@ -79,16 +79,17 @@ which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.
different, %(autonumber)s to get an automatically
incremented number, %(ext)s for the filename
extension, %(format)s for the format description
(like "22 - 1280x720" or "HD")%(upload_date)s for
the upload date (YYYYMMDD), %(extractor)s for the
provider (youtube, metacafe, etc), %(id)s for the
video id , %(playlist)s for the playlist the
video is in, %(playlist_index)s for the position
in the playlist and %% for a literal percent. Use
- to output to stdout. Can also be used to
download to a different directory, for example
with -o '/my/downloads/%(uploader)s/%(title)s-%(i
d)s.%(ext)s' .
(like "22 - 1280x720" or "HD"),%(format_id)s for
the unique id of the format (like Youtube's
itags: "137"),%(upload_date)s for the upload date
(YYYYMMDD), %(extractor)s for the provider
(youtube, metacafe, etc), %(id)s for the video id
, %(playlist)s for the playlist the video is in,
%(playlist_index)s for the position in the
playlist and %% for a literal percent. Use - to
output to stdout. Can also be used to download to
a different directory, for example with -o '/my/d
ownloads/%(uploader)s/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s' .
--autonumber-size NUMBER Specifies the number of digits in %(autonumber)s
when it is present in output filename template or
--autonumber option is given
@ -126,6 +127,8 @@ which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.
-v, --verbose print various debugging information
--dump-intermediate-pages print downloaded pages to debug problems(very
--write-pages Write downloaded pages to files in the current
## Video Format Options:
-f, --format FORMAT video format code, specifiy the order of