@ -634,6 +634,20 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
except UnicodeEncodeError:
self.to_screen('[download] The file has already been downloaded')
# As of [1] format syntax is:
# %[mapping_key][conversion_flags][minimum_width][.precision][length_modifier]type
# 1. https://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting
_FORMAT_RE = r'''(?x)
\({0}\) # mapping key
(?:[#0\-+ ]+)? # conversion flags (optional)
(?:\d+)? # minimum field width (optional)
(?:\.\d+)? # precision (optional)
[hlL]? # length modifier (optional)
[diouxXeEfFgGcrs%] # conversion type
def prepare_filename(self, info_dict):
"""Generate the output filename."""
@ -652,10 +666,11 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
elif template_dict.get('width'):
template_dict['resolution'] = '%dx?' % template_dict['width']
is_id = lambda k: k == 'id' or k.endswith('_id')
sanitize = lambda k, v: sanitize_filename(
is_id=(k == 'id' or k.endswith('_id')))
template_dict = dict((k, v if isinstance(v, compat_numeric_types) else sanitize(k, v))
for k, v in template_dict.items()
if v is not None and not isinstance(v, (list, tuple, dict)))
@ -683,21 +698,8 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
# output template for missing fields to meet string presentation type.
for numeric_field in self._NUMERIC_FIELDS:
if numeric_field not in template_dict:
# As of [1] format syntax is:
# %[mapping_key][conversion_flags][minimum_width][.precision][length_modifier]type
# 1. https://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting
FORMAT_RE = r'''(?x)
\({0}\) # mapping key
(?:[#0\-+ ]+)? # conversion flags (optional)
(?:\d+)? # minimum field width (optional)
(?:\.\d+)? # precision (optional)
[hlL]? # length modifier (optional)
[diouxXeEfFgGcrs%] # conversion type
outtmpl = re.sub(
r'%({0})s'.format(numeric_field), outtmpl)
# expand_path translates '%%' into '%' and '$$' into '$'
@ -711,7 +713,35 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
# because meta fields may contain env variables we don't want to
# be expanded. For example, for outtmpl "%(title)s.%(ext)s" and
# title "Hello $PATH", we don't want `$PATH` to be expanded.
filename = expand_path(outtmpl).replace(sep, '') % template_dict
filename = expand_path(outtmpl).replace(sep, '')
# avoid non-mandatory (#571) initial '-' (#5035): convert to '_'
# also remove initial '.'
# first split the filename around the format fields
'%s(%s)' % tuple(
self._FORMAT_RE.format(r'\w+'), maxsplit=1)[1:]))
filename = re.split(FORMAT_SPLIT_RE, filename)
# tag any filename fragment that is an ID format
'%s(%s)' % tuple(
self._FORMAT_RE.format(r'(?P<field>\w+)'), maxsplit=1)[1:]))
field_is_id = (
lambda x:
(lambda y: y and is_id(y.group('field')))(re.match(FORMAT_FIELD_RE, x)))
# list formatted fragments and tags
tagged_fn = [(x % template_dict, field_is_id(x)) for x in filename]
# list the initial fragments that can be munged from [.-] to _, ie
# those that not IDs, or empty
mungable = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: not(x[1] and x[0]), tagged_fn)
col0 = lambda l: next(iter(zip(*l)), [])
mungable = col0(mungable)
# finally combine the munged initial part and the rest
filename = (re.sub(r'^[.-]', '_', ''.join(mungable))
+ ''.join(col0(tagged_fn[len(mungable):])))
# Temporary fix for #4787
# 'Treat' all problem characters by passing filename through preferredencoding