@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ import string
from test.helper import FakeYDL
from test.helper import FakeYDL
from youtube_dl.extractor import YoutubeIE
from youtube_dl.extractor import YoutubeIE
from youtube_dl.jsinterp import JSInterpreter
from youtube_dl.compat import compat_str, compat_urlretrieve
from youtube_dl.compat import compat_str, compat_urlretrieve
_TESTS = [
@ -64,6 +65,25 @@ _TESTS = [
'SLp9F5bwjAdhE9F-', 'gWnb9IK2DJ8Q1w',
'oBo2h5euWy6osrUt', 'ivXHpm7qJjJN',
'oBo2h5euWy6osrUt', '3DIBbn3qdQ',
'cu3wyu6LQn2hse', 'jvxetvmlI9AN9Q',
class TestPlayerInfo(unittest.TestCase):
class TestPlayerInfo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_youtube_extract_player_info(self):
def test_youtube_extract_player_info(self):
@ -95,35 +115,54 @@ class TestSignature(unittest.TestCase):
def make_tfunc(url, sig_input, expected_sig):
def t_factory(name, sig_func, url_pattern):
m = re.match(r'.*-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?:/watch_as3|/html5player)?\.[a-z]+$', url)
def make_tfunc(url, sig_input, expected_sig):
assert m, '%r should follow URL format' % url
m = url_pattern.match(url)
test_id = m.group(1)
assert m, '%r should follow URL format' % url
test_id = m.group('id')
def test_func(self):
basename = 'player-{0}-{1}.js'.format(name, test_id)
fn = os.path.join(self.TESTDATA_DIR, basename)
if not os.path.exists(fn):
compat_urlretrieve(url, fn)
with io.open(fn, encoding='utf-8') as testf:
jscode = testf.read()
self.assertEqual(sig_func(jscode, sig_input), expected_sig)
test_func.__name__ = str('test_{0}_js_{1}'.format(name, test_id))
setattr(TestSignature, test_func.__name__, test_func)
return make_tfunc
def test_func(self):
def signature(jscode, sig_input):
basename = 'player-%s.js' % test_id
func = YoutubeIE(FakeYDL())._parse_sig_js(jscode)
fn = os.path.join(self.TESTDATA_DIR, basename)
src_sig = (
if isinstance(sig_input, int) else sig_input)
return func(src_sig)
if not os.path.exists(fn):
compat_urlretrieve(url, fn)
ydl = FakeYDL()
def n_sig(jscode, sig_input):
ie = YoutubeIE(ydl)
# Pending implementation of _extract_n_function_name() or similar in
with io.open(fn, encoding='utf-8') as testf:
# youtube.py, hard-code here
jscode = testf.read()
# funcname = YoutubeIE(FakeYDL())._extract_n_function_name(jscode)
func = ie._parse_sig_js(jscode)
import re
src_sig = (
funcname = re.search(r'[=(,&|](\w+)\(\w+\),\w+\.set\("n",', jscode)
funcname = funcname and funcname.group(1)
if isinstance(sig_input, int) else sig_input)
return JSInterpreter(jscode).call_function(funcname, sig_input)
got_sig = func(src_sig)
self.assertEqual(got_sig, expected_sig)
test_func.__name__ = str('test_signature_js_' + test_id)
setattr(TestSignature, test_func.__name__, test_func)
make_sig_test = t_factory(
'signature', signature, re.compile(r'.*-(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?:/watch_as3|/html5player)?\.[a-z]+$'))
for test_spec in _SIG_TESTS:
for test_spec in _TESTS:
make_nsig_test = t_factory(
'nsig', n_sig, re.compile(r'.+/player/(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/.+.js$'))
for test_spec in _NSIG_TESTS:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':