@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ KNOWN_XFADE_TRANSITIONS = {
"wipetr": "Combines wiperight and wipeup, creating a receding rectangle to the top-right corner.",
"wipebl": "Combines wipeleft and wipedown, creating a receding rectangle to the bottom-left corner.",
"wipebr": "Combines wiperight and wipedown, creating a receding rectangle to the bottom-right corner.",
"squeezeh": "Squashes the old video from the left and right until it disappears, revealing the new video.",
"squeezev": "Squashes the old video from the top and bottom until it disappears, revealing the new video.",
"squeezeh": "Squashes the old video from the top and bottom until it disappears, revealing the new video.",
"squeezev": "Squashes the old video from the left and right until it disappears, revealing the new video.",
"zoomin": "The old video zooms towards the 'camera', preserving pixels, then crossfades to the new video.",
"hlwind": "Like wipeleft, but the edge is incredibly jagged, evoking speed lines.",
"hrwind": "Like wiperight, but the edge is incredibly jagged, evoking speed lines.",