@ -30,6 +30,27 @@ The ghostly figure smiles with cold amusement. ``Very well. You may ask one ques
\chapter{Old Owl Well}
\chapter{Old Owl Well}
As you crest a low ridge you spot the ruins of a small fortress on a nearby hilltop.
\textbf{\textsf{[Approach -- Spot side path?]}}
A narrow footpath leads up to the crumbling walls.
When you approach, you are first met by a deathly smell, which intensifies as you come closer.
Surrounded by decrepit fortifications is a small courtyard, in the middle of which stands an old, but still working, well. Not far from it, like a watermelon in a pile of coal, someone erected a colorful tent.
Before you are done taking it all in, a rot of zombies comes shuffling out of the tower.
\textbf{\textsf{[Hamun Kost]}}
A stout, red-robed figure throws aside the tent flaps and comes storming out.
``What is the meaning of this?'' it enquires in a firm tone.
Zombies come shambling to a halt and start aimlessly milling in the courtyard. The man standing in front of the tent has a shaved head, a tattoo on his forehead, and an expectant look.