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Changes made to base nvim-Kickstart
working LSP
- python
needs project file
- c++ (kind of picky, single file mode doesn't work well)
- F# (kind of picky, single file mode doesn't work well)
- rust 🦀 (.rsx files seem to work in single file mode)
nvim general settings
- set indents as 4 'space' characters
nvim gui settings
- neovide gui
- added cursor trail config
- set font to NerdFonts / Hack h16
Language server settings
- added server inits for:
- clangd
- pyright
- rust_analyzer
- tsserver
- fsautocomplete
- jdtls
- 'RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils' added for better lsp default settings
- 'folke/trouble.nvim' to view error messages at bottom
- 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' for icon support in trouble
- set 'treesitter :: auto_install = true. should auto install grammars
- telescope fzf converted to use windows ripgrep
Normal Mode
- 'yf' copies path to current file to register f and F
- 'K' inserts a line break left of cursor and places cursor on first non white-space character
- 'gh' for lsp hover docs
- 'gH' for lsp signature docs
Insert Mode
- 'JJ' easily exits insert mode (even in terminal mode)
FileType Scripts
- visual mode (selection)
- added binding to run selected code in FSI, similar to visual studio