You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

467 lines
16 KiB

import datetime
import errno
import functools
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from uuid import uuid4
import gevent
import gevent.backdoor
import prometheus_client as prom
from flask import Flask, url_for, request, abort, Response
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
from common import dateutil, get_best_segments, rough_cut_segments, fast_cut_segments, full_cut_segments, PromLogCountsHandler, install_stacksampler, serve_with_graceful_shutdown
from common.flask_stats import request_stats, after_request
from common.segments import feed_input, render_segments_waveform, extract_frame
from . import generate_hls
app = Flask('restreamer', static_url_path='/segments')
The restreamer is a simple http api for listing available segments and generating
HLS playlists for them.
The segments themselves are ideally to be served by some external webserver
under "/segments/<channel>/<quality>/<hour>/<filename>" (ie. with BASE_DIR
under "/segments"), though this server will also serve them if requested.
def listdir(path, error=True):
"""List files in path, excluding hidden files.
Behaviour when path doesn't exist depends on error arg.
If error is True, raise 404. Otherwise, return [].
return [name for name in os.listdir(path) if not name.startswith('.')]
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
if error:
return []
def has_path_args(fn):
"""Decorator to wrap routes which take args which are to be used as parts of a filepath.
Disallows hidden folders and path traversal.
def _has_path_args(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
# Disallowing a leading . prevents both hidden files and path traversal ("..")
if value.startswith('.'):
return "Bad {}: May not start with a period".format(key), 403
return fn(**kwargs)
return _has_path_args
def cors(app):
"""WSGI middleware that sets CORS headers"""
("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "false"),
("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"),
("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,HEAD"),
("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"),
("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400"),
def handle(environ, start_response):
def _start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None):
headers += HEADERS
return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
return app(environ, _start_response)
return handle
def metrics():
"""Return current metrics in prometheus metrics format"""
return prom.generate_latest()
# To make nginx proxying simpler, we want to allow /metrics/* to work
def metrics_with_trailing(trailing):
"""Expose Prometheus metrics."""
return prom.generate_latest()
def list_channels():
"""Returns a JSON list of channels for which there may be segments available.
Returns empty list if no channels are available.
path = app.static_folder
return json.dumps(listdir(path, error=False))
def list_qualities(channel):
"""Returns a JSON list of qualities for the given channel for which there
may be segments available. Returns empty list on non-existent channels, etc."""
path = os.path.join(
return json.dumps(listdir(path, error=False))
def list_hours(channel, quality):
"""Returns a JSON list of hours for the given channel and quality for which
there may be segments available. Returns empty list on non-existent
channels, etc.
path = os.path.join(
return json.dumps(listdir(path, error=False))
def list_segments(channel, quality, hour):
"""Returns a JSON list of segment files for a given channel, quality and
hour. Returns empty list on non-existant channels, etc.
path = os.path.join(
return json.dumps(listdir(path, error=False))
def time_range_for_quality(channel, quality):
"""Returns earliest and latest times that the given quality has segments for
(up to hour resolution), or 404 if it doesn't exist / is empty."""
hours = listdir(os.path.join(app.static_folder, channel, quality))
if not hours:
first, last = min(hours), max(hours)
# note last hour parses to _start_ of that hour, so we add 1h to go to end of that hour
def parse_hour(s):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H")
return parse_hour(first), parse_hour(last) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
def generate_master_playlist(channel):
"""Returns a HLS master playlist for the given channel.
Takes optional params:
start, end: The time to begin and end the stream at.
See generate_media_playlist for details.
start = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['start']) if 'start' in request.args else None
end = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['end']) if 'end' in request.args else None
qualities = listdir(os.path.join(app.static_folder, channel))
playlists = {}
for quality in qualities:
# If start or end are given, try to restrict offered qualities to ones which exist for that
# time range.
if start is not None or end is not None:
first, last = time_range_for_quality(channel, quality)
if start is not None and last < start:
continue # last time for quality is before our start time, don't offer quality
if end is not None and end < first:
continue # our end time is before first time for quality, don't offer quality
playlists[quality] = url_for(
'generate_media_playlist', channel=channel, quality=quality, **request.args
return generate_hls.generate_master(playlists)
def generate_media_playlist(channel, quality):
"""Returns a HLS media playlist for the given channel and quality.
Takes optional params:
start, end: The time to begin and end the stream at.
Must be in ISO 8601 format (ie. yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS) and UTC.
If not given, effectively means "infinity", ie. no start means
any time ago, no end means any time in the future.
Note that because it returns segments _covering_ that range, the playlist
may start slightly before and end slightly after the given times.
hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, channel, quality)
if not os.path.isdir(hours_path):
start = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['start']) if 'start' in request.args else None
end = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['end']) if 'end' in request.args else None
if start is None or end is None:
# If start or end are not given, use the earliest/latest time available
first, last = time_range_for_quality(channel, quality)
if start is None:
start = first
if end is None:
end = last
# get_best_segments requires start be before end, special case that as no segments
# (not an error because someone might ask for a specific start, no end, but we ended up with
# end before start because that's the latest time we have)
if start < end:
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end)
# Note the None to indicate there was a "hole" at both start and end
segments = [None]
return generate_hls.generate_media(segments, os.path.join(app.static_url_path, channel, quality))
def cut(channel, quality):
"""Return a MPEGTS video file covering the exact timestamp range.
start, end: The start and end times, down to the millisecond.
Must be in ISO 8601 format (ie. yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS) and UTC.
If not given (and ranges not given), will use the earliest/latest data available.
range: A pair "START,END" which are formatted as per start and end args.
Overrides "start" and "end" options.
This option may be given multiple times.
The final video will consist of all the ranges cut back to back,
in the order given, with hard cuts between each range.
allow_holes: Optional, default false. If false, errors out with a 406 Not Acceptable
if any holes are detected, rather than producing a video with missing parts.
Set to true by passing "true" (case insensitive).
Even if holes are allowed, a 406 may result if the resulting video (or any individual
range) would be empty.
type: One of:
"rough": A direct concat, like a fast cut but without any ffmpeg.
It may extend beyond the requested start and end times by a few seconds.
"fast": Very fast but with minor artifacting where the first and last segments join
the other segments.
"mpegts": A full cut to a streamable mpegts format. This consumes signifigant server
resources, so please use sparingly.
if 'range' in request.args:
parts = [part.split(',') for part in request.args.getlist('range')]
ranges = [
(dateutil.parse_utc_only(start), dateutil.parse_utc_only(end))
for start, end in parts
start = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['start']) if 'start' in request.args else None
end = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['end']) if 'end' in request.args else None
if start is None or end is None:
# If start or end are not given, use the earliest/latest time available
first, last = time_range_for_quality(channel, quality)
if start is None:
start = first
if end is None:
end = last
ranges = [(start, end)]
for start, end in ranges:
if end <= start:
return "Ends must be after starts", 400
allow_holes = request.args.get('allow_holes', 'false').lower()
if allow_holes not in ["true", "false"]:
return "allow_holes must be one of: true, false", 400
allow_holes = (allow_holes == "true")
hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, channel, quality)
if not os.path.isdir(hours_path):
segment_ranges = []
for start, end in ranges:
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end)
if not allow_holes and None in segments:
return "Requested time range contains holes or is incomplete.", 406
if not any(segment is not None for segment in segments):
return "We have no content available within the requested time range.", 406
type = request.args.get('type', 'fast')
if type == 'rough':
return Response(rough_cut_segments(segment_ranges, ranges), mimetype='video/MP2T')
elif type == 'fast':
return Response(fast_cut_segments(segment_ranges, ranges), mimetype='video/MP2T')
elif type in ('mpegts', 'mp4'):
if type == 'mp4':
return "mp4 type has been disabled due to the load it causes", 400
# encode as high-quality, without wasting too much cpu on encoding
stream, muxer, mimetype = (True, 'mpegts', 'video/MP2T') if type == 'mpegts' else (False, 'mp4', 'video/mp4')
encoding_args = ['-c:v', 'libx264', '-preset', 'ultrafast', '-crf', '0', '-f', muxer]
if len(ranges) > 1:
return "full cut does not support multiple ranges at this time", 400
start, end = ranges[0]
return Response(full_cut_segments(segment_ranges[0], start, end, encoding_args, stream=stream), mimetype=mimetype)
return "Unknown type {!r}".format(type), 400
def generate_waveform(channel, quality):
Returns a PNG image showing the audio waveform over the requested time period.
start, end: Required. The start and end times.
Must be in ISO 8601 format (ie. yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS) and UTC.
The returned image may extend beyond the requested start and end times by a few seconds.
size: The image size to render in form WIDTHxHEIGHT. Default 1024x64.
start = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['start'])
end = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['end'])
if end <= start:
return "End must be after start", 400
if end - start > datetime.timedelta(hours=6):
return "Range may not be longer than 6 hours", 400
size = request.args.get('size', '1024x64')
width, height = map(int, size.split('x'))
except ValueError:
return "Invalid size", 400
if not ((0 < width <= 4096) and (0 < height <= 4096)):
return "Image size must be between 1x1 and 4096x4096", 400
hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, channel, quality)
if not os.path.isdir(hours_path):
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end)
if not any(segment is not None for segment in segments):
return "We have no content available within the requested time range.", 406
return Response(render_segments_waveform(segments, (width, height)), mimetype='image/png')
def get_frame(channel, quality):
Returns a PNG image for the frame at the specific timestamp given.
timestamp: Required. The timestamp to get.
Must be in ISO 8601 format (ie. yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS) and UTC.
timestamp = dateutil.parse_utc_only(request.args['timestamp'])
hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, channel, quality)
if not os.path.isdir(hours_path):
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, timestamp, timestamp)
if not any(segment is not None for segment in segments):
return "We have no content available within the requested time range.", 406
return Response(extract_frame(segments, timestamp), mimetype='image/png')
@app.route('/generate_videos/<channel>/<quality>', methods=['POST'])
def generate_videos(channel, quality):
Takes a JSON body {name: [start, end]} where start and end are timestamps.
Creates files CHANNEL_QUALITY_NAME_N.mkv for each contiguous range of segments
in that hour range (ie. split at holes) and saves them in the segments directory.
videos = request.json
for name, (start, end) in videos.items():
start = dateutil.parse_utc_only(start)
end = dateutil.parse_utc_only(end)
# protect against directory traversal
if "/" in name:
return "Name cannot contain /", 400
if end <= start:
return "End must be after start", 400
hours_path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, channel, quality)
if not os.path.isdir(hours_path):
segments = get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end)
contiguous = []
n = 0"Generating contiguous videos {!r} for {}/{} from {} to {}".format(
name, channel, quality, start, end,
def write_file(segments, n):
output_name = os.path.join(app.static_folder, '{}_{}_{}_{}.mkv'.format(channel, quality, name, n))
if os.path.exists(output_name):"Skipping generating hours video - already exists")
temp_name = os.path.join(app.static_folder, "temp-{}.mkv".format(uuid4()))
args = [
'-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', # suppress noisy output
'-i', '-',
'-c', 'copy',
]"Generating video with args: {}".format(" ".join(args)))
proc = None
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
# feed_input will write all the segments and close stdin
feed_input(segments, proc.stdin)
# now wait for it to finish and check errors
if proc.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("ffmpeg exited {}".format(proc.returncode))
os.rename(temp_name, output_name)
if os.path.exists(temp_name):
for segment in segments:
if segment is not None:
if contiguous:
write_file(contiguous, n)
n += 1
contiguous = []
if contiguous:
write_file(contiguous, n)
return ''
def main(host='', port=8000, base_dir='.', backdoor_port=0):
app.static_folder = base_dir
server = WSGIServer((host, port), cors(app))
if backdoor_port:
gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()