@ -2,35 +2,254 @@
import json
import logging
import signal
import uuid
import argh
import gevent.backdoor
import gevent.event
import prometheus_client as prom
from psycopg2 import sql
from psycopg2.extras import register_uuid
import common
from common.database import DBManager
import common.dateutil
from common.database import DBManager, query
from .sheets import Sheets
class SheetSync(object):
# Time between syncs
# Time to wait after getting an error
def __init__(self, stop, dbmanager, sheets, sheet_id, worksheets, edit_url, bustime_start, allocate_ids=False):
self.stop = stop
self.conn = dbmanager.get_conn()
self.sheets = sheets
self.sheet_id = sheet_id
self.worksheets = worksheets
self.edit_url = edit_url
self.bustime_start = bustime_start
self.allocate_ids = allocate_ids
# Maps DB column names (or general identifier, for non-DB columns) to sheet column indexes.
# Hard-coded for now, future work: determine this from column headers in sheet
self.column_map = {
'event_start': 0,
'event_end': 1,
'category': 2,
'description': 3,
'submitter_winner': 4,
'poster_moment': 5,
'image_links': 6,
'marked_for_edit': 7,
'notes': 8,
'video_link': 10,
'state': 11,
'edit_link': 12,
'error': 13,
'id': 14,
# Maps column names to a function that parses that column's value.
# Functions take a single arg (the value to parse) and ValueError is
# interpreted as None.
# Columns missing from this map default to simply using the string value.
self.column_parsers = {
'event_start': self.parse_bustime,
'event_end': self.parse_bustime,
'poster_moment': lambda v: v == u'[\u2713]', # check mark
'image_links': lambda v: [link.strip() for link in v.split()] if v.strip() else [],
'id': lambda v: uuid.UUID(v) if v.strip() else None,
# List of input columns
self.input_columns = [
# List of output columns
self.output_columns = [
def parse_bustime(self, value):
"""Convert from HH:MM or HH:MM:SS format to datetime"""
bustime = common.parse_bustime(value)
return common.bustime_to_dt(self.bustime_start, bustime)
def wait(self, interval):
def run(self):
while not self.stop.is_set():
# Since the full dataset is small, the cost of round tripping to the database to check
# each row is more expensive than the cost of just grabbing the entire table
# and comparing locally.
events = self.get_events()
for worksheet in self.worksheets:
rows = self.sheets.get_rows(self.sheet_id, worksheet)
for row_index, row in enumerate(rows):
# Skip first row. Need to do it inside the loop and not eg. use rows[1:],
# because then row_index won't be correct.
if row_index == 0:
row = self.parse_row(row)
if row['id'] is None:
if self.allocate_ids:
row['id'] = uuid.uuid4()
logging.info("Allocating id for row {!r}:{} = {}".format(worksheet, row_index, row['id']))
self.sheet_id, worksheet,
row_index, self.column_map['id'],
logging.warning("Row {!r}:{} has no valid id, skipping".format(worksheet, row_index))
self.sync_row(worksheet, row_index, row, events.get(row['id']))
except Exception:
logging.exception("Failed to sync")
logging.info("Successful sync")
def get_events(self):
"""Return the entire events table as a map {id: event namedtuple}"""
result = query(self.conn, "SELECT * FROM events")
by_id = {}
for row in result.fetchall():
by_id[row.id] = row
return by_id
def parse_row(self, row):
"""Take a row as a sequence of columns, and return a dict {column: value}"""
row_dict = {}
for column, index in self.column_map.items():
if index >= len(row):
# Sheets omits trailing columns if they're all empty, so substitute empty string
value = ''
value = row[index]
if column in self.column_parsers:
value = self.column_parsers[column](value)
except ValueError:
value = None
row_dict[column] = value
return row_dict
def sync_row(self, worksheet, row_index, row, event):
"""Take a row dict and an Event from the database (or None if id not found)
and take whatever action is required to sync them, ie. writing to the database or sheet."""
if event is None:
# No event currently in DB, if any field is non-empty, then create it.
# Otherwise ignore it.
if not any(row[col] for col in self.input_columns):
logging.info("Inserting new event {}".format(row['id']))
# Insertion conflict just means that another sheet sync beat us to the insert.
# We can ignore it.
insert_cols = ['id'] + self.input_columns
built_query = sql.SQL("""
INSERT INTO events ({})
sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Identifier(col) for col in insert_cols),
sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Placeholder(col) for col in insert_cols),
query(self.conn, built_query, **row)
# Update database with any changed inputs
changed = [col for col in self.input_columns if row[col] != getattr(event, col)]
if changed:
logging.info("Updating event {} with new value(s) for {}".format(
row['id'], ', '.join(changed)
built_query = sql.SQL("""
UPDATE events
SET {}
WHERE id = %(id)s
""").format(sql.SQL(", ").join(
sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
sql.Identifier(col), sql.Placeholder(col)
) for col in changed
query(self.conn, built_query, **row)
# Update sheet with any changed outputs
format_output = lambda v: '' if v is None else v # cast nulls to empty string
changed = [col for col in self.output_columns if row[col] != format_output(getattr(event, col))]
if changed:
logging.info("Updating sheet row {} with new value(s) for {}".format(
row['id'], ', '.join(changed)
for col in changed:
self.sheet_id, worksheet,
row_index, self.column_map[col],
format_output(getattr(event, col)),
# Set edit link if marked for editing and start/end set.
# This prevents accidents / clicking the wrong row and provides
# feedback that sheet sync is still working.
# Also clear it if it shouldn't be set.
edit_link = self.edit_url.format(row['id']) if row['marked_for_edit'] == '[+] Marked' else ''
if row['edit_link'] != edit_link:
logging.info("Updating sheet row {} with edit link {}".format(row['id'], edit_link))
self.sheet_id, worksheet,
row_index, self.column_map['edit_link'],
@argh.arg('worksheet-names', nargs='+', help="The names of the individual worksheets within the sheet to operate on.")
def main(dbconnect, sheets_creds_file, sheet_id, worksheet_names, metrics_port=8004, backdoor_port=0):
def main(dbconnect, sheets_creds_file, edit_url, bustime_start, sheet_id, worksheet_names, metrics_port=8004, backdoor_port=0, allocate_ids=False):
"""dbconnect should be a postgres connection string, which is either a space-separated
list of key=value pairs, or a URI like:
sheets_creds_file should be a json file containing keys 'client_id', 'client_secret' and 'refresh_token'.
edit_url should be a format string for edit links, with {} as a placeholder for id.
eg. "https://myeditor.example.com/edit/{}" will produce edit urls like
bustime_start is the timestamp which is bustime 00:00.
--allocate-ids means that it will give rows without ids an id.
Only one sheet sync should have --allocate-ids on for a given sheet at once!
if backdoor_port:
gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()
stop = gevent.event.Event()
gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set) # shut down on sigterm
bustime_start = common.dateutil.parse(bustime_start)
logging.info("Starting up")
dbmanager = DBManager(dsn=dbconnect)
@ -42,6 +261,6 @@ def main(dbconnect, sheets_creds_file, sheet_id, worksheet_names, metrics_port=8
# TODO the thing
SheetSync(stop, dbmanager, sheets, sheet_id, worksheet_names, edit_url, bustime_start, allocate_ids).run()
logging.info("Gracefully stopped")