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import datetime
5 years ago
import itertools
import logging
import os
import signal
import argh
import gevent.backdoor
5 years ago
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 years ago
from matplotlib import colors
5 years ago
import numpy as np
import prometheus_client as prom
import common
total_segment_count_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Total number of segments in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
full_segment_count_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Number of full segments in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
partial_segment_count_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Number of partial segments in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
total_segment_duration_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Total segment duration in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
full_segment_duration_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Full segment duration in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
partial_segment_duration_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Partial segment duration in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
raw_coverage_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Raw coverage for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
editable_coverage_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Editable coverage for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
raw_holes_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Number of holes in raw coverage for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
editable_holes_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Number of holes in editable coverage for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
full_overlap_count_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Number of overlap full segments for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
partial_overlap_count_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Number of overlap partial segments for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
full_overlap_duration_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Duration of overlaping full segments for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
partial_overlap_duration_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Duration of overlaping partial segments for the hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
5 years ago
HOUR_FMT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H'
class CoverageChecker(object):
"""Checks the segment coverage for a given channel in a a given directoy."""
CHECK_INTERVAL = 60 #seconds between checking coverage
def __init__(self, channel, qualities, base_dir):
"""Constructor for CoverageChecker.
Creates a checker for a given channel with specified qualities."""
self.base_dir = base_dir = channel
self.qualities = qualities
self.stopping = gevent.event.Event()
self.logger = logging.getLogger('CoverageChecker({})'.format(channel))
def stop(self):
"""Stop checking coverage."""'Stopping')
def run(self):
"""Loop over available hours for each quality, checking segment coverage."""'Starting')
while not self.stopping.is_set():
for quality in self.qualities:
if self.stopping.is_set():
coverage_map_dir = os.path.join('/', 'coverage',, quality)
path = os.path.join(self.base_dir,, quality)
hours = [name for name in os.listdir(path) if not name.startswith('.')]
5 years ago
previous_hour_segments = None
for hour in hours:
if self.stopping.is_set():
break'Checking {}/{}'.format(quality, hour))
5 years ago
# based on common.segments.best_segments_by_start
# but more complicated to capture more detailed metrics
hour_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir,, quality, hour)
segment_names = [name for name in os.listdir(hour_path) if not name.startswith('.')]
5 years ago
if not segment_names:'{}/{} is empty'.format(quality, hour))
5 years ago
parsed = (common.parse_segment_path(os.path.join(hour_path, name)) for name in segment_names)
full_segment_count = 0
partial_segment_count = 0
full_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
partial_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
full_overlaps = 0
full_overlap_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
partial_overlaps = 0
partial_overlap_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
5 years ago
best_segments = []
holes = []
5 years ago
editable_holes = []
previous = None
previous_editable = None
coverage = datetime.timedelta(0)
editable_coverage = datetime.timedelta(0)
only_partials = []
for start_time, segments in itertools.groupby(parsed, key=lambda segment: segment.start):
full_segments = []
partial_segments = []
for segment in segments:
if segment.type == 'full':
full_segment_count += 1
full_segment_duration += segment.duration
elif segment.type == 'partial':
partial_segment_count += 1
partial_segment_duration += segment.duration
if full_segments:
if len(full_segments) == 1:
best_segment = full_segments[0]
full_segments.sort(key=lambda segment: (segment.duration))
best_segment = full_segments[-1]
for segment in full_segments[:-1]:
full_overlaps += 1
full_overlap_duration += segment.duration
5 years ago
if partial_segments:
for segment in partial_segments:
partial_overlaps += 1
partial_overlap_duration += segment.duration
5 years ago
partial_segments.sort(key=lambda segment: (segment.duration))
best_segment = partial_segments[-1]
only_partials.append((best_segment.start, best_segment.start + best_segment.duration))
for segment in partial_segments[:-1]:
partial_overlaps += 1
partial_overlap_duration += segment.duration
5 years ago
5 years ago
# now update coverage, overlaps and holes
5 years ago
if previous is None:
coverage += best_segment.duration
editable_coverage += best_segment.duration
previous_editable = best_segment
5 years ago
previous_end = previous.start + previous.duration
if segment.start < previous_end:
if segment.type == 'full':
full_overlaps += 1
full_overlap_duration += previous_end - segment.start
partial_overlaps += 1
partial_overlap_duration += previous_end - segment.start
5 years ago
coverage += segment.start - previous_end + segment.duration
coverage += segment.duration
editable_coverage += segment.duration
if segment.start > previous_end:
holes.append((previous_end, segment.start))
previous_editable_end = previous_editable.start + previous_editable.duration
if segment.start > previous_editable_end:
editable_holes.append((previous_editable_end, segment.start))
previous_editable = best_segment
previous = best_segment
start = best_segments[0].start
end = best_segments[-1].start + best_segments[-1].duration
hole_duration = end - start - coverage
editable_hole_duration = end - start - editable_coverage
5 years ago
pixel_starts = np.arange(3600)
pixel_ends = np.arange(1, 3601)
runtime_mask = np.ones(3600, dtype=np.bool_)
coverage_mask = np.ones(3600, dtype=np.bool_)
partial_mask = np.zeros(3600, dtype=np.bool_)
hour_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(hour, HOUR_FMT)
hour_end = hour_start + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
# handle the case when there is a hole between the last segment of the previous hour and the first of this
if previous_hour_segments:
last_segment = previous_hour_segments[-1]
if best_segments[0].start > last_segment.start + last_segment.duration:
holes.append((hour_start, start))
hole_duration += start - hour_start
editable_holes.append((hour_start, start))
editable_hole_duration += start - hour_start
# if it is the first hour, instead ignore anything before the first segment
start_seconds = start.minute * 60 + start.second
runtime_mask = runtime_mask & (start_seconds <= pixel_starts)
#handle the case when there is a hole between the last segment and the end of the hour
if hour != hours[-1]:
if end < hour_end:
holes.append((end, hour_end))
hole_duration += hour_end - end
editable_holes.append((end, hour_end))
editable_hole_duration += hour_end - end
# if it is the last hour, ignore anything after the last segment
end_seconds = end.minute * 60 + end.second
runtime_mask = runtime_mask & (end_seconds > pixel_starts)
for hole in holes:
hole_start = np.floor((hole[0] - hour_start).seconds)
hole_end = np.ceil((hole[1] - hour_start).seconds)
coverage_mask = coverage_mask & ((pixel_starts < hole_start) | (pixel_ends > hole_end))
for partial in only_partials:
partial_start = np.floor((partial[0] - hour_start).seconds)
partial_end = np.ceil((partial[1] - hour_start).seconds)
partial_mask = partial_mask | ((pixel_starts >= partial_start) & (pixel_ends <= partial_end))
runtime_mask = runtime_mask.reshape((60, 60))
coverage_mask = coverage_mask.reshape((60, 60))
partial_mask = partial_mask.reshape((60, 60))
colours = np.ones((60, 60, 3))
colours[runtime_mask & coverage_mask] = colors.to_rgb('tab:green')
colours[runtime_mask & partial_mask] = colors.to_rgb('tab:orange')
colours[runtime_mask & ~coverage_mask] = colors.to_rgb('tab:red')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3))
fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
tmp_path = os.path.join(coverage_map_dir, 'tmp.png')
final_path = os.path.join(coverage_map_dir, '{}.png'.format(hour))
plt.savefig(tmp_path, dpi=60)
os.rename(tmp_path, final_path)
5 years ago
5 years ago'{}/{}: Start: {} End: {} ({} s)'.format(quality, hour, start, end, (end - start).seconds))'{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_segment_count, full_segment_duration.seconds))'{}/{}: {} overlapping full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_overlaps, full_overlap_duration.seconds))
5 years ago'{}/{}: {} partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_segment_count, partial_segment_duration.seconds))'{}/{}: {} overlapping partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_overlaps, partial_overlap_duration.seconds))'{}/{}: raw coverage {} s, editable coverage {} s '.format(quality, hour, coverage.seconds, editable_coverage.seconds))'{}/{}: {} holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(holes), hole_duration.seconds))
5 years ago'{}/{}: {} editable holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(editable_holes), editable_hole_duration.seconds))'Checking {}/{} complete'.format(quality, hour))
5 years ago
previous_hour_segments = best_segments
@argh.arg('channels', nargs='*', help='Channels to check coverage of')
@argh.arg('--base-dir', help='Directory where segments are stored. Default is current working directory.')
@argh.arg('--qualities', help="Qualities of each channel to checked. Comma seperated if multiple. Default is 'source'.")
@argh.arg('--metrics-port', help='Port for Prometheus stats. Default is 8006.')
@argh.arg('--backdoor-port', help='Port for gevent.backdoor access. By default disabled.')
def main(channels, base_dir='.', qualities='source', metrics_port=8006,
"""Segment coverage service"""
qualities = qualities.split(',') if qualities else []
qualities = [quality.strip() for quality in qualities]
managers = []
workers = []
for channel in channels:'Starting coverage checks {} with {} as qualities in {}'.format(channel, ', '.join(qualities), base_dir))
manager = CoverageChecker(channel, qualities, base_dir)
def stop():
for manager in managers:
gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop)
if backdoor_port:
gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()
# Wait for any to die
gevent.wait(workers, count=1)
# If one has stopped, either:
# 1. stop() was called and all are stopping
# 2. one errored and we should stop all remaining and report the error
# Our behaviour in both cases is the same:
# 1. Tell all managers to gracefully stop
# 2. Wait (with timeout) until they've stopped
# 3. Check if any of them failed. If they did, report it. If mulitple
# failed, we report one arbitrarily.
for worker in workers:
worker.get()'Gracefully stopped')