sheets_creds_file, edit_url, bustime_start, sheet_id, worksheet_names, metrics_port=8005, backdoor_port=0, allocate_ids=False, playlist_worksheet=None, archive_worksheet=None):
Sheet sync constantly scans a Google Sheets sheet and a database, copying inputs from the sheet
to the DB and outputs from the DB to the sheet.
With the exception of id allocation, all operations are idempotent and multiple sheet syncs
may be run for redundancy.
if backdoor_port:
gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()
stop = gevent.event.Event()
gevent.signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set) # shut down on sigterm"Starting up")
dbmanager = DBManager(dsn=dbconnect)
while True:
# Get a test connection so we know the database is up,
# this produces a clearer error in cases where there's a connection problem.
conn = dbmanager.get_conn()
except Exception:
delay = common.jitter(10)'Cannot connect to database. Retrying in {:.0f} s'.format(delay))
# put it back so it gets reused on next get_conn()
sheets_creds = json.load(open(sheets_creds_file))
sheets = Sheets(
SheetSync(stop, dbmanager, sheets, sheet_id, worksheet_names, edit_url, bustime_start, allocate_ids, playlist_worksheet, archive_worksheet).run()"Gracefully stopped")