@ -1099,35 +1099,49 @@ class BBCIE(BBCCoUkIE):
media = simorgh_data['pageData']['promo']
if media['media'].get('format') == 'video':
formats = []
keys = {'url', 'format', 'format_id', 'language', 'quality', 'tbr', 'resolution'}
for format in playlist:
if not (format.get('url') and format.get('format')):
bitrate = format.pop('bitrate')
if bitrate:
bitrate = re.sub(r'000\s*$', 'kbps', bitrate)
format['tbr'] = parse_bitrate(bitrate)
format['language'] = media.get('language')
# format id: penultimate item from the url split on _ and .
(fmt,) = re.split('[_.]', format['url'])[-2:][:1]
format['format_id'] = '%s_%s' % (format['format'], fmt)
if not format.get('resolution'):
format['resolution'] = fmt
format['quality'] = -1
formats.append(dict((k, format[k]) for k in keys))
return {
'id': media.get('id'),
'title': (dict_get(media.get('headlines'),
('shortHeadline', 'headline'))
or playlist_title),
'description': media.get('summary') or playlist_description,
'formats': formats,
'subtitles': None,
'thumbnail': try_get(media, lambda x: x['image']['href']),
'timestamp': int_or_none(media.get('timestamp'), scale=1000)
title = (dict_get(media.get('headlines') or {},
('shortHeadline', 'headline'))
or playlist_title),
programme_id = media.get('id')
if programme_id and title:
formats = []
keys = {'url', 'format', 'format_id', 'language', 'quality', 'tbr', 'resolution'}
for format in playlist:
if not (format.get('url') and format.get('format')):
bitrate = format.pop('bitrate')
format['tbr'] = int_or_none(bitrate, scale=1000) or parse_bitrate(bitrate)
format['language'] = media.get('language')
# format id: penultimate item from the url split on _ and .
(fmt,) = re.split('[_.]', format['url'])[-2:][:1]
format['format_id'] = '%s_%s' % (format['format'], fmt)
# try to set resolution using any available data
aspect_ratio = re.split(r'[xX:]', media.get('aspectRatio') or '')
if len(aspect_ratio) != 2:
aspect_ratio = None
aspect_ratio = float_or_none(aspect_ratio[0], scale=aspect_ratio[1])
# these may not be present, but try anyway
width = int_or_none(format.get('width'))
height = int_or_none(format.get('height'))
if (not height) and aspect_ratio:
height = int(width / aspect_ratio)
elif (not width) and aspect_ratio:
width = int(height * aspect_ratio)
format['resolution'] = ('%dx%d' % (width, height) if width and height
else dict_get(format, ('resolution', 'res'), default=fmt))
format['quality'] = -1
formats.append(dict((k, format[k]) for k in keys))
return {
'id': programme_id,
'title': title,
'description': media.get('summary') or playlist_description,
'formats': formats,
'subtitles': None,
'thumbnail': try_get(media, lambda x: x['image']['href']),
'timestamp': int_or_none(media.get('timestamp'), scale=1000)
# general case: media nested in content object
# test: https://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/articles/cm49v4x1r9lo