@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ class VimeoIE(InfoExtractor):
video_id = mobj.group(1)
# Retrieve video webpage to extract further information
request = urllib2.Request("http://vimeo.com/moogaloop/load/clip:%s" % video_id, None, std_headers)
request = urllib2.Request(url, None, std_headers)
webpage = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
@ -2071,77 +2071,75 @@ class VimeoIE(InfoExtractor):
# and latter we extract those that are Vimeo specific.
# Extract title
mobj = re.search(r'<caption>(.*?)</caption>', webpage)
if mobj is None:
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract video title')
# Extract the config JSON
config = webpage.split(' = {config:')[1].split(',assets:')[0]
config = json.loads(config)
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract info section')
video_title = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
# Extract title
video_title = config["video"]["title"]
simple_title = _simplify_title(video_title)
# Extract uploader
mobj = re.search(r'<uploader_url>http://vimeo.com/(.*?)</uploader_url>', webpage)
if mobj is None:
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract video uploader')
video_uploader = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
video_uploader = config["video"]["owner"]["name"]
# Extract video thumbnail
mobj = re.search(r'<thumbnail>(.*?)</thumbnail>', webpage)
if mobj is None:
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract video thumbnail')
video_thumbnail = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
video_thumbnail = config["video"]["thumbnail"]
# # Extract video description
# mobj = re.search(r'<meta property="og:description" content="(.*)" />', webpage)
# if mobj is None:
# self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract video description')
# return
# video_description = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
# if not video_description: video_description = 'No description available.'
video_description = 'Foo.'
# Vimeo specific: extract request signature
mobj = re.search(r'<request_signature>(.*?)</request_signature>', webpage)
if mobj is None:
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract request signature')
sig = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
# Vimeo specific: extract video quality information
mobj = re.search(r'<isHD>(\d+)</isHD>', webpage)
if mobj is None:
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract video quality information')
quality = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
if int(quality) == 1:
quality = 'hd'
# Extract video description
except NameError:
video_description = u'No description available.'
mobj = re.search(r'<meta name="description" content="(.*?)" />', webpage, re.MULTILINE)
if mobj is not None:
video_description = mobj.group(1)
quality = 'sd'
html_parser = lxml.etree.HTMLParser()
vwebpage_doc = lxml.etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(webpage), html_parser)
video_description = u''.join(vwebpage_doc.xpath('id("description")//text()')).strip()
# TODO use another parser
# Vimeo specific: Extract request signature expiration
mobj = re.search(r'<request_signature_expires>(.*?)</request_signature_expires>', webpage)
if mobj is None:
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to extract request signature expiration')
# Extract upload date
video_upload_date = u'NA'
mobj = re.search(r'<span id="clip-date" style="display:none">[^:]*: (.*?)( \([^\(]*\))?</span>', webpage)
if mobj is not None:
video_upload_date = mobj.group(1)
# Vimeo specific: extract request signature and timestamp
sig = config['request']['signature']
timestamp = config['request']['timestamp']
# Vimeo specific: extract video codec and quality information
# TODO bind to format param
codecs = [('h264', 'mp4'), ('vp8', 'flv'), ('vp6', 'flv')]
for codec in codecs:
if codec[0] in config["video"]["files"]:
video_codec = codec[0]
video_extension = codec[1]
if 'hd' in config["video"]["files"][codec[0]]: quality = 'hd'
else: quality = 'sd'
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: no known codec found')
sig_exp = mobj.group(1).decode('utf-8')
video_url = "http://vimeo.com/moogaloop/play/clip:%s/%s/%s/?q=%s" % (video_id, sig, sig_exp, quality)
video_url = "http://player.vimeo.com/play_redirect?clip_id=%s&sig=%s&time=%s&quality=%s&codecs=%s&type=moogaloop_local&embed_location=" \
%(video_id, sig, timestamp, quality, video_codec.upper())
# Process video information
'id': video_id.decode('utf-8'),
'id': video_id,
'url': video_url,
'uploader': video_uploader,
'upload_date': u'NA',
'upload_date': video_upload_date,
'title': video_title,
'stitle': simple_title,
'ext': u'mp4',
'thumbnail': video_thumbnail.decode('utf-8'),
'description': video_description,
'ext': video_extension,
'thumbnail': video_thumbnail,
'description': video_description,
'player_url': None,
@ -2250,9 +2248,7 @@ class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
class YoutubeSearchIE(InfoExtractor):
"""Information Extractor for YouTube search queries."""
_VALID_URL = r'ytsearch(\d+|all)?:[\s\S]+'
_TEMPLATE_URL = 'http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%s&page=%s&gl=US&hl=en'
_VIDEO_INDICATOR = r'href="/watch\?v=.+?"'
_MORE_PAGES_INDICATOR = r'(?m)>\s*Next\s*</a>'
_API_URL = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=%s&start-index=%i&max-results=50&v=2&alt=jsonc'
_youtube_ie = None
_max_youtube_results = 1000
IE_NAME = u'youtube:search'
@ -2303,38 +2299,32 @@ class YoutubeSearchIE(InfoExtractor):
"""Downloads a specified number of results for a query"""
video_ids = []
already_seen = set()
pagenum = 1
pagenum = 0
limit = n
while True:
self.report_download_page(query, pagenum)
result_url = self._TEMPLATE_URL % (urllib.quote_plus(query), pagenum)
while (50 * pagenum) < limit:
self.report_download_page(query, pagenum+1)
result_url = self._API_URL % (urllib.quote_plus(query), (50*pagenum)+1)
request = urllib2.Request(result_url)
page = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
data = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to download webpage: %s' % str(err))
self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: unable to download API page: %s' % str(err))
api_response = json.loads(data)['data']
# Extract video identifiers
for mobj in re.finditer(self._VIDEO_INDICATOR, page):
video_id = page[mobj.span()[0]:mobj.span()[1]].split('=')[2][:-1]
if video_id not in already_seen:
if len(video_ids) == n:
# Specified n videos reached
for id in video_ids:
self._youtube_ie.extract('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s' % id)
new_ids = list(video['id'] for video in api_response['items'])
video_ids += new_ids
if re.search(self._MORE_PAGES_INDICATOR, page) is None:
limit = min(n, api_response['totalItems'])
pagenum += 1
if len(video_ids) > n:
video_ids = video_ids[:n]
for id in video_ids:
self._youtube_ie.extract('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s' % id)
pagenum = pagenum + 1
class GoogleSearchIE(InfoExtractor):
"""Information Extractor for Google Video search queries."""