@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
version <unreleased>
* [extractor/common] Improve Akamai HTTP format extraction
* Allow m3u8 manifest without an additional audio format
* Fix extraction for qualities starting with a number
* [teachable:course] Improve extraction (#24507, #27286)
* [nrk] Improve error extraction
* [nrktv:series] Improve extraction (#21926)
* [nrktv:season] Improve extraction
* [nrk] Improve format extraction and geo-restriction detection (#24221)
* [pornhub] Handle HTTP errors gracefully (#26414)
* [nrktv] Relax URL regular expression (#27299, #26185)
+ [zdf] Extract webm formats (#26659)
+ [gamespot] Extract DASH and HTTP formats
+ [tver] Add support for tver.jp (#26662, #27284)
+ [pornhub] Add support for pornhub.org (#27276)
version 2020.12.02