`error` | `TEXT` | state | A human-readable error message, set if a non-retryable error occurs. Its presence indicates operator intervention is required. Cleared on a re-edit if set.
`error` | `TEXT` | state | A human-readable error message, set if a non-retryable error occurs. Its presence indicates operator intervention is required. Cleared on a re-edit if set.
`video_id` | `TEXT` | state | An id that can be used to refer to the video to check if transcoding is complete. Often the video_link can be generated from this, but not nessecarily.
`video_id` | `TEXT` | state | An id that can be used to refer to the video to check if transcoding is complete. Often the video_link can be generated from this, but not nessecarily.
`video_link` | `TEXT` | output | A link to the uploaded video. Only set when state is `TRANSCODING` or `DONE`.
`video_link` | `TEXT` | output | A link to the uploaded video. Only set when state is `TRANSCODING` or `DONE`.
`editor` | `TEXT` | state | Email address of the last editor; corresponds to an entry in the `editors` table. Only set when state is not `UNEDITED`.
`edit_time` | `TIMESTAMP` | state | Time of the last edit. Only set when state is not `UNEDITED`.
`upload_time` | `TIMESTAMP` | state | Time when video state is set to `DONE`. Only set when state is `DONE`.