@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import datetime
import datetime
import logging
import logging
import os
import os
import random
import signal
import signal
import traceback
import traceback
@ -28,6 +29,66 @@ def do_extract_segment(*segment_paths, prototypes_path="./odo-digit-prototypes")
print(f"{segment_path} {odometer}")
print(f"{segment_path} {odometer}")
def compare_segments(dbconnect, base_dir='.', prototypes_path="./odo-digit-prototypes", since=None, until=None, num=100, null_chance=0.25, verbose=False):
Collect some representitive samples from the database and re-runs them to compare to previous results.
num is how many samples to try.
prototypes = load_prototypes(prototypes_path)
dbmanager = database.DBManager(dsn=dbconnect)
conn = dbmanager.get_conn()
where = []
if since:
where.append("timestamp >= %(since)s")
if until:
where.append("timestamp < %(until)s")
if not where:
where = ["true"]
where = " AND ".join(where)
result = database.query(conn, f"""
SELECT odometer, segment
FROM bus_data
AND {where}
""", since=since, until=until)
# To get a wider range of tests, pick at random from all unique odo readings
available = {}
for row in result.fetchall():
available.setdefault(row.odometer, []).append(row.segment)
selected = []
while available and len(selected) < num:
if None in available and random.random() < null_chance:
odometer = None
odometer = random.choice(list(available.keys()))
segments = available[odometer]
selected.append((odometer, segments.pop()))
if not segments:
del available[odometer]
results = []
for old_odometer, segment in selected:
path = os.path.join(base_dir, segment)
segment_info = parse_segment_path(path)
odometer = extract_segment(prototypes, segment_info)
results.append((segment, old_odometer, odometer))
matching = 0
for segment, old_odometer, odometer in sorted(results, key=lambda t: t[0]):
match = old_odometer == odometer
if verbose or not match:
print(f"{segment}: {old_odometer} | {odometer}")
if match:
matching += 1
print("{}/{} matched".format(matching, len(selected)))
def do_analyze_segment(dbconnect, *segment_paths, base_dir='.', prototypes_path="./odo-digit-prototypes"):
def do_analyze_segment(dbconnect, *segment_paths, base_dir='.', prototypes_path="./odo-digit-prototypes"):