@ -275,31 +275,32 @@ def generate_media_playlist(channel, quality):
if end - start > datetime.timedelta(hours=12) and ('start' not in request.args or 'end' not in request.args):
return "Implicit range may not be longer than 12 hours", 400
cache_key = (hours_path, start, end)
if cache_key in _media_playlist_cache:
return _media_playlist_cache[cache_key].get()
# get_best_segments requires start be before end, special case that as no segments
# (not an error because someone might ask for a specific start, no end, but we ended up with
# end before start because that's the latest time we have)
if start < end:
cache_key = (hours_path, start, end)
if cache_key in _media_playlist_cache:
segments = _media_playlist_cache[cache_key].get()
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end)
# Note the None to indicate there was a "hole" at both start and end
segments = [None]
result = gevent.event.AsyncResult()
# Note we don't populate the cache until we're in the try block,
# so there is no point where an exception won't be transferred to the result.
_media_playlist_cache[cache_key] = result
segments = list(get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end))
playlist = "".join(generate_hls.generate_media(segments, os.path.join(app.static_url_path, channel, quality)))
except BaseException as ex:
# Now we're done, remove the async result so a fresh request can start.
assert _media_playlist_cache.pop(cache_key) is result, "Got someone else's AsyncResult"
# Note the None to indicate there was a "hole" at both start and end
segments = [None]
return generate_hls.generate_media(segments, os.path.join(app.static_url_path, channel, quality))
return playlist