@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ import datetime
import itertools
import logging
import os
import random
import signal
import argh
import gevent.backdoor
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.image
import numpy as np
import prometheus_client as prom
@ -25,8 +27,14 @@ partial_segment_count_gauge = prom.Gauge(
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
bad_segment_count_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Number of segments that fail to parse in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
full_segment_duration_gauge = prom.Gauge(
'Full segment duration in an hour',
['channel', 'quality', 'hour'],
@ -109,56 +117,67 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
def create_coverage_map(self, quality, all_hour_holes, all_hour_partials):
"""Create a PNG show segment coverage for the last week."""
def create_coverage_map(self, quality, all_hour_holes, all_hour_partials,
pixel_length=2, hour_count=168):
"""Create a PNG show segment coverage.
If any part of a pixel does not have coverage, it is marked as not
having coverage. Likewise, if only a partial segment is available for
any part of a pixel, it is marked as partial.
all_hour_holes -- a dict mapping hours to lists of holes
all_hour_holes -- a dict mapping hours to lists of partial segments
pixel_length -- length of a pixel in seconds
hour_count -- number of hours to create the map for"""
self.logger.info('Creating coverage map for {}'.format(quality))
latest_hour = datetime.datetime.strptime(max(all_hour_holes.keys()), HOUR_FMT)
hours = [latest_hour - datetime.timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(167, -1, -1)]
hours = [latest_hour - datetime.timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(hour_count - 1, -1, -1)]
pixel_starts = np.arange(0, 3600, 2)
pixel_ends = np.arange(2, 3601, 2)
pixel_starts = np.arange(0, 3600, pixel_length) # starts of the pixels in
pixel_ends = np.arange(pixel_length, 3601, pixel_length)
coverage_mask = np.zeros(168 * 1800, dtype=np.bool_)
partial_mask = np.zeros(168 * 1800, dtype=np.bool_)
pixel_count = 3600 / pixel_length # number of pixels in an hour
coverage_mask = np.zeros(hour_count * pixel_count, dtype=np.bool_)
partial_mask = np.zeros(hour_count * pixel_count, dtype=np.bool_)
for i in range(len(hours)):
hour = hours[i]
if hour not in all_hour_holes:
hour_str = hour.strftime(HOUR_FMT)
if hour_str in all_hour_holes:
hour_coverage = np.ones(1800, dtype=np.bool_)
hour_partial = np.zeros(1800, dtype=np.bool_)
hour_coverage = np.ones(pixel_count, dtype=np.bool_)
hour_partial = np.zeros(pixel_count, dtype=np.bool_)
for hole in all_hour_holes[hour_str]:
hole_start = np.floor((hole[0] - hour).seconds)
hole_end = np.ceil((hole[1] - hour).seconds)
hole_start = np.floor((hole[0] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length # the start of the pixel containing the start of the hole
hole_end = np.ceil((hole[1] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length # the end of the pixel containing the end of the hole
hour_coverage = hour_coverage & ((pixel_starts < hole_start) | (pixel_ends > hole_end))
for partial in all_hour_partials[hour_str]:
partial_start = np.floor((partial[0] - hour).seconds)
partial_end = np.ceil((partial[1] - hour).seconds)
partial_start = np.floor((partial[0] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length
partial_end = np.ceil((partial[1] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length
hour_partial = hour_partial | ((pixel_starts >= partial_start) & (pixel_ends <= partial_end))
coverage_mask[i * 1800:(i + 1) * 1800] = hour_coverage
partial_mask[i * 1800:(i + 1) * 1800] = hour_partial
coverage_mask[i * pixel_count:(i + 1) * pixel_count] = hour_coverage
partial_mask[i * pixel_count:(i + 1) * pixel_count] = hour_partial
columns = 300
rows = coverage_mask.size / columns
rows = 300
columns = coverage_mask.size / rows
coverage_mask = coverage_mask.reshape((rows, columns)).T
partial_mask = partial_mask.reshape((rows, columns)).T
coverage_mask = coverage_mask.reshape((columns, rows)).T
partial_mask = partial_mask.reshape((columns, rows)).T
colours = np.ones((columns, rows, 3))
colours = np.ones((rows, columns, 3))
colours[coverage_mask] = matplotlib.colors.to_rgb('tab:blue')
colours[coverage_mask & partial_mask] = matplotlib.colors.to_rgb('tab:orange')
final_path = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'coverage-maps', '{}_{}_coverage.png'.format(self.channel, quality))
temp_path = final_path.replace('_coverage', '_temp')
final_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'coverage-maps', '{}_{}_coverage.png'.format(self.channel, quality))
temp_path = final_path.replace('_coverage', '_{}'.format(random.getrandbits(32)))
matplotlib.image.imsave(temp_path, colours)
os.rename(temp_path, final_path)
self.logger.info('Coverage map for {} created'.format(quality))
def run(self):
"""Loop over available hours for each quality, checking segment coverage."""
@ -186,12 +205,21 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
hour_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.channel, quality, hour)
segment_names = [name for name in os.listdir(hour_path) if not name.startswith('.')]
if not segment_names:
self.logger.info('{}/{} is empty'.format(quality, hour))
parsed = (common.parse_segment_path(os.path.join(hour_path, name)) for name in segment_names)
parsed = []
bad_segment_count = 0
for name in segment_names:
parsed.append(common.parse_segment_path(os.path.join(hour_path, name)))
except ValueError as e:
bad_segment_count += 1
#parsed = (common.parse_segment_path(os.path.join(hour_path, name)) for name in segment_names)
if not parsed:
self.logger.info('{}/{} is empty'.format(quality, hour))
full_segment_count = 0
partial_segment_count = 0
@ -302,16 +330,31 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
editable_holes.append((end, hour_end))
editable_hole_duration += hour_end - end
#put all of the guages here
self.logger.info('{}/{}: Start: {} End: {} ({} s)'.format(quality, hour, start, end, (end - start).seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_segment_count, full_segment_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} overlapping full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_overlaps, full_overlap_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_segment_count, partial_segment_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} overlapping partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_overlaps, partial_overlap_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: raw coverage {} s, editable coverage {} s '.format(quality, hour, coverage.seconds, editable_coverage.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(holes), hole_duration.seconds))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} editable holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(editable_holes), editable_hole_duration.seconds))
full_segment_count_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_segment_count)
partial_segment_count_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_segment_count)
bad_segment_count_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(bad_segment_count)
full_segment_duration_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_segment_duration.total_seconds())
partial_segment_duration_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_segment_duration.total_seconds())
raw_coverage_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(coverage.total_seconds())
editable_coverage_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(editable_coverage.total_seconds())
raw_holes_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(len(holes))
editable_holes_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(len(editable_holes))
full_overlap_count_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_overlaps)
partial_overlap_count_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_overlaps)
full_overlap_duration_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_overlap_duration.total_seconds())
partial_overlap_duration_gauge.labels(channel=self.channel, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_overlap_duration.total_seconds())
self.logger.info('{}/{}: Start: {} End: {} ({} s)'.format(quality, hour, start, end, (end - start).total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_segment_count, full_segment_duration.total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} bad segments'.format(quality, hour, bad_segment_count))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} overlapping full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_overlaps, full_overlap_duration.total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_segment_count, partial_segment_duration.total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} overlapping partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_overlaps, partial_overlap_duration.total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: raw coverage {} s, editable coverage {} s '.format(quality, hour, coverage.total_seconds(), editable_coverage.total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(holes), hole_duration.total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('{}/{}: {} editable holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(editable_holes), editable_hole_duration.total_seconds()))
self.logger.info('Checking {}/{} complete'.format(quality, hour))
# add holes for the start and end hours for the coverage map