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HeNine 1 year ago
parent fb10823c79
commit 5eb1a1c284

@ -3,8 +3,3 @@
\Huge ?

@ -12,32 +12,32 @@
Classes also grant proficiencies in certain skills.
\section*{Class Descriptions}
\section{Class Descriptions}
Classes are described in \cref{ch:combat-classes,ch:noncombat-classes}. The description preceding each class describes the general ``feel'' of each class. Your character is not required to conform with it; if you feel like the stats and abilities of a given class are appropriate for your character, go with it.
The stat list shows which stats your character gains from this class.
\subsection*{Standard weapons}
\subsection{Standard weapons}
Standard weapons are weapons a given class would generally be expected to use. These are ideas for what a character of this class would normally wield, however, you can pick something more appropriate to your character's backstory. As long as your character is proficient in their weapons, they will be just as effective.
\subsection*{Weapon proficiencies}
\subsection{Weapon proficiencies}
This is the list of classes of weapons a class is proficient in. As described in \cref{ch:equipment}, a class of weapons can mean many different kinds of weapons. All classes can use simple weapons, but those not proficient in their use cannot use them to their full potential.
\subsection*{Armor proficiencies}
\subsection{Armor proficiencies}
Armor proficiencies are the different kinds of armor a class can use. Ordinary clothes offer no protection, but can be worn by any character.
Each class also grants a set of skills that the character becomes proficient in. Some skills have specializations and in some cases, the player can decide what to specialize in. For instance, a witch knows Lore (\_), which means that the player gets to decide what area their character is particularly knowledgeable in.
As part of an encounter or in certain circumstances, a character can use their class abilities to achieve their goals. Abilities marked with \textit{reaction} can be used in reaction to another character's action. Abilities marked with \textit{passive} have effects that are always active.
@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ Classes are described in \cref{ch:combat-classes,ch:noncombat-classes}. The desc
The first set of classes focuses on combat. Each of them specializes in their own way of dealing damage and controlling the battlefield. From the stalwart guard, to the roguish swashbuckler, to the mysterious witch, their unique skills let them swiftly defeat their enemies, or protect their allies.
Fighters are trained in the use of melee weapons and can use them to great effect. This often puts them in the front line, where their role is to prevent enemies from hurting their more vulnerable allies.
\paragraph*{Sure Strike} Remove up to your \stat{STR} dice from your dice pool. Deal damage appropriate to the number of successes equal to half the removed dice.
A guard's main job is to protect their allies from attacks. They may not be trained in the fine points of sword-fighting, but their ability to control a crowd is second to none.
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ A guard's main job is to protect their allies from attacks. They may not be trai
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Intimidation, Perception
\paragraph*{Knock out} Roll an opposed test with \stat{DT} $6-\stat{str}$. The opponent must win with \stat{DT} $6-\stat{stb}$, or become \textbf{\sffamily unconscious} for a number of turns equal to the difference in margins.
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ A guard's main job is to protect their allies from attacks. They may not be trai
\paragraph*{Sweep} Make an attack against a primary target. Divide up to your \stat{STR} of the successes as damage rolls between targets adjacent to the primary target, as if you were attacking those targets.
The noble knight is trained in the art of swinging their sword with great efficiency. They can quickly disarm and subdue their opponent.
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ The noble knight is trained in the art of swinging their sword with great effici
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Riding
\paragraph*{Disarm} Roll a test with \stat{DT} $6-\stat{dex}$. The opponent must win with \stat{DT} $6-\stat{str}$, or their weapon is removed and placed in a random spot, the difference between margins meters away from the attacker.
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ The noble knight is trained in the art of swinging their sword with great effici
\paragraph*{Flurry} You may split your dice pool into a number of smaller pools equal to 1 + weapon proficiency, and use each one to attack a different target. After all attacks are resolved, remove failure dice from all pools and join the remaining dice back into one pool.
When, at the end of the evening, the landlord wishes to empty his tavern of the increasingly unfriendly drunks, he employs a brawler. Using raw power and whatever weapon is at hand, the brawler can empty a room in short order.
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ When, at the end of the evening, the landlord wishes to empty his tavern of the
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Athletics, Intimidation
\paragraph*{Juggernaut} Roll a \stat{DT}~$6-\stat{stb}$ test. On success, move the margin of success meters in a straight line. Note: you may not move less than the margin, unless you hit an obstacle.
@ -146,17 +146,17 @@ When, at the end of the evening, the landlord wishes to empty his tavern of the
\paragraph*{Knock out} Roll an opposed test with \stat{DT} $6-\stat{str}$. The opponent must win with \stat{DT} $6-\stat{stb}$, or become \textbf{\sffamily unconscious} for a number of turns equal to the difference in margins.
If fighters use power to gain the upper hand, rogues rely on finesse to dispatch their opponent, or, if the situation suggests it, run away.
\paragraph*{Volt} \tochange{Make a normal attack, but step back without triggering reactions.}
\paragraph*{Volt} When you attack, you may spend up to \stat{DEX} successes to move after the attack (\SI{1}{\meter} per success), instead of doing damage. This movement does not trigger reactions. If you do, remove that at least that many dice from your dice pool -- dice removed as failures are included in this number.
The stealthy thief would rather avoid a fight, if possible. However, when cornered, they can fight like a cat.
@ -168,18 +168,34 @@ The stealthy thief would rather avoid a fight, if possible. However, when corner
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Athletics, Stealth, Mechanism Operation
\paragraph*{Backstab} \tochange{Do big damage from hidden}
\paragraph*{Backstab} If \keyword{hidden} from target, attacks deal additional \stat{DEX} successes of damage.
\paragraph*{Disappear} \tochange{Go into hidden. If not attacked this turn, you can vanish.}
\paragraph*{Disappear} Roll a test with \stat{DT}~$6-\stat{dex}$. Depending on the number of successes you can become \keyword{hidden}. The required margin depends on the hiding spots available within your movement range:
\item 1 -- Wall, door, large pillar, wardrobe, large bush.
\item 2 -- Sofa, tree trunk, crate, low wall.
\item 6 -- Ceiling, tree canopy, large candelabrum, tall grass.
\item 10 -- Disappear in plain sight.
After disappearing, you move into the chosen hiding spot.
Any character that attacked you since your previous turn, or has not attacked anyone since their previous turn, may make an opposed test with \stat{DT}~$6-\stat{INT}$. If their margin exceeds the difference between your margin and the requirement of the hiding spot, you are not \keyword{hidden} from them.
\paragraph*{Pick Pocket} \tochange{Pick pocket}
\paragraph*{\tochange{Parkour}} \tochange{Move across terrain. Disengage without triggering reactions}
\paragraph*{Cat's Grace} When moving you may roll a test with \stat{DT}~$6-\stat{dex}$. You may spend successes to traverse obstacles:
\item 1 -- Low wall, box, chair, cooperative character.
\item 2 -- Table, moderately wide stream, climbing a rock wall, pulling yourself up a ledge.
\item 4 -- Uncooperative character, climbing a brick wall.
The cost is per \SI{1}{\meter} of movement through the space occupied by the obstacle. Any damage taken while moving cancels the remaining successes.
Debonair and nimble, the swashbuckler is a master of flair, their flashing sword feared by who dare impugn their honor. They are not, however, above using their crossbow to settle a dispute quickly and efficiently.
@ -191,31 +207,31 @@ Debonair and nimble, the swashbuckler is a master of flair, their flashing sword
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Athletics
\paragraph*{Disarm} Roll a test with \stat{DT}~$6-\stat{dex}$. The opponent must win with \stat{DT} $6-\stat{str}$, or their weapon is removed and placed in a random spot, the difference between margins meters away from the attacker.
If the defender is using a weapon that cannot reasonably be removed, such as claws or their fists, they are immune to being disarmed.
\paragraph*{Flunge} \tochange{Close gap to attack}
\paragraph*{Flunge} Move up to 1 + proficiency meters without triggering any reactions, and perform an attack.
\paragraph*{Parry -- \textit{reaction}} On being attacked with a weapon that is not thrown or ranged, you may select a number of dice from your dice pool, up to $2 \cdot \stat{DEX}$. Roll a test with them and remove the number of successes you get from your attacker's successes. Remove the selected dice from your dice pool.
\paragraph*{Leap} \tochange{Move without any restrictions}
\paragraph*{Leap} Roll a test with \stat{DT}~$6-\stat{dex}$ and move up to the margin of success meters without triggering any reactions.
\paragraph*{Flurry} You may split your dice pool into a number of smaller pools equal to 1 + weapon proficiency, and use each one to attack a different target. After all attacks are resolved, remove failure dice from all pools and join the remaining dice back into one pool.
Rangers prefer the quiet of the wilderness, to the bustle of a big city. They can survive in a forest for extended periods of time. Spending time outside also makes them a well of knowledge regarding the local fauna, flora and geography.
\paragraph*{\tochange{Speed} -- \textit{passive}} \tochange{Can move extra.}
The survivalist strives to be one with nature; living off the land, foraging, and finding shelter -- without leaving a trace.
@ -227,11 +243,17 @@ The survivalist strives to be one with nature; living off the land, foraging, an
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Survival, Lore (nature), Track
\paragraph*{Soothe} \tochange{Soothes an animal or of relevant human}
\paragraph*{\tochange{Parkour}} \tochange{Move across terrain. Disengage without triggering reactions}
\paragraph*{Cat's Grace} When moving you may roll a test with \stat{DT}~$6-\stat{dex}$. You may spend successes to traverse obstacles:
\item 1 -- Low wall, box, chair, cooperative character.
\item 2 -- Table, moderately wide stream, climbing a rock wall, pulling yourself up a ledge.
\item 4 -- Uncooperative character, climbing a brick wall.
The cost is per \SI{1}{\meter} of movement through the space occupied by the obstacle. Any damage taken while moving cancels the remaining successes.
\paragraph*{Shelter} \tochange{Find or build shelter in a real hurry}
@ -242,7 +264,7 @@ The survivalist strives to be one with nature; living off the land, foraging, an
\paragraph*{Blind} \tochange{Blind opponent}
With their trust animal companion, the hunter stalks the local forests for game. In a forest, a hunter can disappear and remain completely unseen until they strike.
@ -254,7 +276,7 @@ With their trust animal companion, the hunter stalks the local forests for game.
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Animal Handling, Lore (geography), Stealth, Track
\paragraph*{\tochange{Aimed Shot}} \tochange{Spend dice, get damage, but ranged}
@ -267,11 +289,11 @@ With their trust animal companion, the hunter stalks the local forests for game.
\paragraph*{Trap} \tochange{Set a trap}
Magic users weave arcane forces present in the world into powerful magicks. Each magic user draws spells from a specific tradition, or school, of spellcasting.
The effects of the witch may be subtle, but they are powerful. Let the wizards have their flashes and bangs, the witch's rituals bend reality itself to their advantage.
@ -285,7 +307,7 @@ The effects of the witch may be subtle, but they are powerful. Let the wizards h
\textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Lore (arcane), Lore (\_), Empathy
The wizard controls the forces of nature and reality around them to weave displays of absolute power.
@ -301,20 +323,20 @@ The wizard controls the forces of nature and reality around them to weave displa
\chapter{Non-Combat Classes}\label{ch:noncombat-classes}
% - Building big strong things
% - _Build (wood)_
% - _Build (stone)_
% - _Build (metal)_
% - Building small precise things
% - _Craft (wood)_
% - _Craft (metal)_
% - Build arts
% - _Create (draw)_
% - _Create (music)_
@ -322,46 +344,46 @@ The wizard controls the forces of nature and reality around them to weave displa
% - _Create (writing)_
% - _Perception_
% - _Lore (history)_
% - _Lore (social)_
% - _Research (history)_
% - _Lore (science)_
% - _Lore (alchemy)_
% - _Research (science)_
% - _Research (alchemy)_
% - _Create (draw)_
% - _Lore (arcane)_
% - _Research (arcane)_
% - _Create (writing)_
% - _Research (social)_
% - _Create (writing)_
% - _Lore (social)_
% - _Lore (social)_
% - _Lore (history)_
% - _Persuasion_
% - _Empathy_
% - _Create (oration)_
% - Moving light stuff, animal care
% - _Animal handling_
% - _Survival_
% - Moving heavy stuff

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
A character's hidden status is related to any would-be observers; a character may be hidden from some, but not necessarily all other characters.
A hidden character cannot be a direct target of attacks, although attacks that affect the area where the character is hidden affect the character.
Most actions taken whole hidden expose the character. Attacks and movement immediately reveal the character. Trying to communicate, or performing other actions that make sound, risks revealing the character's location.
The character is laid flat on the ground.

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Subproject commit e67a68540a8fe578f2da7c04baba41a18c064ea4
Subproject commit f04b2973b0e8ffd968913dcebb6f24ece27a34c7

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\title{Adventurer's Guide to Savits}
