@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ def main():
if not onedir and '-F' not in opts and '--onefile' not in opts:
suffix = '_macos' if OS_NAME == 'Darwin' else '_x86' if ARCH == '32' else ''
final_file = 'dist/%syt-dlp%s%s' % (
'yt-dlp/' if onedir else '', suffix, '.exe' if OS_NAME == 'Windows' else '')
name = 'yt-dlp%s' % ('_macos' if OS_NAME == 'Darwin' else '_x86' if ARCH == '32' else '')
final_file = ''.join((
'dist/', f'{name}/' if onedir else '', name, '.exe' if OS_NAME == 'Windows' else ''))
print(f'Building yt-dlp v{version} {ARCH}bit for {OS_NAME} with options {opts}')
print('Remember to update the version using "devscripts/update-version.py"')
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def main():
print(f'Destination: {final_file}\n')
opts = [