@ -1277,17 +1277,31 @@ def parseOpts(overrideArguments=None):
help='Location of the ffmpeg binary; either the path to the binary or its containing directory')
metavar='CMD', dest='exec_cmd',
'--exec', metavar='CMD',
action='callback', dest='exec_cmd', default=[], type='str',
callback=_list_from_options_callback, callback_kwargs={'delim': None},
'Execute a command on the file after downloading and post-processing. '
'Similar syntax to the output template can be used to pass any field as arguments to the command. '
'An additional field "filepath" that contains the final path of the downloaded file is also available. '
'If no fields are passed, %(filepath)q is appended to the end of the command'))
'If no fields are passed, %(filepath)q is appended to the end of the command. '
'This option can be used multiple times'))
action='store_const', dest='exec_cmd', const=[],
help='Remove any previously defined --exec')
'--exec-before-download', metavar='CMD',
action='callback', dest='exec_before_dl_cmd', default=[], type='str',
callback=_list_from_options_callback, callback_kwargs={'delim': None},
'Execute a command before the actual download. '
'The syntax is the same as --exec but "filepath" is not available. '
'This option can be used multiple times'))
metavar='CMD', dest='exec_before_dl_cmd',
help='Execute a command before the actual download. The syntax is the same as --exec but "filepath" is not available')
action='store_const', dest='exec_before_dl_cmd', const=[],
help='Remove any previously defined --exec-before-download')
'--convert-subs', '--convert-sub', '--convert-subtitles',
metavar='FORMAT', dest='convertsubtitles', default=None,